Of course, Wu Shun is also familiar with the name "Su Li", even if he has not seen each other's comics.

However, the other party, as a great God figure in the field of comics and illustration, through another way, almost everyone knows on the network. That is, her brush has magic. It is said that as long as it is the character under her brush, it will encounter misfortune!

If the character does not encounter misfortune, the author who created the character will encounter misfortune

To tell the truth, Wu Shun was totally unfortunate about such rumors at the beginning, which is too bullshit. However, with many good people and people addicted to playing with Su Li's stem, he summed up a series of achievements of Su Li, and every time Su Li made something, he was ridiculed. For a long time, many people began to believe in her metaphysics.

Wu Shun actually doesn't believe in this thing, but when he saw the audience in the live studio brush Su Li's stem like this, he couldn't help joking: "if this artist Su Li is really the illustrator Su Li, it would be great. After all, in the game, no matter the unknown girl, Yan Qingmeng and Li Xiye, they are really miserable, especially the unknown girl, In fact, she is the heroine hidden in the DLC. However, her experience is too tragic. I just don't know if there is an ending of her immortality in other lines... "

In fact, Wu Shun thinks that the appearance of "Su Li" in the production personnel may be just a coincidence. After all, Su Li draws cartoons. How can he get involved in the game production?

Many viewers are also of this view. They just feel that even if they encounter a person with the same name, there can be no misfortune anywhere, and there is Su Li everywhere, right?

There are also Su Li's fans in the live broadcast room, perhaps Yan Juan Xiang's brain powder. He said that Su Lida recently opened a cartoon, drawing both the strongest king and making a girl's daily life. How can he engage in the game Xiake 3? So this is definitely the same name. He once again asked everyone not to throw the pot on Su Lida, the real culprit, It's clearly the old thief Zha Feng!

Every time Su Li makes something wrong, there are always fans who love her so much. Even Zhao youyue is a fan of this type. She always tries her best to wash her white. Therefore, Su Li is really pathetic to say "the pot of this world"

However, every time these fans are beaten in the face by the facts!

This time is obviously no exception. After the live broadcast of Wu Shun on this day, the audience in his live studio asked the party Su Li whether she had participated in the production of Xiake 3.

As the first artist of the new DLC, Su Li made great efforts. In addition to the rich beacon game company, she also participated in the same project with Miss Zhao. This game is still miss Zhao's favorite game, so she is full of energy.

Su Li also knew how miserable the unknown girl's role was in the end of the game, but there was no fluctuation in her heart. As a creator, she was a very cold creation. Just like when she painted the role of "Xu Jing", it can be said that she played the fate of Xu Jing to the extreme just to make readers feel more interesting.

So the nameless girl is so miserable and distressing. What can she do? After all, she is just a virtual character for people to consume and entertain.

Su Li used this kind of mentality to lightly outline many images of heart abuse, which can make players feel a strong visual impact. Like those CG animations in the childhood of unknown girls, Su Li participated in the whole process

Su Li was surprised that someone asked her this question so soon. Did someone pass the customs, or did he recognize her just from the character's painting style?

Since Su Li only watched Miss Zhao's live broadcast, he naturally didn't know that there was such a game as Wu Shun's "liver emperor". Almost all his time was invested in the game except sleeping. He even played the game when eating. Of course, such a "liver emperor" was far faster than Miss Zhao in the promotion of the game plot.

Su Li is still so frank. She admitted directly on her microblog that she did participate in the production of the new DLC of the game, then released some original paintings of characters, and publicized a wave of new albums of the game. As long as the sales of albums are high, of course, her income is higher, and she has a share in it.

For Su Li, who loves money, she will work hard to publicize all the works that can improve her income. Now the game has been successfully listed, because the quality of the new DLC is so outstanding and the popularity of the game is rising, so Su Li will take advantage of the trend to increase the popularity of the game

As for the inevitable remarks such as "Su Li is poisonous" and "Su Daxian has made achievements again", she doesn't care at all. It's up to everyone to look at it. Anyway, her brush is so full of magic, and she believes that these metaphysics are the most coquettish!

Sure enough, when Su Li admitted on her microblog that she was the main character designer of the new DLC of the game, released the original character paintings and publicized the surrounding picture books of the game, her microblog exploded again!

"No wonder the nameless little sister is so miserable! The truth is that she was cursed by Su Daxian! "

"When watching the anchor play this game before, I felt that the character painting style inside was inexplicably familiar. However, I haven't remembered who it was. After all, there is a great difference between 3D and 2D. Now I finally know why it looked familiar. It turned out that it was Su Li's pen!"

"Su Daxian's way is really wild. The comic and novel circles are all plagued. Now it's the game world's turn. In addition, chafeng old thief is a real chicken thief. I thought the players who were trapped these two days would denounce him. Now, the pot of the world is online to grab the pot!"

"What" Xiake 3: Sword "is clearly" Xiake 3: pot ". I love Su Lida. In fact, she is definitely calculated by the old thief chafeng. Now no matter which field the old thief is, I'm afraid they all like to cooperate with Su Lida. Anyway, they can torture their sister and send her lunch, and Su Lida will always carry the pot!"

"Cha Feng's old thief really has a vision. After the new DLC goes online, I feel that the whole game has been reborn. Both the quality and sales of the game have improved to a higher level, not to mention the great attention brought by Su Daxian..."

"I haven't heard of this game before. Now, because of Su Daxian, I started it at the first time. Yes, I am a loyal believer in Su Li metaphysics! Support Daxian, start with me! "