"Who said it couldn't be done? Maybe she's just out on business? "

Gu Qingshan at the end of the phone, or tough to speak.

How can the Liu family lose money in an instant. Even if the turnover is not working for a while, so much money is enough for them to compensate?

"Brother, you are really..." Gu Qingqing all speechless, hung up the phone, she looked at lengsi City, two people's expressions are slightly dignified.

Lengsi city thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to a lawyer to see what kind of agreement he has signed, and then I will make a decision."

Gu Qingqing nodded his head. This is the only way to deal with the situation now -

who knows, the storm came earlier than they expected.

In the afternoon of that day, the police came to the door.

The financing trust company affiliated to Rongxin company, suspected of illegal financing, attracted investment with ultra-high interest rate. At first, it still invested in real estate, and then used the money added later to repay the former interest. Until now, take all the money from the account and disappear.

By the time Gu Qingshan arrived at the investment company in Financial Street, it was already surrounded by angry people. Inside, the office area is in a mess, underground documents are flying in disorder, and the objects in the specially separated office area are also smashed by the people who rush in. There are large slogans of "return my hard-earned money" on the walls and the ground, and the citizens who rush to get money do not count.

With Gu Qingshan's arrival, many people immediately gathered around him. It was here that he first knew Liu Tiantian, and now he still holds the position of general manager here. This investment and financing company is also one of the earliest industries signed to him.

The following manager came to report that as early as a few days ago, he had been transferred by Liu Jianguo in batches and distributed to various accounts. There was no money left in the account.

Gu Qingshan himself was a bit stunned: "how much did they transfer away?"

The accountant shook his head: "we can't get in the backstage, but the preliminary estimate is that there are at least 3.4 billion yuan. Mr. Gu, what shall we do? "

"What to do, how do I know what to do!" Gu Qingshan realized that the Liu family was going to run away.

"Why don't you know that you are not Mr. Liu's son-in-law? Mr. Liu, they are gone. The company must look for you! "

Not only the citizens outside, but also many staff members have invested in the money, and they have not received their wages for more than a month. Now there are no leaders. Who else can we look for if we don't look for Gu Qingshan?

"Yes, Mr. Liu has taken away our money. Gu is always the biggest one here, so I'll find him!"

Originally, there were security guards maintaining order. Now everyone is competing for Gu Qingshan to be responsible for the accounts, and security guards have joined the chaotic industry. Gu Qingshan was a lonely man, surrounded by a large group of debt demanding employees and the masses. He was about to tear him alive.

When he finally escaped, he just returned home, and his creditors came to visit him. Before Liu Jianguo left these days, he did not forget to borrow a large amount of money, and the guarantor was Gu Qingshan.

Scared Gu Qingshan and Wu Aimei closed their doors. They did not dare to open the door, nor to go out. They did not dare to turn on their mobile phones. They were afraid that someone would come to them. In the night, however, the person who came this time was more direct - he was directly taken away by the police.

Before the Liu family tax evasion money has not been paid, their pre-sale real estate also exists the phenomenon of selling more than one house. There are even a number of projects suspected of violation of discipline, to be taken away for investigation.

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