She knew that yesterday lengsi city gave her so many shares at once, which strengthened her momentum. And my brother is engaged to Liu Tiantian, who is worth billions.

My mother, the first one who wanted to slap her face, was the Xu family, who she had "served" at that time.

In those days, I was servile, but now I am trampled on by my daughter?

Results did not expect the strength to make big, directly let Li Hongrui into the hospital, this just flustered. Even Xu Zijin didn't dare to answer back.

What she thought was good, but she didn't consider her daughter's idea!

Lengsi city do not know why, see such a loss of Gu Qingqing, a little bit distressed.

He knew how much she felt for her family. He was very disappointed with her mother. He helped her speak in front of the Xu family.

However, the Xu family has wronged her so much that her mother even let her endure it. It's just

Lengsi city gently stretched out his hand, let her lean on his shoulder, as if to give her a rely on the same.

Gu Qingqing rarely did not resist, so he put his head on his shoulder. A few strands of hair are floating, as if she is a little free at this time.

Her head was on his shoulder, and Leng Si Cheng put his arm around her to comfort her, but he didn't know where to start.

Two people are silent, a phone call came in, is the old house called: "you are outside? Come back quickly. The Xu family just called and will come to visit you and Qingqing in person

How dare you hit the door! Lengsi city's eyes narrowed: "good. We'll be right back. "

"What's the matter?" Luo Qingxue is still a little strange. In the morning, Xu Jiagang just sent them an invitation, saying that Xu Zijin and Nie Zhining are going to get married. He also said that he would personally deliver it to lengsi city. Didn't you meet them in the villa?

"Don't care about a little thing." Lengsi city light mouth.

"Well." Since it was a small matter, she would not ask more.

The car turned around and went to the old house. When they first arrived, Xu's car also arrived at the door.

Only Xu Zhongxu was alone. He got out of the car and nodded politely to lengsi city and Gu Qingqing. Only this action lengsi City knew - he came to apologize!

Since I'm here to apologize, of course, I have to make a full gesture. Without looking at Xu Zhongxu, he took Gu Qingqing's hand and went to the door. Gu Qingqing also only looked at him and did not say anything.

A moment into the living room, Xu Zhong continued to speak directly: "Si Cheng, Qingqing, I apologize for my recklessness and Zijin just now."

He said, but also to Gu Qingqing face apologetic opening: "just now, Hongrui woke up and explained the process of the matter. It is true that Mrs. Wu had just arrived, and within a few words, she fell into a coma. Although it could be regarded as a rush to talk, Mrs. Wu called for help in time, otherwise it would be more difficult. Just Son Jin words too much, she is also because too worried about her mother, I will go back to educate her well

"It's your business to educate or not to educate. Anyway, Xu Zijin is so big, also didn't see education come out what good appearance. " Leng Si Cheng's eyes were light, "and if there is nothing in the future, don't often come to visit. Our two families are not very familiar, and we don't have to go to the wedding. Qingqing and I still have something to do, so we won't keep you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!