Chapter 37

“…… Wow.”

I must have heard that I was going to see Assand, but this is a palace in Versailles. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut at the sight unfolding before my eyes. With two suns in the background, it was more like an imperial palace than a temple.

Passing by the half-human guards resembling jackals, cat goblins with huge fans that look like green leaves stand proudly boasting sky-like skirts. When I read it only in writing, the sights I had passed by saying, “Umm, this is okay” unfolded before my eyes, and there was no other world.

I think I’m like a tourist who wants to have a camera, it’s Assand! I woke up to the call.

When the curtains like noodles were removed, there was a man sitting in the middle of the throne. The structure gives the illusion of a halo coming from behind.

“Assand, I have brought her to you as you have ordered.”

Ah hot! The fairy who was guiding me bowed her head to the floor, so I fell on my face and almost burned my knee. I didn’t know if it was because I was wearing wooden shoes, but the marble floor was inferno.

Unable to bear it, I got up quickly, and the bodyguards standing next to me looked at me as if I was disrespectful. It’s hot, but what do I say? When I rubbed my tingling knee, it was already burning hot. It was a miracle that I didn’t get burned.

“Good work. Go away.”

With a single gesture of Assand’s hand, the maid flowed out like the ebb. In an instant, Assand and I were left alone in the wide hall.

It was only then that I could see Assand properly. Bright blonde hair with moderately tanned copper skin. Golden eyes. The firm chest is exposed because of the translucent material of the priest’s uniform. Literally, a handsome man, it was indeed the person that the female lead chose.

“Are you the woman Karein brought?”

The sculpture that was staring down at me with his elbow on the chair opened his mouth.


“You are human.”

Are you ignoring me because I am human? The way he looked at me strangely made me feel bad. Monsters would understand, but they look down on me even though we have the same human form. Like it or not, Assand with his chin clenched said intriguingly.

“It’s interesting. Besides the body of Saint Lucia, there are humans who can survive in Valhalla.”

Assand’s words spurred my mind. Come to think of it, the heroine of the original story was a kind of possessed person with a soul over the body called ‘Saint Lucia’. On the other hand, I fell here with my body as it is. Maybe that’s why I kept getting sick? As soon as I had doubts, I was startled by the conversation that followed.

“I heard from Karein. You helped him get out of the Dark Age.”

“…… Yes?”

“You’re pretty good for looking weak. I don’t think you’re particularly special.”

When did you see me ? Look at what this bastard is saying. I was taken aback by Assand’s behavior, which arrogantly raised his chin.

“Excuse me.”

“You are Karein’s benefactor, so I will allow you to stay here. It’s the guy’s request too.”

“No! I’m just turning back to the Dark Age…… ”

“Do you know where Dark Age is?”

He shows great interest by removing his upper body from the backrest.

“…… Yes?”

“Karein doesn’t remember the location. Do you seem to know?”

He asks subtly in a monotonous tone like asking ‘how is the weather today’. As I shut my mouth tightly in the instinctive ominousness, disappointment glides through the flash of gold.

“…… nope I don’t know either.”

“That’s too bad. It was a good opportunity to hit those bastards first.”

Uh, what? Doubting my ears, Assand leaned back and raised his eyes arrogantly. The golden eyes, which had previously felt like a beautiful golden color, are now seen as the yellow eyes of a carnivore encountered in the middle of the night. I knew he hated Apocalypse, but I didn’t know that a man called Solar’s guardian could use such word.

“Oh, and I heard that you have a chronic illness. I will help you with all my heart through Luce’s medical technology.”

His tone is at the level of a lower version of Laytan. While I was in shock, Assand continued to speak with a dry expression on his face.

“You’re not a god, and you don’t seem to have any special abilities, but thanks to Karein, you’re able to stay here. Thank Karein a hundred times. Did you thank him?”

“Not yet…”

“Then you can go now. Show her a room where she can stay.”

“No, excuse me… !”

“Just go out.”

Hey, look at that jerk! Assand, who uttered only what he had to say, waved his hand as if nothing had happened, and in the end, I had to be led out of the temple without spitting out a single sentence properly.


“Oh, really!”

I kicked the stone that caught my foot. I’ll take a walk before I go in, I said so the guide Assand sent me. Hahaha, it’s been a long time since I gave an awkward smile.

Assand, was that guy originally? Wheezing and thinking about it, [The Red Thread] was written only in the first person, Saint Lucia’s point of view, so I don’t think I’ve ever seen Assand treat others.

Even Assand wasn’t particularly attractive to me—my favorite was Karein—I didn’t even read about him carefully, so even if there was, I can’t remember.

…… No, even in the original story, the female lead told him not to kill Abel—Abel fell in love with her—and he was so upset that he let the female lead be dragged into the Dark Age. I just didn’t know because I wasn’t interested.

Anyway, something went wrong for a long time. Since Assand had come out like that, I felt more comfortable finding a way to sneak out.

“Miss Lian.”

However, as soon as I left the temple entrance, I had to run into Karein, who seemed to be anxiously waiting for someone.

“Karein, what about treatment?”

“It’s fine now. Rather, what did Assand say?”

Karein stretched out his hand with a restless face, and I unconsciously took a step back from her. His expression, which had been bright for a moment, quickly darkened. When he returned to Luce, the appearance of him transformed into silver hair was somehow unfamiliar. Just like Karein’s hardened attitude.

“He told me to stay here.”

“…… Miss Lian.”

“Please send me back.”

He hesitated for a while, as if hesitating on what to answer, and then barely opened his mouth.

“Luce has advanced medical science, so it may be possible to cure Miss Lian’s illness. Until then, can you stay with me?”

I don’t even know why I’m sick, how do I fix it? I was moved, but seeing the sad face on his face that looked like tears were about to fall at any moment, I couldn’t help but get angry. Who wants to cry now?

“It may sound like an excuse, but for Miss Lian… ”

“I know. I know that you’re a good person by nature, and that it’s because you care about me.”

“……… ”

“But it’s the wrong way, you weren’t like this.”

Yes? Please, but Karein averts his gaze. Not saying that he would let me go until the end made my heart flutter.

“You must have been this kind of person.”

Not even denying it.

“…… I will go.”

I hope we don’t see each other for a while, I don’t want to be mad at you. He groaned and turned around. Still, it seems that I did not want to pour out my anger in front of him, because he was once my favorite character. Leaving behind Karein, who was hardened like a stone, I headed for the room. I needed time.

When I returned to the room with a huff and puff, the clothes and belongings I wore were neatly laid out on the bed. As for my belongings, it would be nothing but emergency herbs and pendants I carried with me just in case. I glanced at them intently and threw them on the table,


I screamed unknowingly as the black thing bounced off my clothes. It looked just like a balloon half blown out of the wind. Did I have this? With the hairpin on the dressing table, I poked it from a distance, and when I poked it, it moved.

“…… No way, Wazowski?”

When I pick it up in awe, it droops like an ice cream that melts in the sun. When did you come along? As soon as I remove the tangled red thread, one big eye bursts open.

“How did you get here?”

It’s dangerous if you’re here. I rolled my eyes and looked at the robe it was wearing. It was black, so it didn’t look like it was visible even if it was attached to me. It’s so nice to see the only black color with all the bright colors that hurt my eyes.

Are you worried that you followed me? How nice. I stroked the bouncy body and rubbed it’s face. It couldn’t speak, but it seemed like it was having a lot of trouble.

…… how did we get like this? I hugged it tightly and cried. On my trembling shoulders, even with it’s large one-eyed, it was filled with tears. That day, Wazowski cried and I cried too.


‘You dare steal my woman? I’ll chew on your gold teeth and eat you.’

‘I don’t have gold teeth.’

‘This bastard!’

I had a dog dream In the morning, I woke up from a dream that was vivid about Abel’s wrath. Sweat was dripping all over my body. It’s too hot. I felt like I was going crazy because of the sunlight pouring in from morning to midday. Still, like a bustling city, the water supply was good, so taking a cold shower was better.

“He, hello?”

When I came out, brushing my wet hair, a fairy was arranging my clothes.

“I am Vivina, who will be in charge of Miss Lian’s attending. I look forward to working with you!”

It was a very pretty fairy with blue wings. Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Lian. When I asked for a handshake, she panicked, wiped her hand on her clothes, and hesitated to shake hands. While the Fairy finished organizing my clothes, I put on my original clothes.

It’s embarrassing that there’s even a dedicated maid. So she’s talking in my room, right? I looked anxiously under the blanket where Wajowski was hiding. If it had entered Assand’s ears that I was carrying the evil spirit Wazowski… Ugh, I shook my head at the terrible imagination.

“Where are you uncomfortable?”

“No, nothing.”

How should I keep my mouth shut? I’m restless. Can I get you some cold tea? I saw Vivina bringing a teacup. But the act of pouring tea is awkward.

“…… Ah!”

Just as I was about to grab it, a pair of arms protruded from under Vivina’s sleeves and supported the teacup.

“Ah, sorry!!!”

Butterflies also belong to the insect family, so it’s not surprising that she has four arms, but suddenly Vivina trembled and fell to the ground. Her droopy wings fluttered.

“That, that was a mistake. Sorry! Sorry!”

Why, what? Why! I was even more startled by the violent reaction, and reflexively grabbed the blanket – with Wazowski in it -. Calm down and speak, verbally. She closed her eyes in anxiety and continued. Vivina was the first to speak.

“Are, aren’t you offended? You, you’re human… ”

Vivina, now wet with her tears, hid her two arms behind her back and spoke, and I understood what she meant. However, it was usually the opposite in Lemda Village. I used to not express it because I was afraid they would be offended if I was surprised by the appearance of a monster, but is Luce different? Curious, Vivina stuttered.

“…… I thought humans would be offended by this appearance. Because the lady hated it very much. So I tied my arms on purpose, but I was in a hurry so I didn’t know… … ”

The female lead? Staring at the pair of forcibly tied arms, I was skeptical for a moment, but when I first met the monster, I remembered that I hated it, and ignored it. It could be if she’s just been possessed. Well, maybe that will change soon.

“It’s okay in front of me. Instead, Vivina, please keep one secret of mine.”

Really? Really? don’t tell anyone? She nodded her head confidently until she said her promise over and over again, and then she jumped and jumped in surprise.

“Ah, it’s a demon!!!”

“It’s my friend.”

“Well, but if the priests know… !”

If you don’t tell, they won’t know, keep it a secret, Okay? Yes? How harmless and kind you are! Do you keep looking at it because it’s cute? At the end of such a long period, Vivina nodded her head reluctantly with eyes that could not hide her fear, and Wazowski cried alone in the blanket today as well.