Royad felt the breath ahead and stopped running with a gloomy face.

Not far from road's emptiness, a dozen strong men with a combat capacity of more than 20000 blocked road's way out. Road looked at the pursuers behind and the roadblocks in front, and the way out above and below was blocked. It was really caught in a jar.

I don't know what's going on around you. I think royad doesn't know you! Luo Yade saw that he was surrounded and felt that he was unlikely to break through, so he decided to explore the wind first.

Sure enough, your excellency is road. You're just a quasi-s-class strong man. Let's decide by yourself now! In case you can't live for a while, you can't die. A strong man said after royad gave his name.

ha-ha! Are you talking about laughter? If you want my life, see if you have that life! Royad said after being amused by the strong man's unreasonable logic.

Let's not talk nonsense to him. It's the old way. Whoever kills royad first will finish the college task this time. I don't know who came up with a bad idea and shouted at one side.

OK! We'll see what we can do.

Luo Yade saw the quasi-s-level strong who had planned to wait and see, and attacked himself one after another under the encouragement of these languages.

In the face of all kinds of attacks from all directions. Road unleashed the magic dawn guard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the void of Tuhuang star, the attacks of up to 40 quasi-s-class strong people split the whole Tuhuang earthquake in four directions, the earth's crust began to surge, and countless magma began to gush, shaking violently with the earth's center.

Touch! The earth yellow star opened a beautiful fireworks in the void.

Just the aftermath of the fight between quasi-S level masters will completely destroy a planet.

Cough! After the attack of these quasi-s-level masters, road hung in the void and coughed up blood again and again.

Looking at the dissipated divine power crystal in his hand, he thought helplessly. If he continued to fight like this, it is estimated that his divine power crystal will be consumed by these quasi-s-level strong men soon.

They must fight back and open a gap when necessary. As long as they are not surrounded, they can leave the battlefield. Royad developed a strategy in his mind.

Around royad, there are 42 quasi-s-level strong people. From time to time, some quasi-s-level strong people are coming here. Royad must act immediately, otherwise royad's situation will only get worse and worse. With more and more quasi-s-class strong men, royad's hope of getting out is getting smaller and smaller.

Divine skill kills the world!

In the six star array in royad's hand, with the burning of a divine power crystal, a hundred meters of red giant inflammation emitting the smell of death shot away from royad's hand towards the northwest corner. The combat effectiveness of the strong man selected by royad as the breakthrough is as high as 28000, but because the combat effectiveness of the strong man is very high, there are fewer people gathered in this direction. Although the combat effectiveness of other directions is lower, there are a large number of people. Royad did not hold it and left immediately when tearing up the breakthrough. However, although this strong man has high combat effectiveness, it is relatively easy to get rid of him.

Just when these quasi-s-level strong people talked about why royad was still alive under the attack of so many quasi-s-level strong people.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yade sent out a big move. The whole person was integrated with the world's destruction and fire, and attacked the strong one with a combat capacity of 28000.

The quasi-s-class strong who responded caught up with them one after another.

After feeling the power contained in the flame, the quasi-s-level strong man targeted by royad decisively avoided the attack, but was swept to his arm by the world killing fire.

I saw the arm swept by the extermination burning, and immediately burned. The strong man was also a cruel man. He immediately cut off his arm with a sword.

After this scene was seen by other quasi-s-level strong people, there was also a chill on their backs. Some people were about to stop the world killing fire released by the integration of Luo Yade. After seeing this behind the scenes, they were also secretly lucky in their hearts.

It can be said that as soon as Lloyd's divine skill killed the world, the quasi-s-level strong people present immediately realized Lloyd's real strength and began to fear one after another.

However, due to the task reward of the college task, these quasi-s-level strong people are still chasing. After all, the huge number advantage is here. There is no reason for a group of quasi-s-level strong people to give up.

After successfully breaking through the encirclement by virtue of the power of divine skill to destroy the world and burn, royad looked at a large wave of quasi-s-level strong people chasing him behind him. After all, I have to arrange a coordinate transmission array. If I am entangled, I will really be pursued for decades or hundreds of years.

But before that, royad must first solve what coordinates can be locked by the college, otherwise even if he gets rid of these quasi-s-level strong people, he will be found again.

Luo Yade lit a drop of divine power crystal and began to carefully check his whole body until he saw a slight fluctuation of the main God watch on his arm spreading in an unknown direction. Luo Yade finally knew how he was locked in his position by Canghai University. Of course, Luo Yade certainly didn't know that the people who chased and killed him this time were not only Canghai college, but also thunder college and alliance college. Of course, these two colleges also locked Luo Yade's position by relying on the God watch on Luo Yade's arm.

Road didn't get rid of the God watch immediately after he knew that the God watch was the one who sold his position. Instead, he continued in the void, blessed the wind step of the divine skill, and began to fight and run with these quasi-s-level strong men. This kind of battle that can increase his own strength is also rare for royad.

Only fighting is the best way to break through the limit. Road has greatly strengthened the use and research of the law chain in the battle. In some crisis moments, he can feel that his perception of the law chain is constantly accelerating and clear.

Of course, royad was not intact every time in the battle of this group of quasi-s-level strongmen. The most serious one was that royad had only one head left and his whole body was completely destroyed. However, when the quasi-s-level strongmen were ready to compete for their booty, royad suddenly moved and rushed out of the encirclement of this group of quasi-s-level strongmen at the fastest speed. The remaining quasi-s-class strong man with an ignorant face stared in situ.

Relying on this guy, he is really an immortal Xiaoqiang. No wonder he is wanted by the college.

Who else can tell me how much this guy can run.

Even the S-class will hate on the spot under our quasi-s-class siege. What monster is this boy?

This time, road was really make complaints about the S class of the strong, and began to tuck up.

Only road knows that his divine personality is road's only weakness. Otherwise, if his divine personality is not destroyed, God will last forever. But the physical pain is indeed true. After escaping from the encirclement that time, royad often thought of a burst of cowardice that can't help the pain. The so-called "don't pretend to be forced to be struck by thunder" refers to people like royad.