"You Awake? "

Lengsi city did not have any expression, just nodded gently.

After a while of silence, Gu Qingqing raised his head and asked him, "you Are you going? "

Lengs City nodded again.

The room continued to be silent for a moment. No one spoke or moved. The air seemed to freeze. Even Gu Qingqing felt that it was not appropriate to stare at each other. Although she knew that Leng Si city did not care about her concern at all, and always ignored her various flattery, even disliked her.

However, after thinking about it, she added: "have a safe journey."

Four words, simple, polite to no longer polite.

This time, lengsi city slightly raised her eyes, her eyelashes slightly trembled, as if it was an accident, she would care about his safety!

Even if it is polite words, Gu Qingqing, actually also said let him be careful and safe words!

"I am going abroad to attend the Berlin Film Festival. I'll be back in a few days. " Perhaps hearing her "care" words, Leng Si City rarely explained his "itinerary" to her.

However, the color of his eyes is still flat, and his voice does not fluctuate at all.

Gu Qingleng, "Berlin Film Festival?"

Would it be Meet Xu zipei?

Today's Xu zipei is the empress of Cannes and a hot favorite of China. Major film festivals are generally invited. If you meet lengsi city

Gu Qingqing is still lying at the head of the bed, smell the words, gently pull up the quilt with both hands, and hide her chin in the quilt.

In fact, even if he did not meet at the film festival, Xu zipei would return to China, and the two people would meet without any difference.

Lengsi city saw her suddenly lost expression and thought that she was worried about herself and leaving! Although he knew that this possibility was very small, but as long as he thought of this possibility, he still vaguely felt a faint hope!

He deliberately pretended not to mind the appearance, light said: "the film festival, may see a lot of beautiful female stars."

Among these beautiful female stars, Xu zipei should also be included.

"Oh, really?" Gu Qingqing slightly bowed his head, as if he had pressed a stone in his heart. He could not go up or down, so that she could not breathe smoothly.

Maybe it's because of her physiological period. Maybe it's because Leng Si Cheng finally wants to meet Xu zipei. She feels very uncomfortable. She pulls up the quilt again with her hands. This time, she pulls the quilt up to a height, only one pair of eyes are exposed.

Lengsi city looked at her and bowed her head. Although she didn't say anything, she didn't look happy and calm. On the contrary, she cared a little!

Mind? Gu Qingqing actually will go out to see those stars, there is a trace of mind!

Think of here, lengsi city is like a train whistling past in the head, there is a very unreal illusion of ecstasy!

Even if he knew that Gu Qingqing's words at this time were not because of love.

Maybe, it's just because of her fragile body and delicate mind during her physiological period.

Or just a little anxiety about her cold wife's status.

Or, there is a little polite meaning, but, at least, this is the first time in three years that she is not happy with his affairs!

All kinds of emotions are gathered in his brain, step forward, is about to say something, suddenly

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