"Although the deduction was not completed due to consumption, I clearly felt that there was no road ahead, and even the five levels were greatly incomplete."

"This kind of deformity is not only because of practicing Dharma, but also because of the potential of this road. It has come to an end. No matter how talented, they can never break this shackle. They can only be trapped to death and can't break through it."

Chen Ming thought so, and then a doubt gradually rose in his heart.

"In that case, how did the demon God become so powerful?"

He could not help thinking that a strange intuition and premonition from the true spirit made him vaguely feel that he had grasped a key point.

"Perhaps it is related to the changes in the world where the demon God is located, just like this world."

In the world of Chen Ming's rebirth, the system of fighting spirit also has limitations. Although there is still some potential to be tapped, it is still firmly confined to the level 3 sky knight. For many years, how many talents can't break through this limit.

The only exception is Wang Tingzu. As the son of robbery born at the time of the world's turmoil, he carried most of the source forces of the world and forcibly promoted him to level 6.

And this demon God, perhaps in another world, is not an ordinary role. Maybe it was the son of fate in the other world.

"However, there is something strange about the fall of the demon God. What kind of situation can make a demon God so powerful and even close to the immortal realm fall?"

He thought of what he had seen before.

A wisp of the ghost of the demon God is floating in the world. It is only a remnant after the fall. It is far from regaining its heyday. It can compete with the world consciousness for a short time, and even layout under the blockade of the world consciousness and forcibly seize and give up an ancestral God.

"With the cover of the ancestral God, even the world consciousness can't be locked after getting enough body to carry itself. The harm is many times stronger than before."

He thought like this. There was a sense of crisis in his heart, which made him frown.

"Is it coming?"

When he reached a plain, Chen Ming looked up to the front.

It can be seen that no one has visited this area for a long time. There are only some rotten and clean corpses around, and the strong magic Qi gradually emerges

The whole earth, from here on, seems to be like a dividing line, cutting the earth in half.

Through the induction, Chen Ming felt that the earth ahead seemed to be isolated from the world where he lived through a hidden force of isolation and exclusion.

This is almost a region independent of the world. It seems to be in a different space. Although it can be clearly sensed, there is always a barrier.

Around, the scene was strangely quiet. Even the big and small Warcraft that could be seen almost everywhere had disappeared and looked very strange.

Sensing the scene, Chen Ming was not surprised. He just lowered his head and looked at the corpses scattered everywhere.

These corpses looked very regular. Most of them were dressed in animal skins and covered with various scars. They were like simple and rough works of art on the dead. They gradually combined to show a strange pattern.

He looked down and found that the internal organs of these bodies had disappeared and had been taken away artificially. Beside these corpses, there is often an altar with three heads and six arms, which looks terrible.

These are specially placed here by those demon people. Because they dare not go deep into them, they can only be placed around here to worship the demon God.

"Moreover, there seems to be other purposes besides this," he thought as he looked at the bodies.

With his gaze, I don't know whether he is under the illusion that a little strange change is happening on these corpses.

A naked female corpse lay quietly on the ground. From her current body shape, you can vaguely see the style in front of her, but at this time, her corpse showed a strange dark cyan. Moreover, it seems that Chen Ming's arrival began to produce a little change. Her originally stiff face began to become soft, like a smile, as if staring at the strange traveler in front of her.

With this beginning, around, it seems that all the bodies begin to change and move slowly.

Sensing the strangeness, Chen Ming frowned and looked behind him.

There was also a corpse, which was still on the altar far away, but now it came behind him unconsciously.

"There is no soul body. It seems that something else is affecting these corpses and producing all kinds of strange changes."

Looking around, he muttered.

"Is it because of being at the junction?" he thought.

In the interaction between the two worlds, there are often all kinds of strange things.

This is because different worlds often have different rules. In the two worlds, when two different laws collide and integrate with each other, it is easy to produce all kinds of changes, which is elusive.

"Unfortunately, if time is not tight, you can stay here for a while. By studying these phenomena, you may be able to understand the laws of the two worlds."

He thought so, and then with a move of mind, the powerful soul directly manipulated the female corpse in front of him and began to study it carefully.

"The body structure is the same as that of ordinary human women, but it seems to have practiced fighting spirit, so it should be stronger. There are no abnormalities in other aspects, but it feels slightly rotten because of death. Only in the abdomen..."

He carefully felt the female corpse, then moved his mind, directly cut the abdomen of the female corpse, and then took out a crystal emitting profound brilliance.

This crystal is pure and shows a strange fluctuation, which is the same as the one Chen Ming got from the demon tribe before. It's just that the purity is poor, and it seems that it still needs some heat.

This crystallization has always been one of the specialties of the region where the demon man is located. It can effectively accelerate the growth of the demon man and make it stronger. Now it seems that it was here that these bodies were conceived and born.

"Born where the two laws interact and collide, does it contain some world laws?"

Looking at the crystal, Chen Ming thought silently.

Then, as the divine personality in the body rotates gently, a little magic gradually evaporates on the deep crystal, and it looks like it is being driven away by something. When there was only the last point left in the crystallization, Chen Ming moved gently, urged by the true spirit in his body, and swallowed it directly.

Then, Chen Ming only felt that the true spirit jumped suddenly. It seemed that there was a little mysterious law. With this process, it was gradually absorbed into the body and absorbed by it.

However, it seems that there has been a similar process before, and this time the change is very weak. After a while, Chen Ming sighed with regret: "unfortunately, although it contains the power of some laws, it is too repetitive. Now, it has little effect."

In front of him, after taking out the crystal, the originally strange looking female corpse suddenly appeared a little corpse smell on the originally green corpse, and then began to decay in an instant, as if it had experienced a long time change in an instant.

These corpses had been dead for a long time, but they could barely keep the shape in front of them under the influence of the weak law crystallization in the body. At this time, after Chen Ming took them out, they were immediately beaten back to their original shape.

He didn't look at the decayed corpse in front of him, but looked ahead, crossed directly in one step, crossed the gap of space in an instant and came to the front.


Just as he arrived here, Chen Ming felt that he was surrounded by a continuous stream of crazy pressure, which was constantly oppressing him.

This is why the constitution of the law is different. In this world, Chen Ming completely belongs to outsiders, so he will naturally be excluded by this space.

This is just a different space formed after tomorrow. If a real small world, like him, enters directly without concealment, then the oppression will be even stronger, and even a world consciousness will take the initiative to emerge and lower heaven's punishment.

At the same time, as he directly entered this field, the little camouflage he had made suddenly seemed a little inadequate. It seemed that a trace of breath leaked out, causing an extremely powerful conscious response in front of him.

"This feeling, as well as this strong vitality and destruction, seems almost certain."

He thought so, then looked at himself and frowned.

With the idea moving again, on him, the power of the law from the demon God, which had been realized by swallowing the crystal of the law, gradually emerged and slowly covered his original breath.

Suddenly, the constant repulsion around him began to slow down and was deceived by the power of the homologous law on his body.

Then, sensing his changes, he nodded: "that's enough."

"At the present level, as long as I'm not too close, even if I don't take the initiative, even if the other party stands in front of me, as long as the strength is not too strong, I can't find it."

At this time, in the distance, a strong will suddenly began to riot, and then gradually stopped. It seemed that there was no abnormality detected and calmed down again.

Sensing this scene, Chen Ming smiled: "is this feeling coming from the central direction here?"

"However, although the essence is the same, the strength of this one is almost different from that of decades ago."

"One can be suppressed before I enter level 4 at that time, and this one is not only strong enough to open up a small different space here, but even in the induction, there is a faint premonition of danger."

As he thought, there was a faint sense of crisis in his heart, which kept him alert.

It's amazing, you know, after almost half the world. Under the huge supply of world source force and belief force, Chen Ming has even exceeded the level 5 limit and reached the level close to level 6. If you add the blessings of the world personality and countless believers, you can even compete with the sixth level king Tingzu God.

Even in Chen Ming's inheritance and memory, even in the universe where another God is everywhere and extremely powerful, it is also a top overlord who can dominate a world.

If you want to give this kind of crisis, then the crisis and strong enemies ahead need to reach the level 5 limit at least. How can you not surprise Chen Ming.