Chapter 38 Part 2

“Looking at that, Miss Lian is really amazing. Aren’t you scared? Because the saint really hated it, I thought all humans were afraid… Ah, where are you going!”


The ladybug, who had been sitting down and crying, raised its head. As expected, there was a small child in the swaddling bag. There were red threads all over the body, and it looked like it was about to die. It would be cumbersome to heal, but there would be no risk like me, so why did she refuse? I looked at the temple where Lucia had disappeared, and held out my hand.

“Can I see?”

“Of, of course… Not long ago she entered a swamp and was bitten by something. The medicine doesn’t work.”

Her whole body is swollen and blue. It looked like it had been stung by a poison. It had been a while since the sting, and red threads were spread all over the body. If I touched her, it wouldn’t be a joke, but I was hesitant because I remembered the pain I had forgotten, but when I saw the swollen eyes, I completely forgot about it.

“… Oh my God! Are you a priest?”

As I carefully remove the tightest thread from the back of the neck, her wheezing breath is relieved. Alas, her body was throbbing as I endured the suffocating pain.

“This is an antidote, take it every five hours. It was made by the pine fairy, so the efficacy can be guaranteed.”

“Th, thank you! Human lady, thank you! Ah… sorry!”

As soon as I put in the medicine that I had, whether it was an occupational disease or something, the ladybug cried and tried to grab my hand, then pulled her hand away and looked at me. Vivina groaned and spit out a moan like a grunt.

“But for what reason were you denied treatment?”

“The treatment… They say it is impossible.”

It wouldn’t be. If she did better than me, she would have done well. I hid my skeptical expression, but I paused as if the ladybug had similar thoughts, and she lowered her voice.

“Actually…… Some insect-type monster visited. He said he had never been treated. Never. A cat monster who was poisoned with the same poison as my child a while ago came here and was treated, as you can see… ”

Dururuk, bang! I looked up at the sound of the door closing and it was the window upstairs. I couldn’t see who it was because of the backlight, but an ominous ominousness came over me, so I lowered my voice for nothing.

“Hey, can you keep it a secret that I have healing powers?”

“Of course! Of course!”

Thank you, thank you very much! The ladybug nodded and walked away. “Wow!” After she was completely out of sight, Vivina said in a raised voice, flapping her wings.

“You are a priest! Is that divine power? I have never seen such a powerful healing power!”

Uh-huh, roughly nodding my head, Vivina admired it over and over again, saying that I was really amazing. Of course, I have no credibility. Among the priests, there is no way that I have the divine power that a high-ranking person has.

I thought Karein had already said it, and rumors would have spread publicly, but it looks like he hasn’t talked about my healing powers yet. If that’s the case, I think it’s okay to hate Karein a little less.

“Oh. I’ll go to my room first!”

Then she found something and grinned, and Vivina flew away. Where are you going? As I turned around with a bewildered look, I found a shadow disappearing behind the pillar in amazement.


He ran away with the long silver hair fluttering, and flinched and stopped on the spot. His shoulders trembled as he took a deep breath, and he slowly turned his back and approached me.

“… Sorry. I accidentally saw the treatment, and I was afraid that you might get hurt, so I tried to watch and go, but without realizing it……”

“What is that?”

I glanced up at Karein, who was gibberish in an unusual manner, and I blinked at what he was holding. Looking at the wet surface, it looked like a drink with ice on it.

“… … Because you like it, I made it cold. I don’t know if it will suit your taste.”

With a visibly nervous expression on his face, I pretended not to know and accepted it. I took a sip and it was delicious, and Karein smiled as I praised him dryly. It was a smile as bright as the sun.

“Why do you keep using your healing powers?”

“I am fine now.”

“However, if you use your powers, you will suffer. Why don’t you take care of your own body and keep looking at other people… ”

“There were many times when I got help when I needed it. My momentary good deeds can save a life.”

The moment I saw the ladybug monster crying and begging, my past self seemed to overlap. When I was a novice cat owner, Bert was really sick. It was in a lot of pain because It picked up and ate the wrong thing, but it was a holiday at the time.

Of course, the local hospital was not open. Even though I knew it was rude, I called the personal number written on the door, but the veterinarian uncle gladly came to me after hearing my confused voice. Bert vomited the chocolate and survived. I still vividly remember the veterinarian’s name and face.

“I know how grateful it is to receive help at a time of need, so it’s hard to ignore it when I know it will be helpful.”

It was because of such nosiness that I became involved with Abel. When I suddenly thought of Abel, my mood sank again. As if recognizing my melancholy, Wazowski poked its head out. Karein was startled.

“That… ”

“Oh, it followed us.”

“…… Abel’s, evil spirit.”

“Please keep it a secret. Because the child risked its life to protect me.”

Without realizing it, Karein’s expression darkened in an instant. Was it a bit harsh? He was silent, but Karein opened his mouth after a while.

“…… Rather be angry.”


“It is my negligence. Miss Lian collapsed, and it seems that my judgment has been blurred for a while. You deserve to rebuke me, so please be angry. You can curse, you can criticize.”

The sharp words I said yesterday seemed to be on his mind. Do you really want me to curse at you? An impulse surged, but the look on Karein’s expression did not make my lips flutter. His complexion is pale as if he would collapse if I curse. Think of it as saving one patient and holding it in. I took a deep breath.

“I was angry that you hurt Abel.”

“……… ”

“I’m reflecting on myself, so I’ll skip it for now. After all, Karein is a high-ranking person here, so I don’t think it would be good to buy hatred.”

“…… I always thought of you, but you are a very kind person.”

“Who? Me?”

Why are you suddenly looking at me with mellow eyes again? Karein with a flowery smile parted his lips.

“Actually, I… ”

“Sir Karein?”

Looking back at the gentle voice, Lucia in a light blue priest’s robe was standing there.

“The priest is also there. Did you have a peaceful night?”

She comes out from among the fairies with parasols and fans, and asks with the blue eyes softly curving. Oh yeah, in fact, I couldn’t sleep at all, but when I shook my head, she smiled again. Then she turned her gaze to Karein.

“I’m sorry during a talk, but will you help me prepare for tomorrow’s mass?”

It’s so hot that I can’t believe she has to wear such clothes. Even a saint must be tired. Come to think of it, it seems like she was in charge of all the things in the original story. I looked at the priest’s uniform with a bunch of accessories, but I felt a gaze and turned around to see Karein looking at me.

“Can I go?”

“Oh, yes. It’s okay. Go ahead.”

I was grateful for Saint Lucia who broke the awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere. Go on, beckoning, I leaned on the bench and watched the pair of beautiful man and woman.

As Karein approached, she gracefully extended her hand as if it was natural, and Karein just stared at it. After a delay, Lucia opened her big eyes in wonder.

“… Can’t you escort me? I wear long clothes.”

“Is that so?”

Lucia clasped Karein’s outstretched arms and smiled like the sunlight. They were a good looking man and woman. Yeah, that’s it. When I saw that, I was delighted at the same time. Until then, I thought that Lucia wasn’t that different from the original story.