"Da!" This is the sound of the slight impact of wood. Xiyue'er looks at the direction of the window and frowns.

She stood in the middle of the room, alert, thinking back to the place where the fold was put. She walked a few steps in the dark and kicked the stool. Xiyueer didn't care. She continued walking and kicked something.

Xi yue'er directly stepped on the past and came to the cupboard. She didn't find the fire fold. She had to shout to the door twice: "Ling Xing!? Ling Xing! Is anyone there

Only the sound of rain and thunder answered her.

Xi yue'er then called twice, but no one answered.

Xi yue'er is uneasy. She must be more than one in this room. She doesn't know what the purpose of that person is.

She can't run out. Since she can come into her room, there must be arrangements outside. If she goes out, she still doesn't know what she will encounter. It's raining heavily outside. If she falls, the child won't be protected.

In the room, at least she knows the layout of the room, and can know where is where by memory.

But there was no sound in the room. Xiyue'er also adapted to the darkness, and could vaguely see the pillars.

Xiyue'er's back to the door, what she is most afraid of now is that there are too many people in the room. She can't resist it. Without realizing it, her pupils climb up the blood.

The whole person was on guard. He pulled the sword from the pillar. It was prepared a long time ago, just to prevent such a situation.


On the other side of the room, there was a sudden sound. The evening moon suddenly turns her head and uses her ears to face the side that makes a sound. As soon as she steps out, she hears a sound from the bed.

Xiyue'er is a little nervous now, but she is not afraid. She can't be afraid now.

"Boom boom!"

Thunder with lightning! But light up the whole room.

But only for a moment, xiyue'er habitually closed her eyes just now, without looking at the room.

Back to the screen, back to the screen.

Suddenly something fell down in front of her. Xiyue'er raised her hand to chop a few swords, but it didn't work.

Step forward, it seems to step on something.

Xiyue'er is like a blind man now. She can't see anything, only by hearing, smelling and touching.

Before squatting down, I could smell a light putrid smell.

Xi yue'er was startled. She suddenly remembered the appearance of Er Chou when he was rotting. She seemed to think of something. She rowed at her feet with her sword and didn't touch the floor.

Now, xiyue'er confirms that it's not the people who appear in this room.

Xi yue'er is relieved, as long as it's not human. Then he began to laugh. I haven't seen a bloody picture for a long time.

Tonight, I dream of the bloody appearance of Er Chou. Xi yue'er sniffs the light putrid smell in the room and gets excited.

Squat down and touch the ground. It's not brocade, it's not gauze. It feels a little slippery and cool. When you move your fingers, it seems hard to touch thin things one by one.

Some of them are like hair. Xiyueer is not sure. Some of them are scalp


This time, xiyue'er didn't close her eyes. She could see clearly what her hand touched.

Slightly yellow, with red spots, that's blood.

Xi yue'er narrowed her eyes and felt good, but she didn't know whose skin it was.

Just now, by the light of lightning, xiyue'er determined her mind. The skin starts from the hair, one to the heel, but only on the back.

Xiyue'er is still very disgusted. She finds the table, pours tea and washes her hands. Then she feels more comfortable.

I think of the figure I saw this evening. I think it's probably the man's skin print

I haven't thought about it yet. It's another dull thunder.

Xiyue'er continued to look around. This time, the lightning was a little dark, and the time was not long. Xiyue'er didn't see anything.

Unexpectedly, there is a feeling of treasure hunting. Xiyue'er doesn't know if the person who wants to scare her has a brain attack.

This time, xiyue'er determined what she had touched on the instep of her foot, stabbed it with her sword, heard the sound of skin tearing, and looked at it with low eyes. It was she who forgot, and now she can't see anything.

He was about to step back when he was caught in the ankle.

Xi yue'er almost leaned back and nervously protected her child.

The sword is a horizontal, cut from the arm that grabs oneself ankle there.


This is the sound of touching bones, but xiyueer didn't smell the rotten smell just now.

"Princess! Princess! "

This is the sound of the star. The moon turns her head and looks at the shadow printed on the door.

Get ready and open the door.

Ling Xing was all wet, and his clothes were on the meat. Holding his shoulders, he seemed to be very cold.

Xi yue'er couldn't see her face clearly and didn't get close to her.

This time, the lightning hit just right.

Xi yue'er sees Ling Xing's pale face, blue lips and helpless eyes. She will fall down in the next second.

"Ling Xing? Come on in As soon as xiyue'er helps Lingxing into the door, Lingxing falls to the ground and cries quietly.

The evening moon can hear the sound of her teeth trembling.

I found a new quilt to cover Ling Xing and wipe the rain on her body.

"Wang... Princess... I'm so afraid..." Ling Xing grabs Xi yue'er's voice and doesn't let it go. She's very tight, and her voice is trembling.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." How can Xi yue'er forget that since she has this kind of thing, it must be the same with Ling Xing. She is scared to death. "They are all dead things. Now I'm with you. Let them be ghosts or demons. I'll protect you."

Ling Xing felt that he had something to rely on. Thinking about what he had just seen, he trembled again, and the whole person was leaning on Xi yue'er.

Xi yue'er, like a child, hugs her and blocks what she just cut. She can't be seen by Ling Xing any more. She thinks of the human skin at the door.

If Ling Xing knew that he had stepped on it, he would be frightened again.

Xi yue'er talks with Ling Xing in a soft voice and helps her to the wardrobe to find a dress for her.

He took her around those things and helped her to bed in the dark.

"Princess..." Ling Xing still holds Xi yue'er's hand, "there are dead people in my room..."

"Don't say that now. I'll hear it tomorrow." Xiyue'er tucked her in, smiling, though she couldn't see.


There was another thunder, and Ling Xing was afraid to lift the quilt to cover his head.

Xi yue'er can feel the shaking quilt.

Behind a cool! Xi yue'er was startled. It was the cold touch.

As soon as I turned around, the light from the lightning disappeared. Xi yue'er didn't see clearly, and confirmed that there was something behind her.


Ling Xing's voice is a little depressed, calling Xi yue'er through the quilt.

"I'm here." The words of Xi yue'er reassure Ling Xing.

It's cold touch again. Xiyueer suddenly lowers her voice: "you're just like this. Don't rush out."

"Princess, isn't it..."

"No Xi yue'er interrupted her, "you should feel safer. If I had anything here, would I be so calm? "

"Good..." Ling Xing settles down and listens to Xi yue'er's words, but doesn't lift the quilt.

In order to comfort Ling Xing, Xi yue'er said, "I'm going to find out if there's any orifices."