"Remember what I just said!" He hung up the phone and immediately got into the car.

Just closed the door, immediately by the enthusiastic Gu Qingqing out of his arms, around the neck. Lengsi city just came in, but he was not stable. Gu Qingqing immediately took his whole people to a crooked position. Lengsi city fell on the side, Gu Qingqing climbed up with his hands and feet, but pressed him down!

Cold city, which has never been treated like this, is a surprise and a little worried - it would not be a problem to have taken too much aftereffect medicine and then take this kind of invigorating medicine?

But the enthusiasm that follows, let him no longer think, also have no time to think again. She's up, he's down, and she's so active This beautiful scenery, which is rare to see, is almost to dazzle his whole head!

Just need him to do a little guidance, that kind of shocking to the extreme wonderful scene, let him come in the water, the fire, almost fly to the sky! Let him hate, let her always be in this messy crazy!

In a closed environment, the two people continue to explore the essence of life. The car with good shock absorption and slight slight shake has not subsided for a long time

----However, in the upstairs Nie Zhining and xuzijin, there is no such harmony downstairs.

Nie Zhining never felt this way. His heart was just burning a flame, which made his whole people confused! He is hot and his head is hotter. In order to find a cool exit, he can just abandon everything!

And at this time, Xu Zijin is what he can find, the only cool place, although Xu Zijin himself is also burning the body!

Yes, Xu Zijin has four drugs, two of which are thrown into a bottle of wine - to Gu Qingqing. The remaining two, she and Nie Zhining, two bottles of wine, each bottle of wine under the medicine, is afraid he should pick a bottle, another bottle can not drink.

In order to fear that the effect of a drug is not enough, she poured a small half bottle of liquor in the beer. This kind of mixed wine, compared with pure liquor, is still intoxicating, Nie Zhining is a mouthful of stuffy, even if there is no medicine, he can not carry.

"No, no..." There was a sense in his head, trying to push her away. Where will Xu Zijin let go of him, hold him tighter!

Nie Zhining struggled with two forces in his body, one shouting to let him let go - vertical, the other, let him obedient to reason!

The two kissed and rolled off the sofa to the ground. Fortunately, there were soft carpets on the ground, and it didn't hurt to fall down.

Nie Zhining was originally entangled in the sofa, rolled to the ground, he fell on the contrary. Soon, he was not content to just kiss her and began to tear her clothes. Xu Zijin quite cooperate to raise his hand, let him more smoothly peel off her clothes.

The two people gasped for a kiss, pulled, on the other hand, a thin barrier was on the same side, Nie Zhining suddenly rolled, his head hit the table leg of the tea table. Like a good leader, he suddenly knocked his confused thoughts away!

In the moment he left, he suddenly showed the shadow of Gu Qingqing!

"Green, green!"

He suddenly all rational back to cage, see him under the torn clothes messy Xu Zijin, the whole person instantly stay!

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