Lengsi city in the picture solemnly replied: "three percent of Leng's group and five percent of Huangting group's shares have been transferred to my wife."

Leng's group 3%, Huangting entertainment 5% shares!

Although the percentage does not seem to be too much, Xu zipei spent several billion yuan on the stock market before, but only absorbed a similar number of shares. And this is only emperor Ting entertainment, not including the shares of Leng's group.

In other words, lengsi city light floating words, let Gu Qingqing's personal pocket, an instant more than a few billion!

There was a commotion down there. Was this money for his wife? The woman who has never been seen in the eyes of the public?

This is the first time, lengs city clearly put forward his never mentioned, almost "invisible" wife!

What's more, I sent such a big gift as soon as I made a move!

You should know that the "reward" given by a rich man to his 100 billion daughter-in-law to have a son is just a "multi billion mansion", not a share of the company. If Gu Qingqing has a real stake in hand, her shareholding in Huangting entertainment can even be comparable to that of the Xu family and become a real "landlady"!

That is to say, from now on, all the female stars of Huangting entertainment who want to hook up with lengsi city have to be careful - lest they offend her and be hidden by the company!

There are people who pay attention to finance and economics in the square, who have already exclaimed in a low voice: "billions? My God, how rich

It's no wonder that lengsi city is famous, and his wife has always tolerated it. Even if there is such a large sum of money, even if there is interest in yu'e Bao, there are hundreds of thousands of them every day Even if the husband to find ten eight concubines, they are willing to!

Gu Qingqing, however, looked calm. He didn't seem to be dazzled by this windfall.

What does she want money for?

To her, money is just a sum, a number. She now has hands and feet, and can support herself even if she breaks away from Leng Si city immediately. Money doesn't make her happier. Keep going without money She would not have been more miserable.

The reporter in the picture was also shocked by the amount of money: "this is definitely the biggest gift I saw on the Chinese Valentine's Eve this year!"

"No, it's not a gift. It's just an announcement." In fact, the shares of Huangting entertainment were transferred three years ago, but they were not announced at that time. Similarly, the shares of Leng's group were allocated to her with the consent of her parents after her first year of marriage to Leng family. If it's not because Gu Qingshan and Liu's affairs are so disgusting, maybe he will only transfer the shares to her in a low-key manner in the future, and there is no need to make such a big announcement.

"Oh? So, Mr. Leng, have you prepared a gift for your wife? "

Lengsi city just a light look at the lens, no more words, seems to be selling a pass. After a long time, he said, "I'm sorry, this is my personal problem."

The reporter did not ask more questions. He took back the microphone and said to the camera, "OK, now, you can raise your head. According to the forecast of the observatory, the Leonid meteor shower will appear at 9:59, Yancheng time."

Voice just fell, not far away from the old clock, dull ring, all people raised their heads, looking forward to looking at the sky.

Gu Qingqing also raised his head and looked at the sky nervously.

And lengsi City, also quietly at the same time from behind her embrace.

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