During this period, Wu Aimei and Gu Qingshan had a miserable time. Although Gu Qingqing did not want to investigate their responsibility, they were neither jailed nor tried. It seems that they have committed such a large case, and there is no matter. There is still freedom. It seems that they are very good.

However, they still owe money. Usury is not the same as Gu Qingqing. They are the kind who will stare at you if they don't see money. It was agreed that Gu Qingqing's business had come to an end. The money they could get was just enough to pay off the debt, but Gu Qingqing escaped and the other party refused to pay him any money. Without money, usury pursues more fiercely than in the past. Looking for Xu Zijin to ask for money, Xu Zijin simply ignored them.

Now, changing the number and address is not necessarily to avoid Gu Qingqing, on the contrary, they are evading usury. They also regret it. Now they know that Gu Qingqing and Leng Si Cheng are reunited. Although Leng Si Cheng seems to have been driven out by his parents, he is the only child. It will be sooner or later to return to Leng's home. If they don't calculate her so much, maybe Leng Si Cheng will pay for her share?

But now, they have no skin and no face, and they dare not ask Gu Qingqing for money. After hiding in Tibet for a long time, finally one day, Xu Zijin called and said, "I can help you return your money, and I can give you a million dollars to run away.". But I have one condition. No matter what method you use, I don't want to see Gu Qingqing appear in front of me again! "

Wu Aimei and Gu Qingshan looked at each other, and both hesitated: "well, now that Gu Qingqing knows that it was we who designed to harm her last time, how could she listen to us again? Besides, even if we succeed in deceiving her and bewitching her, who will take over after that? "

"Listen clearly. I don't want to see Gu Qingqing again. Whether it's Yancheng, Shangcheng, domestic or foreign, I want this person to disappear completely! Pay off the debt, one million, you think it through and call me immediately. My patience is limited. If I disagree within three days, I will not contact you again. "

Finish saying Xu Zijin hang up the phone directly.

Gu Qingshan and Wu Aimei look at each other, and they know what Xu Zijin means this time. This is to let them kill! Gu Qingshan doesn't look like he's been mixing the society all the time. Let him kidnap and fight ruthlessly. He can really let him kill people Then he still dare not.

He did not dare, and Wu Aimei did not dare. What's more, Gu Qingqing was raised since she was a child. It's good for them to be honest with her conscience. She didn't let them go to prison this time because she suffered such a big crime. What happened after kidnapping was as clear as the eye, killing people She really can't do it!

Besides, it was murder, murder! It's not like going to jail. It's death penalty!

"Or, forget it, go to lengsi City, sincerely apologize, and promise not to spend money in the future. Should they help us?"

Gu Qingshan also agreed, two people to ease up, just at this time lengsi city called, Wu Aimei just ready to pick up, they rent out of the rough room suddenly heard "bang bang bang" knock on the door. Two people have a little doubt: "who?"

The outside people did not answer, and then the knock on the door was louder. Someone kicked the door open with a click, and then several men burst in: "Gu Qingshan, if you don't pay back the money, we'll kill you!"

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