For the first time, we have to recall that ten years ago, when they first met

Lengsi city had just deliberately approached her, but this kiss was indeed his carelessness. He and Gu Qingqing are closely entangled with each other for many times, but in this moment, he dare not move, all the cells in the body are activated the same! His hand is still holding her hand, even dare not bow his head, deepen the kiss! Obviously, it was just a kiss like a dragonfly skimming water, but he seemed to be walking into Alice's fantasy dream and couldn't wake up.

He did not dare to move, so did Gu Qingqing in front of him. So close, she could even see lengsi city's long eyelashes, and the amber pupils flashing under his long eyelashes. He was so close that she could feel the thin green stubble he had just cleaned up on her chin. Like a kitten with its tail gently swept her heart, bring a itchy, very strange touch, attracted her to continue

Lengsi City throat knot rolling, deeply staring at her, reluctant to close his eyes, reluctant to let her leave! He held the hand of Gu Qingqing's palm, and gradually tightened it. His other hand also slowly reached out, as if to put his arms around her waist and wanted to deepen the kiss!

Gu Qingqing also seemed to feel his gradually hot breath. Although his hands and feet still didn't know where to put them, his stiff body gradually softened down and softened down, as if he wanted to ask for it!

At this moment!

"Dong Dong Dong", a knock on the door, broke the illusion that they were gradually addicted to. Two people seem to have been scalded as quickly as the separation, Gu Qingqing panic there is a trace of shame, a trace of confusion. And nearby, lengsi city is not much better. Although his face was not as obvious as Gu Qingqing's, his slightly frowned brows and his impatient and angry expression after being disturbed indicated his dissatisfaction at this time.

"What's the matter?"

"Sir, madam, Secretary Cheng has already driven down to wait."

Damn it, what is a light bulb? This is a light bulb! And it's a 100000 volt super searchlight! Lengsi City frowned and nodded: "I know."

He did not want to stay any more. He went straight to the other side of the bed and quickly changed the clothes he had brought. He felt a bit embarrassed and angry. He did not look at Qingqing any more. He just left a sentence: "hurry up! Don't keep me waiting below. "

Then he walked quickly, opened the door, and soon heard his coming downstairs.

Gu Qingqing, who was left behind, stood in front of the mirror, looking at his own blurred eyes, gently stroked the corners of her lips.

out of order, part company each going his own way, but she would shake for the tender and tender he had just been, especially if she didn't smell the perfume of the women who were in a mess. She began to imagine that he didn't wake up in the arms of others last night.

Even if he didn't last night, what about the three years of marriage? His huge harem and the beautiful women around him are all fake?

She should be awake.

After changing her clothes, she adjusted her mind and went downstairs. The baby sitter was cleaning and saw the shaving cream she had discarded yesterday: "madam, this..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!