Auror, the God of darkness, is watching the sacrifice held by his believers under his statue in his temple.

Under the statue of Auror, the God of darkness. A group of black loach like humans, dressed in animal skins only around their lower bodies, gathered together, put a girl on the altar and held an annual ceremony. This group of blacks.

oh No, these humans are called the dark Protoss. The old people of the dark Protoss are kneeling on the ground and singing constantly. The crazy and excited voice seems to have a magic barrier. Where they sing their passion, the old people of the dark Protoss still stand up and dance with their hands and feet.

The girl on the altar didn't know what tranquilizer she had taken. She slept quietly like a black beauty with a smile. The whole ceremony was carried out all day and night under the ceremony of the gods of the dark Protoss. Every old man of the dark Protoss was enthusiastic and excited, like brainwashed, with unreasonable religious paranoia.

The oldest old man of the dark Protoss, under the excited and bloody cries of the old people around, kept a dagger in his hand and slowly pointed the dagger at the girl's chest.

Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. Under the crazy cry, he stabbed the dagger in his hand into the girl's heart. The blood in the girl's pierced heart flowed into the statue of the dark god auro and was slowly absorbed by the statue. After the last trace of virgin blood was absorbed by the statue, the statue suddenly lit up.

Black with a trace of dark red bloody light shrouded the sacrificial old man, and a vast consciousness fell on the old man who made the final sacrifice of the dark Protoss.

The old man was the dark bishop. He saw that the black light surrounding the dark bishop slowly penetrated into it along the dark Bishop's old skin. When the light was absorbed by the dark bishop, the dark bishop with white hair and an old face turned into a young man.

The dark bishop looked happy when he felt that his body was young again. Quickly knelt down under the statue and said, "my Lord, humble, your loyal believer, thank you for your generous reward. Your words are the truth and your joy is also our joy. May your miracle walk on the earth and never say a word like your command."

After the sincere prayer, the dark bishop slowly withdrew from the temple with a group of people. The dark god Auror no longer cared after watching his followers' sacrifice. He began to calcine the power of faith in his belief space with divine fire. With the continuous calcination of divine fire, the negative emotions and some impurities in the power of faith were calcined by divine fire.

At this time, the dark god Auror seemed to feel something. This breath was really unpleasant. The dark god Auror looked at the breath from afar and said secretly in his heart.

It seemed that he was going to have a look. Auror waved his hand into a black smoke and left the temple.

A white light and a black light collided.

I am ADIS the God of light.

I am Auror, the God of darkness.

The two lights separated and appeared in human form.

Under the light, darkness will have nowhere to hide. Darkness is original sin, and the flame of light will purify all darkness. ADIS said sadly.

Ha ha, everywhere I go is darkness, and light is only the food of darkness. I will spread the darkness all over the world, and the light will have nowhere to hide in front of the darkness. Auror retorted.

No matter what sophistry you make, the breath of darkness on your body is original sin. Light can't tolerate darkness. Let my God of light ADIS purify your filth!

Hum! It's a big tone. The light is just a mouse in the dark. There will be no burial place under the shadow of darkness. Let our dark god Auror bury you!

The sword of light born from the light, you will cross the shine of light and come to the pieces shrouded in darkness. Cut through the darkness!

Darkness everywhere! When the original sin of light exists in this world, darkness must devour this faint light, make it return to the embrace of darkness, and destroy the world! Dark inflammation from the depths of darkness.

ADIS, the God of light, and Auror, the God of darkness, said at the same time.

ADIS, who turned into a sword of light, and Auror, who turned into a sword of darkness, collided with each other. For a moment, the wind and cloud suddenly rose, lightning flickered, and the whole sky within a hundred miles was shrouded in light and darkness. The two forces kept colliding and fighting.

The strong confrontation between light and darkness, each collision is a small nuclear explosion, and the surrounding ground keeps turning, just like ploughing.

Royad was resting on a huge tree up to kilometers. Suddenly, two huge combat effectiveness values appeared in the distance, one with a combat effectiveness of 2400 and the other with a combat effectiveness of 2500.

What's the situation? Since royad broke the barrier wall of the plane and entered the main plane, he has been in bad luck. First, he was a little hungry, and then he ate dozens of bird eggs in one breath after seeing a huge bird egg on a 10000 meter high tree. Let alone, these bird eggs taste really good. There is no faint fishy smell. It tastes sweet. It's like drinking milk, and it's very hot in the stomach!

However, when road was about to leave, the big bird who went out to hunt eggs came back and saw that his eggs were eaten by road, he became angry. Royad looked at a group of huge birds coming back. He didn't know what he was eating, so he immediately ran away.

I'm kidding. Royad looked at the same combat effectiveness displayed on his retina. It's stupid not to run.

But, if you want to know with your toes, can two legs run over a winged one? The answer must be No.

As for why road doesn't fly, I can only ha ha!

"Fly" road saw the speed of these giant birds again. Hey, hey, after an embarrassing smile, he spread his feet and began to run wildly.

In the past month, royad was really sad. In the process of being chased, royad really called that the ground should not be called every day. Because he broke into the territory of unknown Warcraft in the middle of his escape, the Warcraft chasing behind royad not only did not weaken, but became more because of royad's provocation.

Luo Yade, who had no escape, had to fight with the Warcraft behind him after being caught up. At the beginning, it was indeed a group of Warcraft fighting Luo Yade, but with the passage of time, he defeated these Warcraft one by one.

Although royad's whole body had countless wounds, and only one breath was left hanging, he finally didn't have to be chased.

The strength of these dead Warcraft was generally more than 1000. Road recycled them into the spirit ring, and the spirit liquid and refined meat transformed by them increased road's combat effectiveness to 2200 points.

Of course, the overlord Warcraft in these millions of miles have also been swept away by road. Before the arrival of other powerful Warcraft, this area has become a paradise.

Today, road has just healed his injury and raised his combat effectiveness to 2200 points. There are two people with combat effectiveness of more than 1000 in the battle.