Soon, Xu Zijin looked at the information indifferently in the eyes, and then returned a few words: "continue, wait for the opportunity to act. What I want is Gu Qingqing's life. "

she hung up and a flash of light flashed through her eyes. Lengsi city and Gu Qingqing divorce, but is the first step. Without the shell of the cold family's personal protection, she would like to see if Gu Qingqing still has three heads and six arms to escape from the trap she set!

Mr. Lin asked me to give it to you. He has gone on a business trip and may not come back for a while. "At the airport, Zhang Yuxi gave Gu Qingqing a file bag." in it is a letter of recommendation for you to study in University and practice in the company. And the apartment you lived in the United States has already paid for it. "

GU Qingqing was a little strange:" is there a place for me in the school? I only go for one year, half a year to learn theoretical knowledge, and then I will find a house myself. "

Zhang Yuxi shook his head." Mr. Lin said that this is the company's apartment in the United States. It's our company's contact point. It's very close to the school, and the security is very good. This is the contact information of the contact person. You can contact him if you have something to do. There is also the international driver's license you applied for, which is used when you go to the United States. The company will provide you with a car for free, and the car key is also given to the contact person. When you get there, he will give it to you directly. "

since it was rented by the company, she would not say much. "Thank you. "

when Zhang Yuxi looked at her carrying her luggage alone, she was still a little strange:" how can you go to America alone? Cold always do not send you? Even if he doesn't come, doesn't he still have those bodyguards? It's not good for you to carry your luggage alone, right? "

GU Qingqing had an agreement with lengsi city before - he didn't speak up, she couldn't take the initiative to mention their divorce, and she couldn't disclose his situation. She just laughed and didn't answer.

She never had many friends. Li youyou couldn't come to see her off today. She didn't tell her mother and brother about going abroad. In order to leave home for a year, Zhang Yuxi, who came to deliver things at the airport, almost went to the ocean alone.

But when Zhang Yuxi mentioned lengsi City, she was awakened. After Zhang Yuxi left, she immediately called the lawyer: "lawyer, I don't know if I've done well with Si Cheng? I'm going to America now, and I may not be back for a long time. "

the lawyer also said," Miss Gu, I'm sorry for the delay. There are no other problems. The only problem is that the change of ownership is more troublesome. I can't start the program for you before this is done. And Leng Zong is not here now, and I can't make any other plans. But don't worry, it's just a matter of time. You can't leave it. "

I don't know why. After hearing this, Gu Qingqing was a little bit weird. Is there anything else lengsi city can't do if she wants to get a divorce? She had to nod: "then trouble the lawyer. "

after hanging up the phone, Gu Qingqing lowered her head and prepared to pull the suitcase to check in the boarding pass. She didn't find out that a man had changed a bottle of drinks just now because she was holding the phone in one hand and luggage in the other hand. She did not know. When she was waiting in line to check in her boarding pass, she unconsciously took the drink bottle to her mouth and opened the lid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!