Chapter 29 - | The men an

Name:Beware of the Brothers Author:Plutos
BOTB Chapter 29 (1) | The men and the women

Eugene’s POV

“Aren’t you just playing so much these days?”

It was a sunny day when the fresh rust light filled the field of view.

Eugene and Hari were walking together in the garden at Ernst Mansion.

“What will you do if Mr. Rowengeen is chasing you?”

Indeed, as Hari said, Eugene in recent days was having a leisurely day as if there was no past that he had behaved like workholic all the time years ago.

When Hari smiled mischievously, Eugene leaned his head at an angle and replied calmly.

“These days I don’t have much work to do, so I’m just free. I’ve been busy dealing with the delays a while ago, so it’s time to take a break.”

But, of course, the reality was different from his words.

Rowengreen’s mother, who is about to blame him for making his son buried in the mountain of papers by now was noticeable.

“Yeah, not long ago, my brother was very busy.”

Of course, without knowing it, Hari nodded at his words and smiled prettily.

Eugene held her hand a little hard.

The time he spent with Hari is precious.

Even if he is just looking at her, even if he held her hand like this, a corner of his heart swelled like a balloon and seemed to rise up into the sky.


After a while, Hari, standing side by side with him as they’re walking through the garden, gently opened her mouth and looked up at him.

“My brother helped Dice and Miss Rosabella?”

Eugene did not find it difficult for her to find out what he had said to Dice.

However, Hari also had a lot to do with Eugene, who didn’t even know Dice well like her.

“They like each other, I didn’t know how I helped them.”

Again she saw Eugene with an answer and misunderstood it.

Her thought was so naive that a laugh came out. Hari wasn’t even aware that Eugene had been engaged to Rosabella when he knew she has Dice’s heart.

Also, he didn’t know that Eugene had used their minds to his liking, and that if they were useless in the first place, their minds had no meaning or value to him.

But he doesn’t have to tell that to her. Hari, who is still smiling at him, is very lovely.

“Look at it. Pretending not to do good things alone.”

She raised her hand to his head with a proud face somewhere, as if she was proud and would like to praise Eugene’s work.

Hari sometimes stroked his head like a child.

When he think about it, even as a child, she sometimes surprises him by showing her not like a child behaviour in front of Eugene.

Hari’s actions now seemed to compensate for the childhood they had never been with.

Eugene was dissatisfied whenever he saw Hari, who treat him like a child…..

“Yeah, that’s my brother Eugene.”

Still, this smile and touch was good, so he just stood still without rooting it.

Somewhere in the wind, a scent of flowers came from everywhere. Red rose was showing off in full of visibility.

However, there is only one person in Eugene’s eyes.

Only by itself, his world was complete.

Hari’s POV

The next day, Hari was invited to the salon of Countess Gideon’s, where there was an exchange before, and attended the meeting.

And even after her job was finished, she was caught by Gideon’s wife for an hour and was barely released while talking.

Uniquely, the road to the main gate of Count Gideon was decorated with a huge flower garden.


While walking in the scent of flowers, Hari suddenly lost balance and staggered.

When she stopped and checked it, it was truly a pity that one side of her shoe was broken.

“Can I support you, my lady?”

Because today is Ethan Bishop’s holiday, another knight escorted Hari asked her, instead of him.

As he said, it was difficult to walk alone to the wagon standing in front of the front door because the height of the heels in her both feet did not match.

However, after a brief glimpse on the broken shoes, she looked dissatisfiedly at the shoe heel and reacted as if it wasn’t trivial.

“It’s okay. Just remove the other heel, well.”

The knight standing behind immediately realized the meaning of her word.

Hari’s leg was lifted.


And her crutches flew into the stepping stones next to her.

“Well? It’s not done yet.”

However, it was not enough at one time, and it was seen that the bend was half off and rattled.

Hari grabbed the edge of the shoes and gave it more strength than before, and rolled her feet.

The escort knight looked at her pupil and looked at her behaving as exciting as an aristocratic lady can be.

“Isn’t that Lady Ernst?”

Hari, who was feeling refreshed by looking at the heels that fell apart, frowned at the sound of hearing from her behind.

Because the person who came to her is Lavender Cordis.

“Hey, the escort knight has changed? I think it’s a bit too much to carrying an escort knight next to you.”

Just as Hari was captured by Count Gideon’s wife and just left the mansion, Lavender had a relationship with her daughter, Gideon young miss, and was on the way to chat with her.

However, while heading for the front door, Lavender saw a low-knit face and spoke.

A twisted smile emerged on Lavender’s face as she looked over her and the escorts next to her.

“By the way, what the hell was it just before?”

Hari was sending a cool gaze toward the person she faced with an expressionless face.

It was only both of them and that this timing was not welcome at the moment.

“Maybe the lady should studied etiquette again. As an Ernst, don’t you think you’re going to go after all the dignity of Arlanta’s quiet ladies alone?”

A thorny words came out of Lavender’s mouth.

It was a feeling that Hari Ernst was insulted by her words, and the person who had suffered from the pain by simply imagining her cheeks turned red.

But what followed was a thin laugh of her.

When Lavender raised her eyes to the sound, Hari said, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Oh, I’m sorry. The Lady’s words are so funny, stop it.”

And in the words of her that followed, Lavender rolled her face without her knowledge.

“I didn’t put my values low enough to worry about dignity in the past.”

Hari even looked up and down to Lavender in front of her and made a pitiful expression.

“But Miss Cordis… Yes, I see why you think I should live with the special attention. Whatever you imagine, it’s a tired life. It would be better to study etiquette from the beginning when the lady has a chance.”

Lavender exploded in a compassionate look.

Who is this sleazy bitch daring to see with her eyes?!

“Don’t be funny, the amount of anything that’s up to you…”

“Don’t you act as if you are anything. Do you think you are so good?”

But as soon as she opened her mouth, a cold voice broke into her eardrum.

Lavender didn’t realize for a moment what she had just heard.

“Why, you thought I couldn’t tell you with all my formality?”

Then, toward her gnarled lips, Hari again cynically muffled.

“Do you know what you’re saying? Girdle is a bountiful, and you’re pooping in your mouth.”

“What, what?!”

It was shocking to say a pretty face like an angel and spit the words out with her classical lips, but even at such moments, Hari Ernst made herself seemed to be noble as if they’re only chanting.

“Every time you say a word, it’s like shits are flying.”

“What did this crazy bitch say to me now?”

“Stop acting stupid and be mindful. When you roll this way to me, nothing comes out. Why don’t you be smarter? If I were you, I would just choose to ignore and think of me as a dayless person. Look?”

Lavender has lost words.

She want to give the person in front her a cool curse, but this situation is so embarrassing that no sound bursts out of her throat of the lunge.

Hari’s last face was cold, and Hari shook her face to the smothering lavender.

“But what should I do? You’re nothing to me. So don’t bother me this way every time you see me. I don’t have time to waste on you.”

After saying that, Hari turned back from Lavender with her escort.

Lavender’s POV

“Oh damn it!”

Lavender returned to Cordis’ mansion and wiped out all the things on her dressing table.

In the garden of Count Gideon’s flower garden, She couldn’t say a word to Hari, and she was disgusted.

‘You’ve pick the wrong person, Miss Cordis.’

A meeting with Johannes Vastia at a prom the other day was heated and floated in the lit of her mind.

‘Whatever the reason, can’t I do something against her ladyship?”

It wasn’t she expected the whispered words after a great mock, she was just trying to take advantage of Johannes Vastia, who had Hari Ernst in mind.

But he doesn’t worked on Lavender’s invitation as she hold hands while wearing candy, saying,

‘Do you want to have Hari Ernst?’

He refused without even considering her words.

‘I don’t know what you mean, but if you do harm Hari, I won’t stay still.’

Then, even though he refused her offer, he added threats.

When she reconsidered what happened then, her heat spread to the end of her head.

Why? Why the hell? Why is everything so easy for that girl?

From the time she first met Hari Ernst, everything she felt inside was starting to crumble one by one.

A girl in a dirty back street, unclear even where she came from.

However, Hari Ernst, whom she met for the first time in the dressing shop, boasted a dazzling appearance that make her rub her eyes and look again.

She had a mysterious and peculiar beauty somewhere, including the silver hair that resembled Mrs. Ernst’s dead daughter and her bright glowing eyes.

She’s just a 16-year-old girl, but sometimes, she seems surprisingly mature and elegant, and it has set the soul of a person.

And the dignity and elegance that flows through her body.

From the birth to the resolute appearance as if she had been born with all that.

Her pride was hurt by the fact that she was absorbed in it for a moment.

She guess she’s just a humble bitch who rolled in the back alley. However, anyway, Ernst is Ernst, so she should have a good acquaintance with her.

Besides, she is going to be the Duchess of Ernst one day.

Lavender was attracted to Eugene Ernst at first sight and was seeking him.

There was an obstacle, Rosabella Velontia, but let’s say that a political engagement so she didn’t doubt that she had a chance for herself.

If so, there would be nothing wrong with making his sister, Hari Ernst whom he was terribly caring for, to be on her side.

For some reason, however, Hari Ernst stayed close to Rosabella Velontia and stayed away from Lavender.

That fact was so irritating and irritable.

And one day, Lavender witnessed something that should not be seen.


‘Don’t move because you might fall over. I’ll go.’

‘Stay still.’

It was the moment of Eugene’s departure to Hari Ernst, who fell into the lake during the New Year’s event.

At that time, Eugene’s eyes only looking at Hari Ernst. And she seen it.

Alas, how can she call that eye look at his only sister!

Eugene did not turn to her side of the line, as the visible Lavender was invisible.

The impact of that day was still clearly carved in the chest of Lavender.

“Never give. I can’t ever give you as much…”

Like this… She want him like this, why can’t she have him?

Lavender crushed her lips with her heart boiling from her inside.

If she can’t have it, she’d rather ruin it. Hari Ernst, she never will seen her take away what hers and make herself happy.

Lavender feels the taste of blood dripping on her crushed lips, and it okay.

The woman who gave her such misery, she will make her unhappy with her hand.