In the early morning, the morning light gradually lit up and shrouded a little brilliance over the open field.

However, at this time, on the deserted path in the wild, a group of people in a hurry were running forward, which seemed to be running away.

The next moment, a shower of arrows gradually scattered down. Suddenly, several people groaned on the spot, fell directly to the ground, and were shot through by several arrows.

"No, it's the knight of yadixu duchy!" in front, the first one was shocked and looked at the figure gradually showing in front, with despair in his eyes.

However, for their exclamation, the knight in front just sneered, and then in the next second, a little divine power fluctuation gradually sounded. In front, countless fireballs shot out in all directions, instantly drowning more than ten people in front, and then exploding in an instant.

When the violent explosion gradually subsided, on the front field, I saw more than a dozen people who had been standing well. Most of them had already laid down, and their bodies were on fire, igniting the surroundings.

There are several survivors, because they are knights, so they have tenacious vitality. At this time, they are frantically struggling. Their bodies are constantly eroded by a divine power, almost turning into a human torch, which is burning frantically.

The scene was very sad.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the leader was not secretly Tucao: "since the several times after the battle in various fields, these sacrifices are becoming more and more violent. Almost everyone make complaints about a fireball."

When he thought like this in his heart, at the next moment, countless light blue ice blades gradually gathered, with a rapid momentum and a roaring sound, he directly shot the surviving people through.

"It would have been better if it had been like this. I'm not afraid to light this grassland with any fireball."

The leader Knight looked at the flat ground that was almost a sea of fire in front of him, some complained, and then urged the sacrifice beside him to extinguish the fire.

When the lit fire was extinguished, the knight came forward and cut off his head from the body that had become bloody at this time.

The whole process is simple and smooth. It seems that it is not the first time to do so.

"Fortunately, although he almost blew up the whole body, he could still recognize it." another knight looked at the head in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Behind them, several priests looked at each other, looking a little embarrassed.

However, for this scene, they have long been used to it and did not take it seriously. After a while, when several knights were busy, they piled up the bodies and burned them, and then silently prayed forward under the leadership of an old priest.

This is a ceremony and tradition. It is a natural sacrifice for the loss of life. In the legend of sacrifice, the dead soul can be brought to the heaven of the God of nature and accept the judgment of the God.

In fact, with the natural divine power gently rippling, it seduces the just condensed soul in front of the body along the line of faith. In the front, more than a dozen souls that have just passed away are also slowly being pulled, gradually rising to the divine domain where the God of nature is located and blocked.

When the ceremony was over, the people evacuated here.

At noon, the knight in charge of the team took the people to a camp and began to hand over.

"Have the rebellious pagans near Cecil been almost cleaned up?" a voice sounded in place.

When they looked forward, they saw a big man with thick hair and a rough voice. He was standing in front of him in the head's armor, but it was Carter.

At this time, Carter stood in front, looked at the many knights in front of him and nodded: "Your Majesty has ordered to hang these ancestor believers of the former city states all over the country."

"If you find it, immediately send someone to arrest it to the church and hand it over to the local bishop. If there is resistance, just kill it directly."

This is a legacy of the past. With the newly established Yadi Syrian principality occupying the three regions, many city states originally occupied in these places were naturally destroyed one after another, leaving only the dust of history.

However, although the city-state perished, the ancestral beliefs of the past still existed.

You know, in the past, various city states have occupied the earth for hundreds of years, and the belief of ancestral God has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and filled with everywhere. At this time, although the city-state perished, those people in the old era still existed. Although they did not dare to sacrifice the original ancestor god openly, they still had sacrifice in private.

This is contrary to the interests of ADIS.

As the God of nature, faith is still a very important source of power when the divine fire has not been lit at this time. If he loses his faith at this time, ADIS will be knocked down immediately, but it is certain that he will fall to level 5. At this turbulent moment, he is almost dead.

Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of yadixu duchy, yadisi explicitly abolished the original ancestral gods' sacrifice, arrested those who still sacrifice, and severely cracked down on this behavior.

With the increase of this strength, the ordinary collar people everywhere are still better, especially after the gradual establishment of churches everywhere, they have abandoned the original ancestral God and chose to believe in the God of nature.

After all, although they lived under the original city-state before, they were not valued. In the original ancestor sacrifice, they often acted as victims and sacrificed to the ancestor as blood sacrifice, which had already been boiling among the people. Naturally, most people don't have much piety. And a few devout people gradually changed their faith after they were sent to church.

What is really difficult is the large number of nobles left over from the old city-state era.

These nobles are deeply rooted. Almost all of them have a history of hundreds of years in the original city states. In addition, they were originally protected by the ancestral God, so there are a lot of fanatics about the ancestral God. Even if the ancestral gods were suppressed one after another at this time, many diehard elements never changed, offered sacrifices in private, and even called on the surrounding nobles to rebel together.

This is what Adams cannot tolerate, especially when most of these sacrifices are blood sacrifices.

Just before, because of years of continuous war, there was really no spare energy to clean up. At this time, after vacating his hand, he immediately ordered a thorough investigation and suppressed these people.

With the determination of Yates, these nobles were also found out one after another. For a time, there were more and more rebellions all over the country, which forced nadir and others to suppress everywhere before slowly calming down these rebellions.

However, with the suppression of these rebellions, a large number of nobles in the old era were slaughtered, the altar statues of ancestral gods were destroyed, and the belief in the God of nature spread much faster.

At this time, in the palace of Yadi Xucheng in the distance, Yadi Si was also talking with people in a garden.

Barton, bill and others stood by his side and were reporting.

"Your Majesty, this is the list of pagans arrested according to the statistics of churches everywhere."

On one side, Bill handed a thick stack of orders to the bodyguard in front of him, and then handed them to ADIS in front of him.

Ahead, ADIS took a look, swept it gently, and frowned at the shocking numbers: "so many?"


In front of him, Bill said with a bitter smile: "almost half of the noble families in our country were involved, which caused the great rebellion in the front time."

"That's no wonder." ADIS smiled relieved and then said, "a few months ago, countless nobles responded to the rebellion in the eastern region. They were so powerful that they were almost fighting in the northern region."

"If such a huge aristocracy is involved, it can be understood."

Hearing what he said, bill could only continue to smile bitterly and then said, "however, even so, in fact, a large part of these lists were reported by these families on their own initiative and even cooperated with us to arrest."

"Those nobles who believe in evil gods are in fact only part of these families, far less than they thought."

"It's normal," Patton interrupted silently.

At this time, after seven or eight years, he looked older, but he was still strong. After some priests baptized him with divine power, his body was even better.

"These families focus on interests. Under the threat of the survival of the whole family, it is normal to give up several people. In fact, it may not be true."

He said silently, looking deeply touched.

In this regard, Adams nodded and did not continue to be involved in this topic. He just said, "bill, how are the churches all over the world?"

"The progress is very good."

Bill responded: "at this time, in the northern region, because of the active cooperation of believers everywhere, almost half of the church has been established, and only a few places are still under construction."

"In the eastern and western regions, due to the short time of local rule and the lack of believers' cooperation, the establishment speed is much slower. However, it is also being built slowly at this time. It is expected to be successful in two years."

Speaking of this, he hesitated and then said, "however, what is more serious than this problem is the number of sacrifices. Because of the construction of a large number of churches, qualified sacrifices are not enough at this time. In many cities, there are even vacancies for bishops, and only white robed sacrifices can hold prayers."

This is also a serious problem.

Originally, in the case of occupying only the northern region, with believers accumulated in previous decades as the foundation, it is naturally enough to use. However, after occupying the three domains, this serious problem has emerged.

However, there is no way for ADIS to solve this problem. After all, qualified sacrifice can not be produced overnight. It requires not only the long-term washing of divine power, but also an in-depth understanding of the power of the gods. Unless it is the kind of brush directly with great power, it will take some time.

Yates thought silently in his heart, then thought, and said, "first adjust, first build the churches in those places, and then the Holy See will collect a number of potential sacrificial offerings from the people as a supplement."

Hearing this, Bill smiled helplessly and nodded slowly.