Chapter 28 - The Five Multiversal-Dimensional Guardians.

Name:Beyond Omnipotent Author:CaptainKevi
[The Infinite Dimensions].

Nuan : There has been a lot of disturbance in the upper dimensions.

Jia : Warriors fighting over who gets to rule that dimension.

Ying Yue : Warriors..! I think they are a group of idiots.

Yu Yan : Should we stop them?

Hui : No. Even if they are disturbing the upper dimension, it's not too the point where reality is affected.

Nuan : Agreed.

Jai : Then sisters since we have nothing to do I will personal go to the Prime Multiverse.

Ying Yue : I will also come.

Hui : I will be coming too. What about you Nuan?

Nuan : I will stay.


[(Prime Multiverse) (Prime Universe) (Prime Earth)]

[(Asia) (India) (Nagaland) (Kohima) (Mission Compound) (House No.??)].

Kevi : So what brings you guys here?

Jai : To fight you.

Ying Yue : Jai....

Kevi : It's fine Ying Yue.

Kevi : No problem.

Jai : Fight me.

Hui : Jai that's rude.

Ying Yue : Please don't take her word seriously Master.

Kevi : Bring it on child. *Snap*

Jai : Is this the...

Kevi : Battle dimension, Yes.

Jai : Get ready cause here I...


Kevi : Never let your guard down. Come at me again.

Jai : A cheap trick like that will not work on me again.


With a huge explosion Jai quickly reached Kevi and launch a fury of punches.

Kevi : Like I said never let your guard down.

After saying those words Jai turned into several pieces of paper but she quickly reverted back to normal.

Jai : Damn....


Hui : It's amazing how he overcame her [Reality Immunity] that easily.

Hui : Even though we have become this strong, Master is still overpower Jai easily.

Ying Yue : How is he still so strong?


Kevi : *Snap*

After snapping his finger, two small balls appear at the sides of Jai cheek.

Jai : What the heck.


Kevi : So how does it feel?

Jai : Child's play.

Jai : Having the title of The Five Multiversal-Dimensional Guardians is not just for show. Take this.....

Series of explosion were heard throughout the nearly empty dimension. They were fighting so fast that it could not be classified as speed any longer.

Whenever their fist collided with each other, the shockwave created were enough to destroy multiple universes.

Even for Higher Beings the battle would look every intense but for Beings like The Five Multiversal-Dimensional Guardians and other similar Entities they could clearly see that the battle was one-sided.

Whenever Jai hit Kevi, her fist would instantly turn to a sponge but Jai would instantly turn it back into normal. If she goes for long range attack, all the projectile will instantly turn to flowers.

All this things were happening before a plank instant.

Jai (Thought) : How did he become stronger?

Kevi : You guess?

Jai : How did you read my thoughts, even do my Omnilock should prevent it.

Jai : What's so funny?

Kevi : It's a secret.


Kevi : My readers they don't know I'm Beyond Omnipotent.


Ying Yue : I thought we have gotten stronger but he's still on a different levels.

Hui : Who is he? We have known him for more than a Googol Years but we know nothing about him.

Ying Yue : Even with your Nigh-Omniscience knowledge we know nothing.

Hui : At what scale do you think he is?

Kevi : Why don't you guess.

Ying Yue : When did you....

Kevi : Who knows.

Hui : How did you.....

Kevi : It's a secret.

Jai : Come back here.

Kevi : Coming.


Jai : After all this years, I thought I was closing the gap but instead the gap was increase further away.

Kevi : You have gotten stronger but I'm on the different level.

Jai : Damn. How are you getting so strong Master?

Kevi : Is a secret. Ok now let's end this.

Jai : You think you can end the battle like....

Before Jai could finish her sentence, she suddenly collapse on the ground ther ground suddenly appeared) and loss her consciousness. Kevi went and pick her up.

Kevi : Let's go girls.

Hui : Ok Master.

Ying Yue : Yes Master.


As the morning light shine across the town, Jai slowly woke up. After getting down from the bed she came down stairs.

Kevi : Come and have breakfast.

Jai : Sure.

Ying Yue : How are you feeling?

Jai : Great.

Hui : That good to know.

Jai : So what bring you guys here?

Nuan : I was bored

Yu Yan : I wanted to meet Master.

Jai : Didn't you say you had work to do?

Yu Yan : I'm done so I came.

Kevi : Ok now let's all have our breakfast first.


Kevi : So are you guys still single?

Jai : No Comment.

Yu Yan : Me too...

Ying Yue : Same.

Nuan : I agree with my sisters.

Hui : ...

Kevi : Hahaha sure if you don't want say.


Kevi : So girls and plans for tomorrow?

Hui : Work.

Nuan : Work.

Jai : Same.

Ying Yue : Same.

Yu Yan : Me too.


Kevi : So how is your work as guardians going along?

Jai : It's pretty normal.

Ying Yue : Lately there has been a lot of disturbance in the higher dimension.

Hui : But it's nothing to worry about.

Kevi : What at you thinking about Nuan?

Nuan : Never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that one day i would become one of The Five Multiversal-Dimensional Guardians. Being born as a slave in my world if you had not come and pick me up I world be nobody today. So thank you.

Yu Yan : Yes thank you.

Hui : Same.

Ying Yue : Thank you so much.

Jai : Me too.

Kevi : Even I had a blast with you guys and it's even better now. So thank you girls.