I did my normal training with the dummies, but I noticed a slight difference. I felt like I made a jump in my experience. It wasn’t a huge difference, but noticeable all the same. ‘It could be possible that I, in my accelerated thought process, was able to increase the speed in which I gain experience while I have it activated?’ It was definitely possible, but I made a promise not to train with my abilities. I already broke it once to stave off boredom, but I’m not gonna do it again. I really need to earn his respect to gain this artwork. The more I use it, the more I need it.’
After finishing my 26th session I was now starting to get tired. Mostly my arm, and my head. I already felt kinda mentally taxed after having used Bullet Time, but with the droning of the same tests, my mind was starting to falter. But I kept pushing. ‘I need to use a gun as an extension of myself without Bullet Time if I want to be strong enough to support everyone.’ I then screamed to myself to keep me going.
“What kind of Raiju: Fenrir would abandon his friends and family for just being tired!? Would you give up right now if your friends were in trouble!? Show some backbone and stand tall for whatever challenges await for them! Then help them blast it all out of their way! THAT IS THE DUTY OF A BIG BROTHER!!” After psyching myself up I went on the next few sessions with a new sense of vigor. Making it to the 33rd round my legs and arms were getting really hard to move. My aim was starting to get worse, and so was my speed.
‘I guess I used all that I had left after my speech to myself. I should probably go, but this floor seems very comfortable right now… Maybe close my eyes for a second, and let my body rest.’ After I laid down, before I realized it myself. I drifted off to sleep. Soon after, while I was still unconscious. Many people came into the range from the control room. “Well I guess this kid was better than we all gave him credit for.” One side-kick said to the rest of the group. They all remained silent staring at my smiling, sleeping face.
Soon enough ‘Snipe came into the room to check on my progress, but wondering why all of his companions were standing in the range. He went out of the control room to see what was going on. He asked the nearest person what happened when he saw my unconscious body sprawled on the ground. The man slowly spoke. “Well… he did get over 30… But he did a few other things that are of more note…” ‘Snipe’ was confused. ‘What is just as impressive as going over 30 rounds of this with hardly a break on your first day?’ “Explain it all to me.”
After hearing the explanation of all of the workers, 'Snipe’ was quiet. “Hmmm… The kid has spunk. He was the young rookie, who was able to defeat 10 thugs, kill one villain, and send the other two packing during the U.S.J incident.” Hearing this made all of the people inside the room shudder, and look back at me while ‘Snipe’ went back into thought. ‘This does explain what pushes him. According to the information I have, his parents died less than a year ago. He is substituting his classmates for a family to lean on, and protect. But those movements they described on his 24th session… I was there when he talked about his quirk. If it truly is what he says it is, then…’