I'm afraid that's what the Secretary of the Ministry of war worried about.

"I'm willing to help Wang Ye plan because I see Wang Ye's heart for Dongyue, but after all, I'm also Wan'er's father. Now I just want Wang Ye to let Wan'er live one day."

Mr. Zhou nodded respectfully, with a helpless and helpless expression on his face.

Huo Yanchen didn't know what he thought of. His eyes deepened gradually. He took a look at the look of Mr. Zhou and answered a good word.

Zhou Ruixin is Nanke. He has already found out that he wanted to tell the Secretary of the Ministry of war to eliminate his worries, but Huo Yanchen didn't want to say it.

Zhou adults see Huo Yanchen should his words, busy bow to thank, Huo Yanchen will help him up.

"The prince will know if you go out from my Yuwang mansion today. I guess that before night, the prince will send someone to invite you. At that time, if the prince asks, he will answer what we have talked about truthfully."

"This... How does the Lord want his ministers to answer?"

Mr. Zhou hesitated. The prince was shrewd and ruthless. He was afraid that he would show a clue in front of him. If he didn't do anything, he would lose everything.

"If he asks, you will answer him. The king pretends to lead the troops out of the pass, but in fact he wants to support the troops in rebellion. The day is when he will lead the troops out of the city one day."

Huo Yanchen's unpredictable and indistinguishable look surprised him. I think that Nanmen Yu is not Huo Yanchen's opponent at all.

"So I retired."

Get Huo Yanchen's order, the Minister of the Ministry of war looks worried by Mo Fei to take advantage of the night sent out of the palace.

When Mo Fei came back, it was late in the night, and the sky began to drizzle.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Huo Yanchen standing in the yard with an umbrella. He was dressed in a light suit, and his ink hair was hanging on his shoulder. A wisp of hair floating out of the umbrella with the wind was dropping drops of water.

He seems to know nothing, only silently looking at the empty night sky.


Mo FA came up to him and called, and he came back to himself.

The cold on the body instantly pulls away, becomes indifferent and proud, should the Mo flies.

"Sure enough, the prince's people connected Mr. Zhou to the Xuanlong hall."

"Whether you can cheat the prince or not depends on Mr. Zhou."

In the middle of their conversation, there is a slight sound coming from the wall. Mo FA is on the alert for a moment. When he glances over his head, he finds that Xi Yueer's cat is jumping down from the wall.

It's about rain, water stains, sticky hair, even expression.

On the eyes of Mo Fei, meow called, and then dawdled to Huo Yanchen feet.

The vamp that uses wet head to test rubs Huo Yanchen, see he did not have an attack, cry, then deftly crouch in Huo Yanchen's foot side.

Huo Yanchen frowned at first, then sighed. He stooped to pick up the cat and put it into his arms. His slender fingers caressed his mellow head.

"What's going on outside the city?"

Huo Yanchen's words drag back the eyes that Mo Fei falls on the flower cat.

Huo Yanchen's white chest has been printed with several dirty footprints by Huamao.

"It has been arranged. The day after tomorrow, the Lord will lead the troops first, and they will move after that."

"That's good."

Wind and rain big up, Huo Yanchen holding the cat back to the room, Mo Fei out of the yard.

Xuanlong hall lights bright, south door Yu listen to strike Department Secretary's words, eyes suspicious, but face lit up anger.

"That's true."

"I'm the only one. Now I'm the crown princess. I'm surrounded by my highness. How dare I cheat you."

The fear on the minister's face is just right. Nanmen Yu doesn't doubt it any more, and his face is suddenly gloomy.

"What do you think of Mr. He?"

Huo Yanchen wants to raise his army, which is unexpected at the beginning of Nanmen Yu. In addition, Huo Yanchen's military power makes Nanmen Yu more uneasy.

"The king of Yu can think of things we can think of. He must know that once he leaves Liangcheng, it's very difficult for him to come back. In addition, there are people in the dungeon that he thinks of. So he came up with a way to force the palace to win the throne once and for all."

"Sir, it is true that the king of Henan forced the palace to seize the throne."

Huo Yanchen thought carefully, south door Yu afraid all this is Huo Yanchen's stratagem, can listen to he Si's words, his eyes tremble, suddenly panic up.

"Whether it's true or not, your highness should deploy it as soon as possible."

He Si's tone was light, and his dark eyes crossed with a faint light.

"How to deploy, sir, you have a clever plan."

Since Huo Yanchen dares to cause trouble, why does he dare? It's a big deal.

"Your Highness, don't wait for a rabbit."

He Si's words undoubtedly remind Nanmen Yu that Huo Yanchen has troops, so does he.

Now that the situation is like this, let's make a quick decision.

"Now that the king of Yu is in the light and his highness is in the dark, we just need to take the opportunity to kill him unprepared after the incident, and expose his crimes in front of the emperor. At that time, even if he does not die, it will be impossible for him to live with the emperor."

He Si's eyes are shining. He means to let nanmenyu be the Yellow sparrow on the branch.

A mantis waiting to catch cicadas.

Standing beside them, the palm of the Secretary of the Ministry of war was wet with sweat.

He looked at the south door Yu face a flash of excitement, eyes across a struggle, quietly dropped his head.

Xiaoxiao night drizzle until dawn, but on the second day, the weather not only did not improve, but it rained more.

Rain does not stop, but everything seems calm.

"Your Highness, an army suddenly appeared outside the city. It seems that they are from the king of Henan."

The black bodyguard walked into Xuanlong hall and looked at the bright yellow standing near the window.

"Inform the gate that they will enter the city tomorrow, and let them in."


"The people at the gate of the palace and outside of Fulin palace can be arranged."

If Huo Yanchen wants to be rebellious, the palace gate and Fulin Palace are the two barriers. They just need to keep the two barriers.

"Don't worry, your highness. At this moment, a lot of soldiers have been ambushed outside Fulin palace, and the guards of the palace gate have been changed into our people. Tomorrow, the king of Yu will never come back, or come in or go out."

The black bodyguard said fiercely:


South door Yu hook hook lip, signal bodyguard back down.

Just as the bodyguard was about to leave, he was called by nanmenyu. He asked the bodyguard where he had gone.

The bodyguard said that he had gone to Fulin palace to feel his pulse early in the morning. Nanmenyu's eyes moved, and finally just waved his hand.

The guard retreated.

It's always the father who sent people to invite us. How can we be so positive today.

Looking out of the window. Dark sky, south door Yu showed suspicious expression, what idea in the heart flashed by, but quickly can't grasp, finally had to give up.

The fragrance of ambergris is curling, the people on the bed close their eyes, their gray hair, their gullied cheeks, and their blue and white faces.

Without the majesty of the king of a country, only the frowning brow showed the last pride and dignity of nanmenyu.

His health is getting worse day by day.