Lengsi's face was a little solemn, and his eyes seemed to be deep, like a pool of abyss. He walked over and quickly came to her back.

No one spoke. It was quiet in the bedroom.

"Tick tock" is the dripping water from her wet hair tips. Gu Qingqing lowers her head and takes a hair dryer. She is about to blow her hair. Leng Si Cheng suddenly reaches out and grabs the handle of the hair dryer in her hand and turns on the wind.

"Huhoo" of the wind, finally there is a sound, lengsi city's fingers grab a handful of her black hair, soft hair, like a satin, swept his fingers, gradually from wet to silk smooth. Through the slit of his fingers, like the wind that can't be grasped, it gradually falls.

Soon, her hair dried, he was still standing behind her, she was also sitting on the stool, two people looking at each other in the mirror, he did not go forward, she did not look back.

All of a sudden, lengsi city put the hair dryer to the side, stepped forward, reached out from the back to the front to encircle her body, with a low head, suddenly grabbed her lips from the back, and forced to kiss her.

Gu Qingqing a Leng, did not react to come over, only met in the mirror before, she was cold behind the city tightly encircled. The man's handsome side face close, thin soft lips hard seal her lip corner, let her even breathe some not smooth up.

This forced to turn the head to kiss the posture is very uncomfortable, she almost immediately began to resist!

Aware of her resistance, Leng Si city originally took her hand from behind and immediately grasped her hands and wrists. Gu Qingqing retreated, as if he wanted to avoid his kiss. Leng Si Cheng simply released her hand, picked her up, rolled her around, and let her face himself and sat on the dresser. Then he stepped forward, stood at the edge of the table, grabbed her hand, pressed her against the cold mirror, leaned forward, and undoubtedly kissed her.

"Well -" behind her was a cold mirror, and in front of her was lengsi's slender and hot body. She wanted to resist, but he held her hands tightly. Her legs were stuck on the dresser and couldn't move.

Turning left and right, I can only hear the sound of "Ping Ping Pang" skin care products bottles falling down one after another. The more she struggled, the more reluctant lengsi city was to let go!

An inexplicable sense of humiliation, attacking the heart!

What does that mean? Did lengs take her as an object of catharsis? Yesterday, he went to Shangcheng and didn't enjoy it. He promised his parents that he would not go out to look for women. Xu zipei was in hospital again So, treat her as the only woman who can vent her emotions?

Although, for three years, he has been doing this, and even paying. But now, she really does not want to bear it!

Leng Si city had enough kisses, released the hand that held her wrist, and moved to the button of her dress - to untie her clothes, to be intimate with her!

As soon as he released his hand, Gu Qingqing immediately extended his hand and pushed his shoulder away with all his strength. Lengsi city slightly frowned, it seems that some are not very happy, but also want to come to continue. Gu Qingqing turned her head, lengsi city this kiss, fell on her cheek. She slightly droops the eyes, the voice is a little dull: "I am very tired today."

In the past, she also refused, in exchange for lengsi city to continue without hesitation. And did not expect, lengsi city after hearing this sentence, the whole body, slightly a meal!

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