Lengsi city took a look at Xu zipei. Two people have known each other for so many years, even if there is no love, there is always a tacit understanding. She immediately walked over to: "Zhining, I see that you break up with Zijin today, which is also a temporary mood. There is no quarrel between man and woman friends? Don't hurt your feelings because of a quarrel

"I'm not..."

Nie Zhining also wanted to refute, but Xu zipei interrupted her words. She said, "I think that's it. Uncle Nie, aunt Zhen, you should take Zhining back first and try to persuade him. Our side, also can persuade Son Jin, let her change temper

Xu zipei's words are very pertinent. Although Xu Zhongxu and Li Hongrui are still dissatisfied, they do not say much. Nie Shize and Zhen Xiaoya nodded and agreed: "it's that we didn't educate the children well. We will go back and clean up him later."

A farce was solved in this way. Lengsi City yawned in boredom, arranged his clothes and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Nie Zhining again: "if you don't have this skill, don't always think about conditions. It's not easy for your parents to maintain the Nie family. You are the only son of your parents. Don't think about something every day. You are twenty-five, not fifteen! "

He looked at Xu Zijin again: "don't forget to apologize to your sister-in-law! Tomorrow, come over while you're shooting. I'll wait. "

Raising his feet to leave, Xu zipeihu stopped him: "Si Cheng."

Lengsi city steps a meal, the eyes look at her coldly. Xu zipei wanted to say something. When he saw him, he couldn't say anything. After a long time, he shook his head: "it's OK. I'll shoot early tomorrow."

Lengsi City Light looked at her, even nodded a head to respond to have no, the head turned to go out.


back in the lobby of the main building, it happened that Xuyi was having a work meeting. Lengsi city was far away from the glass. Gu Qingqing and a group of Xuyi's friends were sitting in the coffee shop on the side of the hall and discussed the appearance of shooting for two days.

Gu Qingqing was wearing a loose T-shirt and a hat. His face seemed to be swollen and his expression became calm.

With a pen in her hand, she sat upright on the sofa, her eyes were calm, and she said something from time to time. Everyone nodded and looked convinced.

It has been several years, several years have not seen Gu Qingqing so hard and so vigorous. Although Lin Zhouyi is also there, she can't share her energy at all, as if she has been immersed in her own work world.

It is said that men who work are the most handsome, but in fact, women at work are also the most beautiful. Anyway, he felt that at the moment, Gu Qingqing slightly rolled up his sleeves, his slender white wrists were lifted up, his face was calm and calm, and even his eyes had a light look. It was very beautiful.

He looked through the glass for a long time, until some people there cast their eyes, he immediately took back his eyes, pretended to tidy up his clothes, pretended that nothing had happened, and walked away.

Back upstairs, lengsi City dealt with the official business for a while, stretched out a stretch, looked at the time, estimated that Gu Qingqing downstairs was also going upstairs.

He immediately ran to the bathroom and took a bath. When she came back, he could roll the sheets with her

Unexpectedly, wash to half, turn off the water to wipe the shower gel, just finished, Gu Qingqing came back.

What's more, she's not the only one coming back

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