Trembling, she opened the information bag, though the detective had already told her the result when she got the news. But she couldn't help looking at it again.

Opening the bag, you can see that there are two paternity tests in it. First, the first one is opened, without looking at a large number of numbers in front of you. Only the ending is seen. "According to the results of DNA genetic marker typing, the biological parent-child relationship between XXX and XXX is not supported."

Seeing this, her eyes were a little dizzy, and immediately tore open the second paternity test. This time, she carefully read the words from the front to the back, and the final result was still: "does not support the biological parent-child relationship between XXX and XXX."

No, no, really not! She suddenly grasped the information and asked, "is this authority authoritative? Is this organization that you look for at random? Otherwise, how could it be so successful in one or two days? "

"There's nothing wrong with this one. According to your orders, it's the most powerful organization. It was done in a hurry. If I'm not satisfied, I can find another institution to do the appraisal. "

"Do, of course." Xu Zijin did not hesitate to nod, even in the country, the world, any organization, as long as it can draw the opposite conclusion - she simply can't accept, she is not the children of parents!

"And another. This is the information you want for all the children born in the first quarter of Xicheng maternal and child health care hospital 25 years ago. "

These materials are hard to steal, but they are also easy to steal. As long as you find the right person, as long as you give enough money, as long as a photocopy, it is not difficult.

The maternal and child health hospital in Xicheng District is a relatively large hospital. Even many years ago, there were many babies born here. The detective made a thick pile for her.

She was born in the middle of February. If there is any possibility of replacement, it must be a baby girl from the beginning of February to her discharge from hospital.

Because she asked the other party to check too much information, it was a thick stack, obviously not enough time to see here. She thought for a while, got up and said, "first of all, I will come to you later. This time, I will go back first."

The other side didn't think much, watching her take a lot of information back.

It's still a long way from home. She drove back. It was eleven o'clock when she came back.

The house is dark. Are mom and dad sleeping? It's better to sleep, otherwise She had these things, and she didn't know how to face them.

She slowly opened the door, quietly came in, changed shoes, took a briefcase, just ready to go upstairs, suddenly someone called her: "Zijin, how come back so late."

She was startled. Although she emphasized that she should not be afraid, her hand was still released involuntarily. I left my briefcase on the floor.

She was a little panicked and immediately squatted down to pick up the information. Li Hongrui also came to her and said, "you child, why are you so careless? Look at your stuff. "

"Mom She was shocked. If her mother saw her, she would die!

She cried out, "Mom, I'll come. Go and have a rest. "

"What is this?" Li Hongrui saw things scattered all over the place. It seemed that there was something like "XXX, male, born on X, x, x, 6 Jin, 5 Liang..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!