In yenefa's memory, although Kyle Mohan is desolate, this place naturally gives her a lot of good memories because of jerot.

Yenaifa was born in poverty and was used to hardship when she was a child. She studied at airitusa college on Sunid island. It was her talent that made her pay the high tuition fees. She couldn't afford it.

Ye naifa also won the respect of other students and teachers by virtue of her achievements in the college. Finally, she successfully graduated from the college, and then made a name on the mainland step by step. Finally, she became a well-known alumni.

Therefore, yenefa does not have high requirements for the quality of life, or she is not as keen on the luxury and elegance of upper class aristocratic life as Kaila. She pays more attention to other things, such as feelings.

Many people may think that yenefa doesn't have such deep feelings for Jerome, because she always seems very cold and bossy towards Jerome. She is not as gentle and considerate as Trish. In fact, yenefa is willing to have children for Jerome and is still actively looking for ways to have children. She can also suffer with Jerome, Live a life that other female warlocks can't stand

Women who can share adversity are more reliable than women who can only enjoy themselves. When you are in a desperate situation and have nothing, that woman still firmly loves you. Maybe this kind of love can be regarded as true love.

Such love is rare and harsh. For most people, it is unrealistic to do this, because it is obvious that ordinary people will not be miserable to that extent, and then give such a test opportunity.

Besides, everyone doesn't just exist without his identity, status, wealth and ability. There's no need to separate all these things, and then forcibly say that this kind of love is the purest. Some people just say it well. They will love him no matter how poor he is, because they know that the probability of being poor in his life may be extremely small, Unless there is a super accident, at that time, the very moving "pure love" said before will disappear without a trace.

When people have nothing, they will see clearly what they love each other, whether it is the person itself or other aspects.

Some strange people may like the point that "she doesn't like me". Once she likes him, or even two people are together, he may be dull and find that he still doesn't like her after all. Finally, his feelings become weaker and weaker, and naturally he broke up.

When yenefa came to kelmohan again, she was always in doubt about whether I came to the wrong place, just because she found that many roads to kelmohan were also well built, which can be said to be very convenient for transportation. Then, the closer she was to the ancient castle of kelmohan, the more crowded she found. It was really the desolate kelmohan, Not novigree, the most commercially developed city of freedom?

Yenefa had never heard of the rumor that Kyle Mohan had experienced great development for several years and then changed greatly, but she obviously felt that such rumor must be too exaggerated. She couldn't imagine what a desolate, barren and remote place could develop into in such a short time.

Until her eyes, there appeared the "miracle city" that had appeared in many poetry chanting people. Yes, many cities like to call it XX City, such as freedom city and golden pagoda city. Now Kyle Mohan is called the miracle City, which seems to be only the basic operation.

In such a short time, the ultimate use of black technology magic to build such a beautiful and huge city, why can't it be called a miracle city?

This city has even become a holy land in the eyes of some mages, because it has opened a new door to many mages - can magic still be used like this?

Of course, this is a mage with broad vision, and some stubborn mages still feel that using magic in this way is too overqualified. How can such noble things as magic be used on ordinary people, infrastructure and cleaning? This is an insult to magic.

Olivia will never give a good face to such a mage with solidified thoughts, nor will she give them preferential treatment. She feels that mages in this world, or natural owners of blood power, have infinite potential. As long as they are willing to learn, they may all have scientists who can surpass another world in their own field.

Because if scientists in the modern world want to explore the truth, they must use various instruments. As long as warlocks have a step-by-step insight into their blood power and know why, their power will become extremely powerful. Perhaps this power does not refer to combat power, but the ability to transform the world.

In the final analysis, according to Olivia, who has modern scientific thinking, unless she is the "chosen son" with "the blood of the elderly", her potential in combat effectiveness is infinite, or even the magic power of high-level warlocks, such as Trish's, must not be comparable to the lethality of modern scientific and technological weapons!

Olivia wants to train warlocks as scientists rather than soldiers. This idea is absolutely unique in the whole continent. This is also the fundamental reason why her Kyle Mohan can become a "high-tech force".

Ye naifa was shocked by the geometric beauty of the "miracle city". She didn't know how to describe the city that seemed to be built after accurate calculation. She only knew that perhaps the rumors she had heard before were not too exaggerated. After all, seeing is believing now.

In that case, the legendary experience of Princess Olivia, the "Pearl of the north", may not be so false, and jerot, the adoptive father, has also been exposed. To put it bluntly, now jerot is probably the most famous demon hunter in the whole continent, and with his daughter's face, he can eat wherever he goes.

Maybe jerlot didn't think of it himself. He can still have a day of "fighting for his daughter". After all, he's only heard of "fighting for his father" these days. What's the operation of "fighting for his daughter"?

Yenefa finally became more curious about jerot's adopted daughter


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