He poured himself a glass of red wine and another glass of red wine. The color of the wine was like blood. In the moonlight, he held the glass, like a vampire, and began this bloody feast.

After so many days of arrangement, I finally have a chance to officially start a decisive battle with lengsi city. How do you feel? It seems that you are excited from the bottom of your heart?

He took the glass and touched it lightly.


the next day, the plane that Lin Zhouyi ordered took off in the evening. Connecting from Los Angeles was faster than walking from London. Their team in lengsi city is a visiting group with certain political and political factors. The first stop is Buenos Aires, and then to Rio de Janeiro and Santiago, the capital of Chile.

After getting on the plane, Lin Zhouyi gave her a lot of information, all in English. He also laughed: "you are allowed to go to bed after you get on the plane, and then watch it when you transfer to Los Angeles."

Gu Qingqing opened the document and found that one of the cases was handed in by Lin Zhouyi yesterday, but it was in English. See her puzzled expression, Lin Zhouyi also smile: "you look carefully."

As expected, she looked a few more times. There were more personal information about the partner, his preferences, beliefs, and taboos. "Remember these taboos and preferences. This person is more troublesome, so it's better not to offend him," Lin said

Even if his purpose is to take Gu Qingqing to see what he wants her to see, he has to make a show to sign a contract.

Gu Qingqing nodded and really went to remember one by one. When he got off the plane, Lin Zhouyi was still sorry: "this time, I'm afraid I can't stay in the hotel of the delegation. This time, it was a regiment, and the whole hotel was contracted, and martial law was imposed. After all, you know, the law and order here is not very good. "

Gu Qingqing nodded, he can not live next door to lengsi City, is a bit of a pity. "But don't worry, I'll stay in a hotel nearby," Lin said. After arriving, there will be a party in two days. Celebrities will be invited. It should be open at that time. I'll take you there. "

Gu Qingqing nodded. After all, there was a task to come over this time, although it was a little regretful, I didn't mind. When the hotel, the environment is really good, open the window can see a sea. Just settled down, not finished, there lengsi city called: "call you in the morning, how did you shut down?"

It takes 30 hours to fly here, and she's still on the plane when they call. Gu Qingqing naturally can't say that, she just explained: "I'm sorry, the phone ran out of power at that time, and it's charging automatically."

Standing by the window, she could see the hotel of lengsi city nearby. Maybe in one of the windows, she lived in lengsi city?

In fact, the other side of lengsi city also pushed open the window and stood by the window.

Two people do not know, the distance between them, perhaps separated by a sea of flowers, from thousands of rivers and mountains meet again, but no one can see who.

"Well." He nodded. It was OK.

"And how were you yesterday?"

"Just like that, work, socialize." There is no difference except that the language is not Chinese.

Just then, someone knocked at Gu Qingqing's door. She immediately said, "I'm going to work. Goodbye. And I miss you so much. "

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