Chapter 89

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Amazing painting skills..."

In an apartment, Huang Leshan, a professional commentator, red eyed after watching "five centimeters per second".

He has a unique view of this cartoon different from LV Xue. He Xi's works are always famous for their beautiful style. In this new work, Huang Leshan can still see He Xi's iconic features, such as exquisite characters, beautiful background, excellent light and shadow lines, but at the same time, he also sees something less in He Xi's works in the past - the sense of delicacy.

A flower, an expression, and even a drop of tears, "five centimeters per second" is very delicate. It tells us in detail that the picture is exquisite, just like the crystal clear and fragile world under the hands of a girl writer.

The idea expressed in this cartoon is more like a literary work full of philosophy. The scene of Guishu and Mingli's last turning back condenses the essence of the whole cartoon.

Mingli's ring and GUI Shu's smile all represent that they are free from the shackles of the past. In the falling cherry rain, they finally go to different roads. Two gradually away from the back, including the sad love without fate, but more is the vision of a happy future.

What teacher He Xi really wants to say is that once pure feelings will not disappear with the loss of time. Even if this kind of feeling has not been completed for various reasons, it will still be a beautiful memory in my heart.

However, despite this understanding.

But putting down his status as a commentator, Huang Leshan could not help crying: "why can't they be together?"

No matter what thoughts are expressed in "five centimeters per second", its ending is unbearable. People want to pursue beauty. Huang Leshan would rather lose its ideological nature in this cartoon, and also want to let GUI Shu and Mingli be together.

So when he opened the comments and saw people protesting on them, he joined in.

In the book review area in the middle of the night, readers cry for each other. Thousands of readers don't want to sleep. They keep sending book reviews asking He Xi to change the ending. But that hateful teacher He Xi, he has not appeared since he published the cartoon, which makes people hate him to the core.

"My tears are dry. Who can lend me some paper towel?"

"[expression: tissue], here, sister, we are waiting for Teacher He Xi to come out. If he doesn't change the ending, I won't see his works any more. Wow, wow... Why can't GUI Shu and Ming Li be together? I cry again. "

"Next door to MAG, it's so cruel. It's 32 compliments. The rhythm is not right! He Xi's two works, Wukong Zhuan and five centimeters per second, are tragedies. "Detective Conan" is still in series. Conan has changed from a high school student to a child, and the woman is still a high school student. I used to think it was funny. Now think about it... "

"NIMA," Inuyasha "also brings a lot of sadness * color, can we say that teacher He Xi professionally creates tragedy?"

"It's not funny that two people are talking about each other upstairs! I was scared to pee in an instant! "

Seeing these comments, Huang Leshan almost jumped up, shaking all over. Teacher He Xi's professional tragedy? If it's true, don't they want to be abused?

But no, Huang Leshan suddenly flashed a light in his head. He suddenly wondered why teacher He Xi would publish sad cartoons in the middle of the night? Why not rely on Phoenix publishing?

Publishing online is not as good as publishing.

The more he thought about it, the more wrong it was, so he posted his doubts on the Internet.


"That's not normal."

"I don't think it's normal, too. He Xi's royalties make more money. What he gets on the Internet is tips. He has no reason not to publish, unless Phoenix doesn't let him publish?"

Other readers discuss it, and then more and more conjectures appear. Many people associate with He Xi's guidance room last week.

"Do you think it's because of He Xi's guidance room? It's said that Gao Da and magic girl are both the themes of Teacher He Xi, but painting is other cartoonists? Is that the reason? Is phoenix company trying to embarrass Mr. He Xi by deliberately not letting him publish new comics? "

"Yes, that's reasonable! Phoenix company embarrassed Mr. He Xi, which made him unhappy. That's why he released such a cruel cartoon

"What, is the tragedy of five centimeters per second caused by Phoenix?"

"Lying trough, asshole... Tomorrow I'll take a torch to Phoenix company to ask! Who dares to bully teacher He Xi, I want him to apologize in public! "

"I'll go too. No wonder teacher He Xi doesn't come out. I'll go to protest tomorrow. Unless teacher He Xi explains, I won't stop!""Group, everyone!"

Huang Leshan's book review has developed into an uproar. Readers who have been abused by "five centimeters per second" find a vent, and they want to go to Phoenix company to protest.

On Saturday morning, these readers came out from buses and taxis, cars occupied the square, and hundreds of people were blocked in front of Phoenix company.

"What's the difficulty of Phoenix company? Protest for explanation

"Ice and snow, naked 360 degree rotation, kneel down to ask teacher He Xi to redraw the ending of" five centimeters per second! "

"Teacher He Xi, you are the most powerful cartoonist of love. We will fight whoever is black and you can't paint love in the future. We will fight whoever is not cruel to our heart, and we will get married if we are affectionate."

They hold up cardboard with protest, red eyes, and scare passers-by. People who don't know think it's a underworld gathering.

The media were so excited that they sent people to interview.

Other people's actions were not slow at all. When Xu Jing received the news, things were already big.

He asked his wife to wake up Alice. Alice, who wanted to have a day off, went to the living room and found that Xu Jing's face was not the slightest color of blood.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Alice didn't understand what had happened.

"Alice, what about the teacher? Where is he now! "

Xu Jing stood up and asked eagerly. Ye Xiong didn't find He Xi. Now the only one who can find him is Alice. This time Phoenix is in big trouble. If teacher He Xi doesn't explain, the company's reputation will be ruined.

"You said Meng Huo."

Alice yawned and said, "he's finished his work this week. Today, it seems that he's going to the seaside with Mr. Huang Ye to practice the piano..."

"By the sea?"

Xu Jing's eyes lit up and asked anxiously, "which beach! Please contact him for me and let him come back immediately! Right now! "


Alice was yelled by Xu Jing. She was stunned. Then she took out her cell phone and called.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."


(let's talk about the issue of updating. It's the requirement of editing and editing. Some time ago, there were too many city gods in the past two months. They had to wait in line for the book to be put on the shelves. It would take about three or four weeks to push the book. Even with this kind of update, it is estimated that there are more than 300000 free words on the shelves. I hope you can understand that after this period of time, the update speed will be accelerated!)