Li Ruizhi was a little flustered. He didn't identify the sound outside the door. He just said, "Qingqing, it's not easy to come to Europe. You've all called a tour guide. Would you like to drink coffee by the river?"

Please, Gu Qing asked for a good reputation from his guide. It's not easy to come to Europe, and you're the first to step on behalf of your mother, and you always follow me to drink coffee. I'm sorry

"I don't mean that." What's the point of coming to Europe if you don't go with her? "Don't you?"

"Yes, but not with you." The door was suddenly pushed open, Nie Zhining outside the door smiling full ran into the door. As soon as he came in, he said to Li Ruizhi first: "Oh, isn't this the monitor of Li University? Hello, Hello, long time no see. "

The smile on Li Ruizhi's face was slightly stiff: "Nie Zhining? Why are you here? "

"You can be here. Why can't I be here?" Nie Zhining was not surprised to see Gu Qingqing and even complained, "why don't you tell me when you come here? I can arrange ahead of time."

Gu Qingqing was a little surprised: "why do you Aren't you in London? "

She knew that Nie Zhining went to Europe for development. This time, she asked him to introduce some reliable travel agencies to her. But he went to England. How could he come here?

"You're allowed to travel, and I'm not allowed to have a holiday occasionally?" Nie Zhining smile genial, "this time your schedule is too tight, otherwise go to London, although the food is not good, but there are still quite a lot of fun, I accompany the whole journey."

"I think of it all of a sudden. It's not good to disturb your work

Nie Zhining nodded: "I work is very busy, but if it is with you, then busy I will take time." He looked at the room with a smile. There was only her luggage in the room. The pillow is only used by one person. Obviously, she doesn't live with Li Ruizhi.

Although the two have already talked about it, he didn't come all the way to accompany her and her new boyfriend.

Seeing the two of them, Li Ruizhi couldn't listen to them any more. He cut in and said, "isn't there a tour guide? Where is the guide? "

"Tour guides, of course." Nie Zhining smile, also tentatively asked a: "you go back to the room and wait, he has been on the road, will come later."

Li Ruizhi has anything else to say. Seeing Gu Qingqing's silent appearance, he still nods after all: "OK, you can call me if you have something to do."

Nie Zhining saw him retreat out, brush open the door of the next room, just completely rest assured. He looked back and said, "is he after you?"

Gu Qingqing rubbed his eyebrows. Nie Zhining asked again, "how did you suddenly want to come here?"

Gu Qingqing was just about to open his mouth when Li Ruizhi came to knock on the door. Instead of calling Gu Qingqing in the name of Gu Qingqing, he said to Nie Zhining, "Zhining, it's not easy to see you again. Would you like to have a meal later?"

Nie Zhining door did not open, just smile: "good, but to wait for the night, during the day I and Qingqing have something to do. You can rest assured that the tour guide I've got for you is very experienced and will definitely make you have a good time. "

He looked back: "if you don't tell me what happened, I'll invite monitor Li to join us later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!