"I just hope you can be kind to the world in the future, and don't do anything to harm people. All in all, although we broke up, I also hope you can have a good life, mom and Dad, Uncle Xu, Aunt Li, have offended, I am sorry, I can not achieve your intention. "

when he finished, he bowed respectfully to his parents and the parents of the Xu family. Finally, he bowed to Xu Zijin, and then he really turned around and left with no lingering color on his face.

"Zhining, Zhining, don't go! "When he saw Nie Zhining really turned down the stairs and left them all behind, Xu Zijin seemed to have found something. He rushed to the railing and tried to stop him:" Zhining! Zhining! "

Nie Zhining really made up his mind this time. If you don't love, you can force yourself to have family and friendship. However, even the standards and moral standards of life are different. How can two people get along with each other in the future?

Nie Zhining's pace did not change. He went down the stairs, passed through the hall and went out directly. Xu Zijin followed him to the window. "Zhining, Nie Zhining! "

Nie Zhining didn't even go back, so he went out of the house directly. Xu Zijin was in a hurry and immediately ran down the stairs and chased out.

Originally, when Nie Zhining went down, the four parents were still standing on one side with a serious face. Although Zhen Xiaoya felt a little distressed for her son, she did not catch up with her. Until Xu Zijin ran, she also followed her. Two people chased Nie Zhining who walked to the door. He had already got on the car. When they caught up, Nie Zhining just started the steam Car.

"Nie Zhining! Nie Zhining! "Xu Zijin took advantage of the car has not left, and the window has not been closed, immediately rushed up, hands holding the window, expression both a little panic and a trace of worry:" Nie Zhining, if you leave, we will be really finished! I will not be with you again, Xu family and Nie family will also become enemies for life! "

he didn't care at all. After listening, he just looked back at her:" please step aside, I'm going to drive. "

Xu Zijin was stunned for a moment, and Nie Zhining directly started the car and drove out. Xu Zijin pursued two steps: "Nie Zhining, Nie Zhining! "

Nie Zhining did not stop at all, but a gust of air from the exhaust pipe of the car directly drove out.

"Nie Zhining, Nie Zhining, stop! "Xu Zijin couldn't stop her. She could only watch the car drive away in front of her.

Not only Xu Zijin, Zhen Xiaoya also called his son in the back, and soon the other three also rushed over. Especially the two of the Xu family, looking at Xu Zijin as if to continue to chase after the car, Li Hongrui put his arm around his daughter, full of heartache: "what do you want from that kind of man? Half hearted, and do not pay attention to you, he is not with you is his loss, mother to find you a man 100 times better than him! "

next to her, seeing Nie Shize coming, Zhen Xiaoya did not care to say anything. She directly took her husband's arm:" husband, let's make him "

" you said! It is because he is too spoiled and spoiled by lawlessness that he makes such an excessive thing! "He said, but also looked like Xu's parents, a face of apology:" we'd rather not sensible, come back I will teach him! "

" hum, I'm afraid that the childe of your family will not like us! "Xu Zhongxu also snorted coldly. He looked back at his daughter and wanted to rush out. He said," what are you crying for? Without him, there are many people who want to be engaged to you. They are Nie's family. We can't afford it! Don't worry about this marriage! “

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