Facts have proved that the divine leadership of "I love to eat pumpkin pie" did not subscribe to the blood avalanche because it wrote the role of "an youyou". On the contrary, its attention has increased!

Of course, the reason is that some good people go to other places to "publicize" or black such a small white text. In some tweet bars and forums, some people use such a title to black——

Recently, I saw a little white article in officialdom. It was well written, but the author even learned from those Wen Qing writers who like to feed shit and died directly. This is death

"Has anyone read the book of divine leadership? There is a role based on miss a Yu, which is written to death. It's really terrible!"

"See Xiaobai's Wenqing routine again. It's depressing. Abandon books! Abandon books!"

"I can't understand the idea of a little white officialdom article. You say a writer who writes cool articles, why do you want to kill a female character who is well shaped?"


There is no doubt that an youyou's death is a very controversial plot, because everyone has been washed white by an youyou circle powder before, and the result is not hot. She actually died like this. Do you want to play with readers like this?

Many people also pointed out the archetypal character of an youyou in Hei's work. It is miss a Yu, who is known as "the first sister of fish fighting" and "the king of fish fighting pigeon", which makes the onlookers who have heard of a Yu and also appreciated her beauty have a strong interest.

There are even many fans of ah Yu. In reality, they can't have closer contact with ah Yu. Can they meet their deep YY in the novel?

So many people who had never heard of "divine leadership" went into the pit, and some had never even read online novels.

There is no doubt that cute new readers who have never read online novels naturally have a cordial feeling for Xiaobai Wen. Who didn't come from Xiaobai stage?

The brutal YY of "divine leadership" vividly shows the distorted values of "being an official can do whatever you want". Obviously, everyone knows that this is completely untenable in reality, but when you read the novel, you will only feel refreshing after deeply substituting it. Where will you care so much?

Those readers who want to see the author's story about YY Miss Yu feel a little unhappy. It is clear that the role of "an youyou" has just been portrayed in a three-dimensional way and is more flesh and blood than other female characters. How can they die in the blink of an eye?

Such a death is really satisfying and heartbreaking

"Divine leadership" has further expanded its popularity due to the death of "an youyou". Although it is still a small fire, the increased royalties are real for the creator "I love pumpkin cake" Xu Liangming!

This naturally surprised Xu Liangming. He decided to write it like this without adding the role of twin sister. Sometimes regret can be remembered.

In fact, this incident also made Xu Liangming deeply reflect. He had always felt that mindless cool writing was the king. It was easy to write, easy to read, and Xiaobai readers always paid happily.

But obviously, if he just keeps writing mindless cool articles, he can't gather fans at all. There won't be any iron powder, and there won't be all kinds of discussions about his works now

No matter how paralyzed he is, as a creator, he is still very eager to be recognized in his heart. In addition to the cost of the manuscript, he always has some other pursuit.

It seems that sometimes he envies that his author friends can receive gifts from fans on birthdays or various festivals. However, he can't have such treatment. After all, Xiaobai readers pay for it, but they are also famous for not recognizing the author. Often when the author opens a new book after the completion of a Book, he has no desire to chase it.

Because xiaobaiwen is too replaceable, it has no own characteristics. If you can see your xiaobaiwen, you can naturally see his.

Don't use too many golden fingers like "divine leadership" with the ability of mind reading and Qi watching, and then play officialdom!

Therefore, there will also be a situation, that is, the author drags on, writing tens of millions of words in one book. In another world, the great God author of the second generation of fish man is regarded as a representative figure, but he has divine personality. Many people know him. More often, a book is very popular and can even earn more than 100000 or 200000 yuan for the creator a month, But when it comes to the author, everyone will say that they have never heard of

Some authors naturally make a lot of money quietly, regardless of whether their pseudonym is valuable or not, while some writers who have pursuit want to break out of greater fame and condense divine personality. Naturally, they have to go to the starting point novel network to "preach".

Therefore, the "rookie king" of the starting point novel network is actually false. The so-called "rookie" is just a "new vest". Unless the real rookie has a real talent against the sky, he must be honed for a period of time to make achievements.

Xu Liangming has grown up after such a thing. Maybe his next work will try to get out of the original routine. He thinks that as long as his life pressure is not so great, he should be able to write something he likes.

Although this "divine leadership" did not bring Zhao youyue any character cards, many readers were full of good feelings for the prototype character miss a Yu in an youyou's reality. It also made a small fire in the online literary circle for a while. Many readers began to look for the YY text of the so-called "receiving miss a Yu".

Of course, Zhao youyue is too lazy to care about it. The creator can't write about her openly. That's a real infringement. However, there's no way to stop it

In fact, those entertainment stars' articles are basically directly homophonic, and they have not seen the stars jump out to investigate. Now Zhao youyue naturally can't jump out to stop some creators living in dreams.

In a word, this trip to officialdom has finally come to a successful end.

Zhao youyue now really hates the randomness of the "door of the second dimension". Two works in a row are all slag. The first cartoon of the second killer is just that. Anyway, she can exit after it collapses. The second officialdom Xiaobai Wen makes her exit carefully without side effects, and the "door of the second dimension" falls into a cooling state again.

At this time, the time has come to the middle of May. It is only more than 20 days away from the college entrance examination. Zhao youyue simply put aside the "dimension gate", which is very unfriendly to the African chieftain, and first concentrate on the college entrance examination. Maybe her fortune will change after the college entrance examination?


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