"You're welcome. But I think you should be very happy, because I haven't seen this annoying face for many days

Lin Zhouyi deliberately serious said, Gu Qingqing immediately shook his head: "there is no matter."

He also laughed: "although the joke is a joke, but it's not appropriate for you to go back alone at night. I don't know if there will be reporters or people with ulterior motives. If you go back alone, I'll give you a ride. "

"No, thank you. The driver is waiting for me downstairs Gu Qingqing shakes his head, but he is still very grateful for his words.

Lin Zhouyi also said: "but it's strange. When you go back in the middle of the night, although there are drivers and bodyguards here, my cousin doesn't ask a word, doesn't he call, and he doesn't worry about your safety? Even if I don't worry about your safety, I don't care about you when I go back so late? "

He said and deliberately explained: "Oh, of course, he may be too busy with his work, and as soon as he is busy, he can't care about anything. Don't think about it. I don't mean anything else

It is said that Gu Qingqing should not think much about it, but Gu Qingqing heard this and didn't see it for several days. Naturally, he would have some thoughts.

When she went home in the car, she grabbed her mobile phone and played in her hand for a while. Suddenly, she said, "go to Leng's building."

The driver was a little strange: "madam?"

Gu Qingqing panicked for a moment, then lowered his head and thought for a while. Finally, he shook his head That's OK. Go back first. "

Maybe he is busy with his work now. It is a little too much for her to go up so rashly. She should believe him.

The driver didn't think much about it. He took her all the way back. It was more than 11 o'clock when she got off the bus. She dragged her tired body out of the car, went upstairs, cleaned up, and slept alone at the head of the bed.

Lying at the head of the bed, looking at the crystal light on the ceiling. I have been separated from him before and used to meet only once a month. However, never like now, not only miss, but also worry about gain and loss, wishful thinking.

He will leave the day after tomorrow, but no one has seen him.

Turning over, Gu Qingqing took his mobile phone and couldn't stand it. She wanted to call him and listen to his voice. At least, she wanted to know what he was doing.

Just put the address book out, looking at his name, she still did not have the courage to press down to dial.

Forget it, now it's so late, maybe he's still resting?

Anyway, he's going to leave the day after tomorrow, and he'll be back tomorrow.

Although he thought so, the next day, Gu Qingqing, who went to work in the eye of a panda, had just put down his bag and went to the bathroom when he heard someone whispering: " And Xu zipei joined the activity again. I don't know. She's not jealous at all? "

"Jealous what? Chen Wenjie used to make trouble in front of her in the company, but she didn't get angry. Therefore, if you want to marry a rich family, you have to have a big heart and be patient. "

"I'd rather my boyfriend has no money than gossip like this."

Several people lowered their heads and whispered. Suddenly, they seemed to find something. They turned their heads and saw Gu Qingqing push the door open, with an expressionless face.

These people were arrested, but also embarrassed, bowed his head and called "director Gu", turned around and ran away.

Gu Qingqing ignored them and looked down at the mobile phone. Sure enough, in recent days, he and Xu zipei often appeared in front of the media together.

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