"She has to resign."

Lengsi city's voice is cold, sharp and quiet, and it seems that Lin Zhouyi has not been paid attention to at all. Lin Zhouyi also knows that when lengsi city makes this call, Gu Qingqing should be standing beside him.

"She? Cousin, are you talking about Miss Gu Lin Zhouyi said this intentionally.

Lengsi city does not want to show his flaws, let Gu Qingqing know that he has already known her identity, and it is purposeful to approach her. How can he make lengsi city as good as she wants?

Lengsi City sneered coldly, and took a look at Gu Qingqing beside him. His eyes were full of sarcasm.

Over there, Lin Zhouyi heard his ridicule and ignored him. "Cousin, I just want to ask you: have you seen Miss Gu's talent?"

He simply went straight to Gu Qingqing's ability and said, "cousin, after this advertisement, I think you should have seen her creativity in advertising, right? This world is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery. Advertising is the process of making people feel "discovery" intuitively. Cousin, Miss Gu is very capable. She can see the entrance that ordinary people can't see. She can easily hit the heart. She is impressive and responsible. From the boss's point of view, I appreciate her very much. "

Lengsi City voice light: "this world's advertising companies how many, if I want to, minutes can buy a."

Lin Zhouyi also laughed: "cousin, I am sure that even if you have the money to buy many advertising agencies, there is no one better than Xuyi. Creativity is not Chinese cabbage. It needs the right time, the right place and the right people. Cousin, I admit that the Lin family can't compare with the cold family now. In front of you, I'm not worth mentioning. However, in the advertising industry, even if you have the money to buy a company, or put Miss Gu directly into other companies, it may not be better than Xuyi. Moreover, Miss Gu must have more than three months' working time to participate in the competition. Even if she goes to another company, she won't be able to catch up with the competition this year. "

Lengsi City sneered: "Xuyi this advertisement made such a big mistake, do you think, I will let her continue to work in your company?"

"That's what I want to say." Lin Zhouyi did not escape. He spoke directly, even in a harsh voice: "I can't blame for the two dangers. Especially Miss Gu was hospitalized last time I never thought that someone would make a scene and try to hurt the staff! It's not nice to say that, although our Lin family is not as good as my cousin's, someone dares to hurt our company's employees under my nose. It's really a death wish! Even if Miss Gu doesn't say it, my cousin doesn't care. I can't rub sand in my eyes! "

Leng Si Cheng was stunned. Before, he had been focusing on himself. He really didn't think about it. If the prisoner was aimed at Lin Zhouyi, or at the Lin family? It's hard for him to say anything else, but godfather is indeed influential overseas. He may have offended others

"Even the subordinates can't protect them. No wonder the Lin family is getting worse and worse!"

Lengsi City disdained to hum a, "pa" a hung up the phone, turned to look at Gu Qingqing, looked at her slightly drooping eyes of the appearance, thought to say: "you in Xuyi to participate in the competition."

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