Just at this time, fireworks were blooming on the top of the head and the lanterns were shining around. Xu Zijin walked into the yard with his birthday crown full of laughter. In the celebration of countless people, the cheering stopped suddenly. All the people gathered around to watch Gu Qingqing and lengsicheng kiss in the middle of the yard!

What's more, it's the first kiss of lengsi city!

Xu Zijin spent several days to prepare the birthday party carefully, but he became a complete foil! Fire is two couples, no, it should be said that two men and two women.

One is Gu Qingqing and lengsicheng, the other is mo Dongyang and his young ex girlfriend and their handsome photos!

- "however, when Gu Qingqing met you for the first time, in front of all the people, he forcibly took away your first kiss and threw you down with an over shoulder fall. It's really overbearing!" Mo Dongyang said, "so you said she bit your shoulder last night, I still believe it..."

He took off his coat and didn't get ready to go out. Mo Dongyang also continued: "look at you. As soon as you are poked, you will immediately get up and leave. This is true of me, and so are you with Gu Qingqing? "

Lengsi city steps a meal, fingers slightly tightened, the whole person seems to be held still, for a long time said: "if you want to come to me or this kind of boring party, I will not come."

With that, he opened the door and walked out of the bar.

Outside, the sun glare, stabbing him to squint the pupil, a little dizzy feeling.

The car was parked on the side of the road. Leng Si Cheng got into the car and leaned against the seat all the time. He looked out of the window without saying a word - and didn't say where he was going.

As soon as secretary Cheng saw that he was in a bad mood, he drove to Qingcheng apartment as usual. When waiting for the bus was boring, he kept the radio on to pass the time, and it was not off at this time. The hostess said in it: "at that time, when this album came out, it also continued his previous consistent style and sang the voice of many people. Let's listen to -- "

as soon as the words are finished, some sad nostalgic tunes are released:" I can't open my mouth to let her know that I will take care of you and make you laugh. I regret that I didn't let you know how important you are to me. I quietly listen to your coquetry and watch you sleep until you are old... "

During the broadcast of the song, the hostess also said, "I don't know how many people want to express their love after listening to our music. Sometimes, it is a simple three word" I love you. "

Next to the male host also said: "in case, for what major reason, he can't say these three words?"

The hostess got stuck. Fortunately, the radio tunes were changed quickly, and soon some people asked for songs. The two hosts moved to other programs. The car is quiet again, the only difference is, just head has been looking at lengsi city outside the car, slightly lowered his head, seems to be recalling something.

He did not fight for, he once, to Gu Qingqing expressed his feelings for her, he said he loved!

What can be received - but she and her friend's indifference and ridicule response!

Moreover, his problem with her is not only Nie Zhining, Xu Zijin and Xu zipei.

The estrangement between them had been formed long before he forced her into marriage. That is, no matter how much energy he spent, he could not erase the scar in her heart!

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