Lengsi city outside a look, Leng's old house is close at hand, Leng Mu Luo Qing Xue stands outside the gate. Lengsi city saw Mother Luo Qingxue standing at the door, as if looking at them. He turned his eyes and looked at Gu Qingqing beside him. It seemed that he wanted to untie the seat belt and get off the bus. However, the seat belt was jammed and she twisted it for a long time without opening it.

Leng Si city immediately ordered: "you sit still."

Gu Qingqing didn't know why, so he listened to what he said and did not move. Lengsi city immediately opened the door and went out. As soon as he went out, he called out, "Ma."

Luo Qingxue just want to say hello to him, but see lengsi city suddenly turn a corner, walk to the side of the car Gu Qingqing, help her open the door.

Gu Qingqing was stunned, the light suddenly poured in, and then lengsi city gradually approached the magnified Jun Rong. There was a smile on the corner of his lips. With the glory of the sun, his eyes are like a touch of sun gold, like a mobile Roman sculpture.

She was startled and immediately lowered her head. Her eyes were always looking at her toes. Her fingers were rubbing the skirt of her dress. She did not dare to look at him. Lengsi city looked at her shyness, originally just to show their "harmonious" smile in front of his mother. At this time, he really took a bit of tenderness, and then extended his hand to her to help her untie the safety belt.

His white, slender, bony fingers came closer to her face. Gu Qingqing subconsciously closed his eyes, and his body could not help but dodge back. Leng Si Cheng's outstretched hand was slightly stiff in the air, and the smile on his face was also instantly restrained.

Then, he once again reached out his hand to untie her seat belt. However, this time, his action was so rough that he almost reached out and pulled it away. Gu Qingqing a Leng, open the pupil, close look, just found lengsi city's eyes changed with her familiar a silk of thin cool.

She knew that, in front of his mother, he certainly wanted to show a bit of "gentleness". Once he turned his back on her, his nature would come out, and even a smile on his face would disdain to give her!

Soon the safety belt was pulled away by him. Lengsi's hand was very cold. He took her wrist and pulled her out of the back seat of the car!

Gu Qingqing was startled. Lengsi city had great strength. She was not prepared. She was pulled by him. The whole person was pulled out from the back seat.

Although Gu Qingqing was wearing small leather shoes with a low slope, it was only five or six centimeters, but lengsi City pulled her out so savagely. Secretary Cheng's parking place was their flower garden. Gu Qingqing stepped on a stone on her heel and nearly fell down.

Lengsi City stood by her side, and immediately stretched out his arm to pick up her crooked body. The arm forced her to hold her body in his arms.

Maybe his arm strength is too big, Gu Qingqing almost ran into his arms. Her face touched his suit coat, and his waist and back were tightly held by him. Although she was so close to his heart, she could only feel the cold and firm fabric of his suit coat. Slightly looked up, saw his raised chin, as well as his face revealed a trace of cold.

Gu Qingqing's face, slightly covered with a bitter smile, sure enough, the so-called love, just, pretend to love.

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