In a particularly shabby tavern, the walkers were slightly drunk and noisy here.

"Hey, did you hear that? It seems that there is another fight in the north. I don't know how many people have died!" a drunken man shouted, which made the surrounding eyes shift.

"Oh! Which Lord led the army this time?" a thin man raised his wine and blushed, looking a little confused.

"It seems to be a baron, no matter how specific, I don't know." the man shouted. Laugh with your surroundings.

After the laughter gradually fell and the drunkenness gradually subsided, the man shook his head and shouted, "this time, it's been more than a month in the north. There are battlefields everywhere."

"Why don't we pack up and go north to see if there's anything missing?"

He whispered this sentence, which immediately attracted people around him to agree.

On the battlefield, although often the booty will be taken away by the victorious side. However, due to the unpredictable forms on the battlefield and the complex environment, there will always be some remnants left, and even some battlefields with miserable fighting will be more abundant.

Soldiers' armor weapons and some residual materials are a huge wealth, enough to make people move.

However, under the change of this group of people, there are still a few sober people.

A big man in broken Leather Armor stood up and stopped them: "are you crazy?"

"Not to mention the ghosts that may remain on the battlefield and the attracted Warcraft, that is, now there are horses and knights everywhere in the north, which is a great obstacle. If we are found to dig booty without permission, we will never fall!"

As soon as he said this, the people around him suddenly calmed down, and some drunkenness that had remained completely disappeared.

"Alas!" after calming down for a while, a faint sigh came from the crowd.

"Since we were occupied by the Principality of England, the days have become more and more difficult."

A person whispered, repressing not to be heard by outsiders.

"Originally, we could help the caravans as guards, or do some casual work around to live a safe life."

"But since the king surrendered, the situation here has been completely chaotic. Not only has the caravan decreased a lot, but even the city has begun to be chaotic."

The man drank the inferior wine in the big glass and said with a depressed face.

Hearing him say this, the people around him were silent. The faces of the vicissitudes of life looked numb, with a sigh. They just silently raised the wine glass in their hands and slowly felt the bitter taste.

"Why don't we go to the north to take refuge in yadixu duchy?" a voice broke the silence, but still lowered some voices, afraid to be heard by people in the distance.

Hearing this proposal, the eyes of all present brightened.

"Yes! I heard that yadixu in the North was recruiting soldiers and officers at this time! I heard that the treatment was very generous. Not only grain and other materials were distributed every month, but also land was granted!"

"As long as they successfully join the army, each soldier has five acres of land. If they make contributions and even become officers, they can do more."

Everyone said one by one, with a longing and enthusiasm in their eyes.

This is the obsession with land.

In this world, civilians can't own their own land. Except for a few people, owning land is almost exclusive to aristocrats. Therefore, the people of the world have an extraordinary attachment to land.

However, some people hesitated and some couldn't believe it: "but such favorable conditions, who knows if they are true, maybe it's just false news from the north."

"Moreover, even if it is true, how can we avoid Warcraft and horses on the way if we want to go to the north to join the army?"

So the people hesitated again. They couldn't help looking at the big man in leather armor ahead, waiting for him to speak.

Obviously, this man is the leader of this group, and has great prestige in their hearts.

Seeing a group of subordinates like this, the leader hesitated and said, "authenticity doesn't need to be considered."

"When I followed the caravan to the north, I once met a soldier of yadixu duchy, which is probably no different from what we know, and even more generous."

"As for the dangers along the way."

He pondered: "I know several paths that are difficult for the army to pass through. They should not be found by the detective horse. As for Warcraft, I have asked."

"It seems that as the armies of the two principalities are constantly fighting, a large number of Warcraft in this area are attracted by the battlefield and gathered on the battlefield. In addition, a large number of Warcraft are killed in the north. As long as we are careful and stay away from those dangerous areas, we should be able to pass through."

He calmly analyzed.

With his analysis, the eyes of people around him brightened a little and had been moved.

After a while, I saw them leave in a hurry. It was obvious that they were going down to prepare.

In the distance from them, a young man dressed in thin and dark looked at an old man in front of him, smiled and shook his head.

Aware of the departure of the group in the distance, Chen Ming looked at their backs and didn't speak.

He naturally heard the conversation over there, even if the other party had carefully covered it up, but for his existence, he could hear it clearly even if he couldn't use his divine power.

But he didn't care. He just continued to look at the old man in front of him and said, "what did you inquire about the things I asked you to ask a few days ago?"

Seeing Chen Ming's question, the old man replied with a serious face: "this adult, we have asked clearly."

"Most of the destroyed ancestral altars and totems have now been purchased by some past merchants. It seems that they want to be sold as some commemorative collections. Others have been collected by some nobles."

"We have acquired some in recent days. When do you need it, sir?"

Seeing this, Chen Ming nodded and said, "take me now!"

So they got up. After a while, when Chen Ming followed the old man to a basement, some dark rooms began to appear, which were vaguely engraved with the divine emblem of the God of nature.

Chen Ming looked over. Because of the fear that the fluctuation of divine power will be found, these divine emblems are not blessed by divine power, but only used as pure decorations.

This is an intelligence stronghold of yadixu duchy. After Chen Ming contacted here a few days ago, he thought he was an envoy from the north and offered him up.

"My Lord, it's here!"

The voice of the old man in front came, and then a room was opened.

Chen Ming goes in and has a look. Inside, a pile of debris is piling up. The shapes are different, including some fragments and complete totem poles.

However, above these things, there is a little light red, which looks very strange in this dark basement. Vaguely, it seems that there is a resentful soul attached to it, cursing and roaring.

"Are these what you want?"

The old man looked at these things and felt a little cold on his body. He asked strangely.

He always had doubts about collecting these things, but as an intelligence officer, the most important thing is confidentiality, so he never asked.

Chen Ming fixed himself and looked.

In his perspective, these things have a light red brilliance. Although the power in them has been extracted, the remaining essence is still there and has not disappeared.

Sensing these, the killing divinity in Chen Ming's body is slowly fluctuating and boiling.

"You go out first!" Chen Ming said without looking back, looking at a pile of things in front of him.

Seeing this, the old man bowed down and left slowly. Chen Ming was the only one left.

Chen Ming looked at a little blood red in front of him and sighed: "sure enough, although the power gained from sacrifice for hundreds of years has been taken away, the residue of blood sacrifice is still condensing and has not disappeared."

This is a bit of killing essence from the long blood sacrifice. Although most of it disappeared with the power taken away by others, some of it still remained in the original sacrifice.

At this time, if there is a new soul attached to these objects and sacrificed for their blood, the success rate of becoming an ancestor will increase.

However, thinking so, Chen Ming shook his head slightly, gently extended his arm and touched it.

Suddenly, a little change slowly came into being. A little blood red essence of killing seems to be under some traction. It is continuously absorbed into Chen Ming's body and gathered on the divinity of killing.

He absorbed them one by one. When all these were absorbed and completed, a little understanding of killing echoed in his mind, and another killing divinity was condensed.

Sensing the divine cohesion, Chen Mingxin said silently: "the blood sacrifice corresponds to the killing. Continue like this. If you can kill the ancestors of the whole world and absorb the killing power accumulated by the ancestors of the whole world for countless years, maybe you can really condense a killing God."

He thought so, and then his mind moved lightly, and a little divine light bloomed quietly in the divine lattice without any waves.

In his induction, in the original cyan divine light, a little light red that could not be concealed began to slowly increase, which was faintly consistent with the killing opportunities everywhere in the world.