However, although people outside said that lengsi city had a lot of gossip, they didn't like his nominal wife at all. But how can he feel, lengsi city is really concerned about her, otherwise, why even her personal data are difficult to check, is this not a kind of protection?

Lin Zhouyi pretended to be chatting again and asked, "I heard that you poured Shen Yating's coffee at noon?"

Gu Qingqing slightly frowned, but it was calm: "yes."

"Not careful?"

"No She readily admitted, "she bumped into it first, and I'm just paying back."

Lin Zhouyi asked again, "is it just because she bumped into you? Is there any other reason? "

Gu Qingqing nodded: "yes, it's just some private affairs, which have nothing to do with work. I will not bring personal feelings into my work. I believe Shen Yating is the same. "

Lin Zhouyi was a little surprised.

Originally thought, lengsi city's wife, even if came out to work also with a little big family arrogance and coquettish, did not expect, she is actually such.

He is able to do things well, has clear organization and strong observation ability, and has good business ability. But also know that the public and private are clearly defined, taking into account the overall situation. If she experiences again, she will get good results in her work in time.

Oh, by the way, she has another advantage - she is beautiful.

Lin Zhouyi's eyes flashed and said with a smile, "it's good to have a clear distinction between public and private affairs. I hope it will continue to be maintained in the future."

He also went to the director of the film to tell him to pay attention to Chen Wenjie's performance when shooting later.

Looking back, Gu Qingqing is standing in the crowd. She doesn't show any credit. Lin Zhouyi thinks of her frightened and evasive manner, her eyelashes flickering and her face flushed. The wife of lengsi city is really an interesting person!

Shooting continues.

The director who was asked by Lin Zhouyi is much more strict. Chen Wenjie was called "card" several times, and his mood was also a little impatient. It's just an advertisement. Do you need to be so serious?

Especially - lengsi City, why haven't you come?

Last night, lengsi city looked gloomy and asked her about her shooting plan. She also said that she would come to see her in person later. She also encouraged her to play up her spirits and make her look bright and radiant.

Speaking of lengsi City, she was more and more unable to understand. If we say that in the past, she still has a trace of expectation in her heart, and feels that lengsi city has always loved her. But last night, after hearing him say that she was "dirty", she fell into a deep hell, and her spirit has not eased up.

She knew that she was not a pure woman, but she was not, nor was she any other companion in lenges! In his previous years, several of his private lives were more open than her, and he often participated in party and other things in the Wine Bureau. Did lengsi City dislike them and let them go without touching them?

Another was called "card", and Chen Wenjie was also angry, "director, how do you want me to act?"

"For the last turn, you have to look happy and surprised. Especially surprised, try again! "

Once again, the camera was aimed at Chen Wenjie. This time, she showed joy, expectation, surprise, sweetness and all kinds of complicated expressions. Because she saw, lengsi City, from the second floor of the shopping mall sitting in the elevator, suddenly came! , the fastest update of the webnovel!