Li Hongrui also wanted to say something, and then came a voice: "she said right, we will decide our own affairs."

Gu Qingqing knew it was lengsi city when he heard the voice. He looked back and saw that it was indeed.

"Why did you come?" How much did he listen to the conversation just now? In fact, even if he heard it all, she didn't think it was a big deal. People should have a sense of crisis, she has always been a good person will be prepared to do a few hands. To put it mildly, it is to be prepared for a rainy day. In fact, it is to worry about gains and losses and look forward to the future.

Lengsi city face expression is not visible, has been very calm, came from the corner, very natural embrace her waist, in her side face kiss. The movements are very skillful, Gu Qingqing even cooperated with the tilt of his head, and he couldn't see that they had any disagreements at all.

After a kiss, Leng Si Cheng's arm was still on her waist, and her expression was light: "Mrs. Xu, what can I do for you? People who don't need to point out to my family. "

Lengsi city first words, Li Hongrui also want to seriously answer. At the beginning of the second sentence, she was a little worried: "how can I be an outsider?"

"Not an outsider, what are you? Legally, you have nothing to do with my family. Although Qingqing has lived in your family for so many years, it seems that you don't like her very much. You help Xu Zijin how to deal with her, green temper does not remember, but I am deeply impressed. Do you want me to help you review? "

Although Gu Qingqing was about to leave, his heart was blocked, but he would not lose his temper to his wife. If you want to lose your temper, you should also aim at the outsider. It was her fault who told her to cause the topic. Besides, the dispute between him and his father is a matter of their father and son, whatever she does. Just meet to put up the posture of a mother, do not see yourself worthy.

Sure enough, lengsi city's words instantly let Li Hongrui's expression suddenly change. Originally, her face muscles had some involvement, such a convulsion, the whole person had some painful distortion.

"Sure enough, are you still blaming me? I do Not worthy of being a mother. "

"Who blame you? Don't think yourself so important. If it wasn't for your DNA, you would be at best an aunt we knew in the past. She does not need to support or inherit you in law, nor does she need to be tied to death by morality and law. I don't even value the money of the cold family. We don't pay attention to your Xu family's capital. "

Gu Qingqing saw Li Hongrui's face was very painful, and the whole person seemed to be uncomfortable. She did not think that lengsi city said how bad, is afraid of her accident, the impact on lengsi city is not good. She side head asks: "do not go to tell Uncle Xu, heard that she just recovered, if there is an accident will be in trouble."

Lengsi City nodded "good", turned around and called the security guard: "here is a lady who is not feeling well. Let people come and have a look."

After that, she lowered her head to see if she could catch her breath, and continued to put the knife: "if you want to see the children in the future, come here in a proper manner, and don't criticize my family. It's not nice to say. Even the family is more qualified to take care of her affairs than you

Just said, outside a bit noisy. Just as the security guard came to see the situation, lengsi city immediately asked: "what's the matter?"

The security guard said, "there's a man who claims to be his wife's brother, making trouble outside." , the fastest update of the webnovel!