Chapter 176

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Xu Jing mentioned CCTV news to Meng Huo, but when it was really broadcast, Meng Huo was still surprised.

This news didn't pass by. It even told his debut process once again. Every cartoon involved it. Especially when the sales volume of "five centimeters per second" exceeded 10 million, the employees in the restaurant were all in a sensation.

"Ten million! More than 10 million! "

"How much do you have to sell..."

"Congratulations, Mr. He Xi!"

Just when these people congratulated Meng Huo, the outside world also set off a huge repercussion because of the news.

"Five centimeters per second" sales exceeded 10 million, China's first comic book sales exceeded 10 million! "

"What did the host say just now?"

"Five centimeters per second" is as exquisite as a movie. It can be regarded as the first treasure in the cartoon industry. Only He Xi, a teenager, can draw such a beautiful cartoon. Once this CCTV news is published, the sales of five centimeters per second will be greatly increased! "

"Lying trough, teacher He Xi is going to the whole country now!"

Zhongxia company, Wang Zhe sweating into the minister's office.

"Minister, minister, teacher He Xi..."

"Be quiet, I see it"

Yang Liang calmly turned off the live news on the computer and said, "don't make a fuss. We've been prepared."

The news of Zhongxia is always timely. Yangliang knew that CCTV would broadcast the news this noon, but he didn't expect that CCTV would pay so much attention to it.

News from He Xi's debut to "five centimeters per second" and then to the latest "dream eater", although time is limited, it does not explain every cartoon in detail, but He Xi's things are basically not omitted.

And the news time is three minutes. It seems very short, but it's really amazing.

The Chinese noon news only takes 30 minutes, and He Xi's news takes up one tenth of the time. This is not simple. Anyone with a little insight can see that CCTV attaches great importance to He Xi.

The key to all CCTV programs is news. CCTV news is one level higher than other programs because it is under the jurisdiction of the central government, which will not broadcast a redundant news.

The three minute news is close to the opening report of Zhongxia company.

A cartoonist enjoys the same treatment as Zhongxia company, which makes people alert. If we think about it seriously, it even represents the central government's support for He Xi.

"Lucky people..."

Yang Liang's heart flashed with envy. How many people in the whole comic circle can enjoy this kind of treatment of He Xi? This CCTV news, Phoenix company is very difficult to die.

However, it's hard to die, but it doesn't mean it won't die. No matter how much trouble Phoenix company makes, Zhongxia company has Zhongxia bookstores all over China, and they are invincible.

A few years ago, the Chinese comic book market was pre divided by capitalists. Zhongxia Bookstore not only opens the back door for Zhongxia comic books, but also serves several comic companies in other regions.

Zhongxia bookstore is not a single bookstore. Many people don't know it. In fact, Zhongxia is the product of several large chain bookstores. It can be said that it is a huge capital consortium. It is almost impossible for Phoenix company to catch up with Zhongxia in terms of channels.

No matter how serious He Xi is, the most important thing is to extend the life of Phoenix company.

They have no relationship and background to enter the channel of Zhongxia. They must establish their own marketing mode, which will take at least a few years, and need a lot of financial and material support.

A few years, during this period, Phoenix company will only be in a passive side, Yang Liang does not believe He Xi can change this.

No matter how good your cartoon is, it's useless if you don't have enough sales points.

"You go down and keep working." Yang Liang raised his head and told Wang Zhe, "the headquarters will send people to Ninghai. You don't have to worry about the problem of He Xi. Just do your work well."


Wang Zhe doesn't know how Yang Liang is so calm, but he believes that Yang Liang has something to rely on. Wang Zhe wipes his sweat and prepares to leave. At this time, he thought of one thing.

"Minister, Mr. Mach has offered to resign. Shall I approve him?"


Yang Liang frowned. He was not very familiar with Longteng's cartoonist, so he finally found out the object from his memory: "Oh, you're talking about the cartoonist who adapted" detective Shylock ", right? Is his cartoon finishedWang Zhe nodded: "finished painting."

"Then approve!" Yang Liang said: "we originally planned to dismiss him after the completion of" detective Shylock ". Now it's better for him to resign voluntarily. Why do you ask me?"

"This..." Wang Zhe replied, "I think it's a bit strange. His" detective Shylock "used to take a week to finish, but he finished it now. It's not normal - I think he wants to leave the company early."

"Are you homesick?" Yang Liang does not agree: "he has been unable to get along in the comic world. It's normal for him to want to escape. You approve him."

Wang Zhe nodded. Mach is really worthless. It's useless to keep it.

"Then I'll go down."

He turned and left.

Suhua City, the garden capital of Jiangnan Province

Suhua is a city with a long history and one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It has been the political, economic and cultural center of Jiangnan area for a long time in history, and now it has a good position.

In the perfect fusion of modern and ancient city center, isolated from the noise of high-rise buildings, a garden building full of Jiangnan style is quietly located.

A man came out of the building and got into a black sweaty car.

As the car drove out slowly, many cameras could be seen on the road.

"I've finally left this place, boss. The atmosphere is really tense." Inside the car, the man's secretary wiped the sweat on his head and said, "there are bodyguards everywhere in that building. I dare not walk around."

"The bodyguards here are all top bodyguards, and many of them are specially trained from childhood." "The man said with a smile:" and I heard that many special forces have been recruited here in recent years, but there is no way. After all, there is only one master left

"The master is the old lady you visited?" The Secretary asked curiously, "who is she, boss? You are already on the Chinese fortune list. Why do you want to visit her?"

"It's an honor for me to visit her. I can't say anything about that old lady, but she's very good." The man shook his head and sighed: "the husband passed away and her son disappeared. The old lady in her sixties held Pang's property in her hand and did not lose it. It's a legend of the last generation."

"A large fortune?"

"Well, it's huge... Do you think I'm going to visit anyone?" The man said with a wry smile, "that old lady has more wealth than me. It's not too much to say that she is a capital tycoon in China."

"Capital tycoon?" The Secretary opened his mouth wide and then thought, "you just said that she was the only one. What's the matter?"

"That's all. What else can it be? Maybe that family is rich but can't enjoy it..." the man sighed, "don't mention the lineal relatives. That old lady doesn't even have collateral relatives. Once she dies, the whole Chu family is broken."

"So it is. No wonder I saw that people in the garden were dead..." the Secretary nodded: "the servants and bodyguards in the garden were all at a loss. I don't know what would happen to them after the old lady left... Just now I was watching TV with the old housekeeper waiting for you in the next room. Unexpectedly, he suddenly shivered."

"Shivering what?"

The man is strange.

"I don't know. At that time, when the news was broadcast on TV, it was like talking about a young cartoonist. The old housekeeper suddenly jumped up like crazy, crying and laughing on the TV and yelled at the young master. Then it seemed that his heart couldn't stand it, and he fell down with a gust of wind..."

"Before you come out, He was sent to the hospital... "

"Young master?" The man felt funny: "the young master of this family has been missing for 20 years. Are you sure you heard it right? Is the person in the news young?"

"Yes, like 15 or 6 years old..."

"It must not be." When the man heard this, he shook his head: "you said grandson is almost the same, but the young master disappeared before he got married. How could he have a grandson..."

"It should look similar."