Lengsi city just cold face suddenly stiff.

It was like a carefully carved mask that was suddenly shot, then cracked and scattered. The expression of his whole face also changed from cold, stiff, surprised, and later, he also knew whether he was angry or more disappointed than anger. He suddenly got up and stood with his back to her. The whole person was still uncontrollable, as if it was filled with gas The explosion of the balloon, full of emotion will almost burst his whole person!

He was so angry that he didn't believe in evil. He turned around and broke her face to see her. Her expression is calm, in her eyes, he really can not see a little emotion, anger, humiliation, shame, her expression seems to tell him that he is like a dust in her eyes, no, more terrible than dust. Once she may be shy and angry, but now, perhaps she really as she said, men see a lot, so this kind of thing is not a thing at all?

Sure enough, Gu Qingqing didn't know what he was thinking at this time, but asked in a faint voice, "OK? If it's all right, let go of my hands and feet. It really hurts when you tie it up

She really doesn't matter!

Not only did she not love him, but she must have been used to this chaotic life for a long time, so it was not worth mentioning, even the most basic sense of shame was gone! Such a woman, such a woman, he blind will have been like to now!

Leng Si city suddenly pushed her away, as if she met something very dirty and dirty. Before she could react, she saw her rushing out of the bedroom. There was a quick footstep, then a slam of the door, and then a car whistle.

Gu Qingqing pointed his ears and listened for a long time. He was sure that he had left. Then he was relieved. She said that she just did not have many psychological fluctuations is false, not to mention anything else, just lengsi city that would like to kill the eyes, look at her feel that she will die in his hands.

She was still at the head of the bed when she took a breath. A little movement, in addition to the wrist and ankle, the body is also very painful. As long as you move, it is like a severe fall on the ground and bruised. It should be just injured, but the problem is, lengsi city has gone, and she is still tied here.

He will leave after playing. The problem is whether he can untie her or dress her before he leaves. She is like this, what if someone breaks in later, if she is seen at this time, she is really shameless!

But she didn't want Leng Si city to come back. If he did come back, he couldn't run. But if she keeps doing this, she will be crazy! Take a break and be self-sufficient.

She turned her head and tried to untie her bondage, but her hands were too tight. As she struggled, the cloth directly pulled to the wound of her wrist, which was wet and probably soaked with blood. After struggling for a long time, her wrists were too tight to move. Tossed for a long time, only his left foot even to loose.

After releasing her left foot, she tried to have a look, and then she broke her right leg free. After a long time of work, she was already sweating. Her hand did not loosen at all, and it was getting tighter and tighter.

Seeing the sun has risen to the sky, and slowly fell down, next to his mobile phone rang dozens of calls, she also can not receive. Now what to do, do you really let her in this position until she is found out?

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