"Gu Qingqing's door still remained silent until it was closed.

"Miss Gu. "Next to him, Lin Zhouyi waited for a long time and didn't wait for Gu Qingqing to respond. Although these things are basically arranged by him and they have been standing here for a long time, he should also remind him of his feelings.

Gu Qingqing still has no reaction at all, Lin Zhouyi also dare not go up to say what. After waiting for a long time, he patted her on the shoulder: "well, Miss Gu, your phone call. "

GU Qingqing still had no expression on her face. She just put her hand into her pocket and groped for a long time. She found that her mobile phone was not in her pocket and her head was not lowered. She felt her backpack with her hands and opened the zipper. When she found her mobile phone, the phone had already hung up.

When the phone hung up, she didn't respond. When the call came back, she didn't even look down to see who was calling. She connected directly.

"Gu Qingqing, you don't have the courage to come here, but you have the courage to answer the phone? You're not afraid to come, are you? So afraid to see my brother and my sister together? I tell you, today they have been together, just in XX Hotel, they two talents are a pair! "

GU Qingqing was silent and did not reply for a long time.

"Gu Qingqing, are you dead? Gu Qingqing?! "

after that, Xu Zijin hung up. Gu Qingqing still holds a mobile phone in his hand, even his expression doesn't move.

The lights in the corridor are voice controlled lights. No one spoke for a long time. The lights in the corridor have been extinguished. You can only see her appearance by lighting up the lights in the room far away.

Gu Qingqing did not speak, nor did Lin Zhouyi. Turning around, I saw her side, the light was not clear, only a few strokes, but it seemed to outline her lonely and empty mood, as if she had lost her soul.

After a while, Lin Zhouyi called again: "Miss Gu, look, what are we going to do now? "

GU Qingqing nodded for a long time:" OK. "

Lin Zhouyi didn't ask her where she was going. Instead, she turned around and seemed to go downstairs. Is this going to go home? Or are you going somewhere else?

He also immediately followed, watching her all the way back, down the elevator, out of the lobby, directly to the outside of the hotel.

It's still raining outside. Gu Qingqing walks into the rain curtain so recklessly. Lin Zhouyi is startled and immediately grabs her arm: "Miss Gu, get in the car. You can't walk alone in this big night. "

GU Qingqing was pulled into the car by his arm. When the door was closed, Lin Zhouyi was about to ask questions when another phone call came.

Lin Zhouyi saw the name on the screen of the mobile phone. It was lengsi city. He didn't say a word.

Lengsi city has been working for a day, and only now have time to contact her. In the afternoon, there was a dangerous situation in the resort villa. It rained heavily, and it didn't rain a little bit until the evening. It was also that he had not made enough prediction before. He only wanted to build a resort in the most beautiful scenery in the mountains. Although he also investigated the geology, he was obviously not 100% prepared at that time.

In addition to Xu zipei's business, she will go abroad the day after tomorrow. He is busy, so is she. Before going abroad, she has to hand over the work. Today, he was busy all day, and she could only stay with him. She didn't have a chance to talk about the rest until the evening.

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