"Thank you, Mr. Lin." She nodded, and this time she looked at him with a sincere look.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, he just felt that when she was speaking, her pupils seemed to flash.

"You're welcome." Lin Zhou Yi bowed his head and smiled. I don't know what the cold city and her are because of the conflict, but - I hope she has been in conflict, the best life and cold city will never miss!

However, what Lin Zhou Yi didn't expect was that Gu Qingqing listened to his "advice" and went back to work hard at the station, but she had a rest time. Her first action was to rush to the water bar and make a call to lengshi city.

Tragically, when she called, cold city was also working hard and went out of the town. He had too much work before, and his work was piled up. Although new mobile phones are bought, but people are outside the country, and the cell phone is exhausted and there is no place to rush. Gu Qingqing just missed when he called him.

Shut down again?

Gu Qingqing frowned and didn't want to be too much. When he came home at night, he saw the car in lengsi city when he arrived in the yard. Gu Qingqing was originally mentally depressed, and he was excited and rushed into the door in three or two steps. The baby sitter was greeting, "Ma'am, are you back?"

Gu Qingqing split his head and asked, "he's back?"

"He? You mean sir? He didn't come back. " The baby sitter was confused in one face.

"But there is clearly his car in the yard!" Gu Qingqing was excited at once.

Since he left that night, he didn't come back yesterday and there was no phone call today. The only contact in two days was the one she had called him on her own initiative and was hung up by him. She didn't know where he was or where he was now. I don't know - is he with Xu zipei or any other woman!

"Oh, that was a few hours ago, and the driver came back. Said that the day before yesterday stopped at star. "

The day before yesterday, it was the day they quarreled. He really went to star and really drank with Xu zipei!

“…… I know. " She nodded, thought and asked, "so, has he ever come back? Or, have you ever received a call from him? "

The little nanny thought, "No. Only Secretary Cheng came back once, as if he had come to get any information, he left soon and didn't say when to come back. "

Gu Qingqing nodded, and the light in his eyes turned gray: "OK."

Looking at her shoulder broken in, the baby sitter asked, "what would you like to eat at night, madam?"

Gu Qingqing even did not answer, and went in directly.

Opening the bedroom door, she threw herself into a soft bed, held the pillow and buried her head on the pillow.

Think about it carefully. She didn't do anything to offend him except that day when she begged him to save his brother. How could he suddenly change his attitude so quickly?

Is it true that he lost interest in her when the curse arrived in three months?

The outside sky changed from blood red to dark, and she lay on the bed and didn't want to move. Turning over, just don't know how to continue, suddenly, a phone call in, she seems to be activated in an instant mood, jumped from the bed, picked up the mobile phone!

Is it cold city, did he call? Even if it is not his own, Secretary Cheng's phone can!

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