Chapter 370

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Qi Ying was soon informed to attend the shareholders' meeting. At first, he didn't know what had happened.

However, when he walked into the meeting room and saw the shareholders' iron blue faces, while ye man stood aside with a cold face, Qi Ying's heart gave a cackle, and he realized that something bad had happened.

"What happened?"

Qi Ying asked, pretending to be natural.


Other shareholders looked at each other. After all, Qi Ying was still a major shareholder. They didn't want to get directly involved in the dispute between him and ye man, so they said, "Qi Ying, now many people in the market are accusing our company of stopping production of new handhelds because they stopped production, The company's reputation has been affected... We hope that the foundry can resume the production of handheld devices immediately. "

Qi Ying's face changes, and he stares at Ye man.

"... I've heard something about it." Qi Ying soon calmed down. He sat down and said, "I also hope that the factories can resume production as soon as possible, but the problem of missing parts is the problem of those factories, and we have no place to intervene."

Without doing anything, Qi Ying turns over and refuses to admit it. Anyway, no one has any evidence to say that he did it. Moreover, he has said hello to the people in those factories and will not resume production so easily.

But his words made the shareholders angry, and several shareholders stood up in anger.

"Qi Ying, come on, don't think we are all idiots. The leader of this matter is not you. Who else is there?"“ We don't want to be too direct, but Qi Ying, don't be shameless! You'll get those factories back in production right away! " Shareholders no longer ignore their feelings. Now Qi Ying still wants to quibble. Who can endure it!

"I don't know what you're talking about." Qi Ying's face turned red and white. He gritted his teeth and refused to admit: "this has nothing to do with me. If you don't believe it, you can ask yourself. Those factories have nothing to do with me."

"Qi Ying, don't quibble." Ye man, standing aside, sneered: "don't think I don't know what you've done. You privately sent someone to tell the foundry about my gambling agreement with you, right? And you promise them to survive this period of time. As long as you become the president, Datang will give them more orders for products in the future! "

"These factories chose to suspend production temporarily because of their interests. It's not a matter of parts at all!"

Ye man hasn't been idle these days. She has also investigated the cause and effect of the whole thing. However, Qi Ying is too cautious to leave any evidence or handle for her to catch. However, this is a special time, even if there is no evidence and handle, it will be very useful to say it.

Ye man looks at other shareholders, and sure enough, they are even more angry!

"Qi Ying, I didn't expect you to sacrifice the company's future orders in addition to stopping production!"

"Fool, even if you succeed, you will be caught by those factories, and they will not be able to overcharge in the future!"

"I'm very disappointed in you. Datang company will never give it to you!"

The shareholders are more angry than ever, and they are constantly denouncing Qi Ying. Qi Ying is finally flustered at this time. He didn't expect that ye man would investigate so clearly. As long as they know the truth, the shareholders can easily solve this problem. They only need to jointly issue a warning to the agent factory, saying that no matter whether Qi Ying is the president of Datang in the future, they will sue the agent factory for stopping production, and those factories will immediately betray Qi Ying.

Qi Ying's confidence is in his shares, which is also what those factories trust. However, people with a clear eye can see that the combined power of other shareholders is more powerful than Qi Ying. No matter whether Qi Ying can be elected president or not, as long as the shareholders are dissatisfied, they can still Sue these factories. As long as the factories realize this, there is no doubt that they will betray Qi Ying.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to be over!" Qi Ying's face was pale with fright. His head was in a muddle. He didn't understand why he suddenly ran out of this situation? He remembers what he learned from the "spy" a few days ago about ye man's asking for help from He Xi. At that time, he thought Ye man was stupid, and He Xi's action of only sending a photo behind him made him laugh. What's the use of a photo!?

But now Qi Ying seems to have found the vein. It seems that it is precisely because of that photo that the present situation appears.

"One photo can beat me? No, how can it be? That smelly boy is just a cartoonist. How can he have such a great influence! "

"Yes, I haven't lost yet. I'm the largest shareholder of Datang!"

Qi Ying finally got the power and money. He was biting his teeth. Now he has no choice. If he compromises here and sells the new handset again, he will have nothing! Qi Ying will never allow such a thing to happen!

"Ye man, He Xi, I remember you!" With hatred in his heart, he took a breath and said coldly, "ah, yes, I did this thing. The business community is full of words and tricks. You all know the grudge between Ye man and me. I can't lose this bet."Qi Ying unexpectedly admitted, which made everyone surprised.

"What's the matter?"—— Just when they were surprised, Qi Ying suddenly said something amazing.

"I have 48% of Datang's shares in my hand. Here I will take out 6% of them. As long as any of you are on my side, I will give them 6%!" Qi Ying cold face, he made a unique move: "no matter how many people, as long as you ignore this production stop, this 6% will give you equal points!"

All of a sudden, the whole conference hall was quiet, and the shareholders took a breath. Six percent of the shares, which is equivalent to 20 million Chinese dollars, Qi Ying's hand is simply powerful! At this time, as long as there is one shareholder, the shares of Qi Ying and this shareholder will exceed those of others, and he will be able to dominate.

"He's crazy!"

Ye man didn't expect that Qi Ying would use this method, and her face turned pale.

The shareholders are noisy. Qi Ying looks at these shareholders with a winning look. With so many shares, no one will not be moved. He is going to win soon. But until three minutes later, none of the shareholders came to Qi Ying's side.

"I'm sorry, Qi Ying. After our discussion, for the sake of long-term development, Datang company can't be handed over to you." A shareholder came out and said coldly, "your method is really powerful, but it's not the right way. If you put Datang in your hands, even if we make profits in a short time, we can't be at ease in the future."

"That's right." Another shareholder said, "you dare to do such crazy things without being president. If you are president, it will be even more terrible. We trust ye man more. She is in charge of the company, so we can enjoy the dividend of shareholders without worry. "

Qi Ying's face changed.

"Crazy! You are out of your mind He yelled: "this is 20 million shares. How long does it take for ye man to earn 20 million dividends for you? If six percent is not enough, what about ten percent! Ten percent is enough! "

Shareholders are changing colors again, but this time it's anger.

"Stop yelling. It's not just about money." An old man stood up and said, "you haven't realized the more important point of this matter. What's the pity... What's the pity of the miracle maker."

He frowned and said: "we people have been paying close attention to He Xi. He Xi is very young and talented. Any industry he is involved in has changed the pattern of the industry. Although we don't want to be superstitious, He Xi's" Pokemon "can make our company completely become the overlord of the handset... We don't want to make him angry because of your impulse."

"The new handset must be put on sale. If He Xi develops other versions of Pokemon because of this, our company will lose more than 20 million!"

Qi Ying's conditions are really exciting, but when it comes to the value of Pokemon, these shareholders don't like the shares. They would like to see Datang company further expand under the encouragement of "Pokemon", rather than miss this opportunity for nothing.

"Qi Ying, it's a pity that He Xi's value to the company is much greater than yours!"

In the joint statement of several shareholders, Qi Ying's dream was shattered. He was pale and could hardly stand. He regretted that it was him! This cartoonist did not spend any effort, only one photo made him into a desperate situation, and then just one possibility made him rebel, even the last straw was overwhelmed


Qi Ying couldn't stand the blow and vomited a mouthful of blood