Chapter 494

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Five centimeters per second" animation film production decision, high restore comic plot

Phoenix's official website with such a prominent title of the news, so that all the comic practitioners are shocked.

"Animated movie, this time it's movie again!"

"I just finished my short animation, and I haven't had a rest for a few days. Now I'm announcing the release of the film?"

"He Xi is too crazy to let us breathe at the end of the year!"

The presidents of some comic companies are surprised and angry. In the comic industry, 2017 was nicknamed "year of Phoenix", which means that this year's comic market is monopolized by the Phoenix family. They have added magazines, set up comic Island, created popular games, launched praiseworthy animations, and played well around

In the whole year, almost all the comic newspapers revolved around Phoenix company. Its development was too fast and dazzling, Last month, at the comic salon held by more than a dozen medium-sized comic enterprises, a relatively straight minded president said by name:

"I still remember that before the Spring Festival last year, when Phoenix announced that He Xi, the cartoonist, was appointed as the person in charge of the cartoon Island, all of us didn't regard him as a threat! What can a cartoonist do if he manages most of the power of Phoenix? "

"And the result—— We can't even catch up with the development speed of Phoenix company! "

In one year, Phoenix's business expanded faster than all cartoon companies expected. Not to mention chasing, even a giant like Zhongxia company can't slow down the pace of Phoenix company, but can only watch it rise comic Island, launch games, and develop the surrounding areas - these are the future gold industry of comic industry.

And this gold industry has been taken the lead by Phoenix company. As long as there is no accident in the future, Phoenix can develop into a monopoly comic group... In just one year, Phoenix company has improved its comic industry to several years, even more than ten years later.

In its power, all the people in charge of cartoon companies have to bite their teeth to bear the pain of backwardness. It's December now, and it's going to be January soon. They thought they could have a rest at last, but they didn't think that "five centimeters per second" would be adapted into an animated film again!

Animation film, which is a new business point of Phoenix company, besides games, short animation and peripheral.

"Do you want other companies to live?" There was a burst of crying and howling in the cartoon industry, and the slightly better one is undoubtedly a big Zhongxia company.

Ding Yanghua received the news, and then in the home computer to see the Phoenix company's official website, his eyes lit up.

"To make" five centimeters per second "into an animated film? What does He Xi think? "

As the biggest competitor of Zhongxia company, Ding Yanghua has done a serious research on every work of He Xi. He also has a deep understanding of "five centimeters per second". He knows that this is a controversial work. He Xi even chose to make this work into an animated film, which surprised Ding Yanghua.

Of course, he was also very surprised - because Phoenix's official website said that the animated film "five centimeters per second" would follow the plot of the original comic book.

"It's not intended to offend readers..."

Ding Yanghua laughs. He can't figure out why He Xi did it, but even if he can't figure it out, he can see that there will be a huge storm after the news is officially confirmed.

In this storm, Zhongxia company can sit aside and watch jokes.


Ning Qing has been paying close attention to the news of Phoenix company these days. Today, she just received a whole set of "magic girl's little circle". Before she could put it in her room, she heard the news that "five centimeters per second" was adapted from the animated film, and she got excited.

"Five centimeters per second is going to be animated!"

She really likes this cartoon. Although she is over 40 years old, Ning Qing's girlish heart is still there, and she thinks that no woman with girlish heart will not like "five centimeters per second". This cartoon is both sweet and sad, the feeling is like bitter, belongs to the first love apple, let a person unforgettable.

But just because she likes it, when Ning Qing saw the news from Phoenix's official website, she became angry.

"The original ending?"

"Five centimeters per second" to be produced by Phoenix company will follow the ending of the cartoon, which is really unacceptable to Ning Qing. She has never experienced the disturbance when the cartoon was on sale. However, she is quite well-known in the reader circle as a high school student. She saw "five centimeters per second" a year ago. At the beginning, she was crying in a mess. But it was because others said that the animation would have a good ending that she survived. At that time, she also sent a post saying that she had a dream of GUI Shu and Mingli together when she was sleeping.In fact, there are many people who have had this dream. Among the huge fans of "five centimeters per second", nearly 50% have had cartoon related dreams. This cartoon is so infectious that some people even dream about it more than ten times.

Today, seeing the news released by Phoenix company, the high school student was heartbroken. She cried for several hours and didn't even eat dinner. What's more, cruelly, she had a dream that night that Guishu and Mingli were wandering in countless worlds. Every time they were going to be together, they would be cut apart by fate.

This dream is the opposite of the one she had a year ago, so she got up in the middle of the night and wrote an article full of blood and tears - she no longer believes in love and He Xi!

After this article came out, it immediately attracted the response of countless people.

"Teacher He Xi is so cruel, he betrayed us! If GUI Shu and Ming Li can't be together, I'll never read his comics again! "

"I'm going to Phoenix company with some friends to discuss an explanation. I'll go tomorrow!"

On microblog and forum, some readers are very excited, which makes many reporters excited.

Will the riots of a few years ago reappea