At this time, the atmosphere in the room is very strange.

"You don't want to teach me?"

Seeing that Su Chun stayed where she was and didn't speak, Ji Hua frowned, and her voice became indifferent. She seemed a little angry.

Hearing what Ji Hua said, Su Chun was speechless again. "How can I teach this? If I pick you up now, you can't tear me up?"

But now this situation is on the line and has to be launched!

Whether to take it off or not is a question of "death" for Su Chun.

"Make an offer, or whatever you want, as long as I can afford it, I can give it to you!"

Ji Hua, who thought Su Chun wanted to start the price, suddenly came to Su Chun and looked at Su Chun with great arrogance, "as long as you are willing to teach me, you can do whatever you want!"

Looking at Ji Hua, who was very confident and even a little proud, Su Chun suddenly felt a burst of brain pain.

"Ma egg, it seems that you can't give this little white some color today!"

Thinking of this, Su Chun looked at Ji Hua in front of her, and a dangerous light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to teach you? Don't you regret it?"

"What regret?" Ji Hua frowned and looked at Su Chun with a puzzled face.

"Because it hurts!!!" Su Chun looks at Ji Hua and says with a feigned ferocity.

"Hum, pain? Little pain, do you think I will care? Start quickly!"

It would hurt to hear Su Chun say it. Ji Hua's pretty face showed a touch of disdain, and her tone was very impatient.

"Don't regret it!"

Looking at the proud and charming little white queen in front of her, Su Chun said fiercely, and his hand directly put on Ji Hua's shoulder.

"Soft as bones!"

As soon as she put her hand on Ji Hua's fragrant shoulder, a burst of tenderness came from her hand, which made Su Chun's heart swing.

Suddenly she was shouldered by Su Chun. Ji Hua looked at her slightly. She didn't know why. She couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

However, she didn't move, but stood quietly and looked at Su Chun, letting Su Chun put her hand on her shoulder.

"Is it difficult? I'm going to finish this pure man today?"

At this moment, Su Chun said that it was impossible not to be excited. Looking at her majesty who let herself do it, her excited liver couldn't help jumping up.

Slowly, Su Chun's head began to lean against Ji Hua's white cheek.

"Su Chun, why are you so close?"

Feeling the warm breath coming from her cheeks, Ji Hua's strange feeling became stronger and stronger, and she couldn't help saying.

Hearing the speech, Su Chun didn't answer her. Her other hand was already on her other shoulder, and she pointed Ji Hua's body directly at herself.

The lips began to slowly stick to Ji Hua's white cheeks!


Su Chun suddenly kissed her cheek. Ji Hua felt a roar in her brain, and an unprecedented feeling filled her heart.

Feeling the faint cold and fragrance from her lips, Su Chun's hand on Ji Hua's shoulder couldn't help moving down slowly.

Although the silk Golden Dragon Robe looks broad, it is very light and thin. Moving down all the way, Su Chun can clearly feel a greasy touch from his fingertips.

As Su Chun's hand slowly moved down against Ji Hua's back, Ji Hua's body began to tremble slightly.

Along the slender waist of Yingying's grip, Su Chun's hands have embraced Ji Hua in her arms.

At this time, looking at Ji Hua, the original glittering earlobe has a faint blush. On a serious pretty face, I don't know when it will float a touch of crimson.

Looking at such an attractive scene in front of her, Su Chun couldn't help it anymore. She was about to open her mouth to Ji Hua's glittering and moist thin lips.


However, at the next moment, an amazing momentum suddenly broke out on Ji Hua in her arms.

At the same time, at the moment of this momentum, Ji Hua's body was shrouded by a aura, and the invisible aura surrounded her, forming a series of tornadoes.

Su Chun was bounced away as soon as the aura appeared. At the same time, she stepped back a few steps, and then sat down on the big bed behind her.

"I suddenly remembered that I had another important matter to deal with, so I left first. Tonight you can have a rest in my bedroom!"

After saying that, without looking at Su Chun, he threw his big sleeve, and then hurried out of the door. Just at the moment of going out, the jade neck was already pink.

"Just now, what happened..."

Because everything happened so fast, Su Chun knew that she had not reacted yet.

"Have I been teased by a little white?" after a long time, Su Chun recovered.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, Su Chun couldn't help touching her lips and a smile appeared on her face.

"Host, the explosion point has collected enough 50 million. Do you want to choose a big state and establish a spatiotemporal projection!"

At this time, the prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded in my mind.

Hearing the speech, Su Chun was stunned. He suddenly remembered that after buying the assassination crystal last time, he told the system that after the explosion point collected enough 50 million, he reminded him to establish a space-time projection.

I didn't expect how long it took. 50 million explosive points were collected so quickly.

Thinking of this, Su Chun said to the system, "system, how many explosive points do I have now?"

"Su Chun currently has 61 million explosion points!"

"61 million explosive points..."

Thinking of this, Su chunslightly pondered and said, "are you sure to establish a space-time projection!"

"Ding Dong, the host determines to establish spatiotemporal projection!"

"Ding Dong, please choose Dazhou!"

At the moment when the voice fell, Su Chun immediately appeared the names of ten major states, such as Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yangzhou, Liangzhou, Yanzhou, Shazhou, Meizhou, Xuzhou, Yongzhou and Yizhou.

"System, these are the continents of the world?" Su Chun asked the system in her heart, looking at the names of the ten major states in front of her.


Looking at the ten big states in front of her, Su Chun couldn't help feeling that just one Lanzhou land, the region has been vast to the sky. Now there are ten more of the same, how big is the world!

"Ding Dong! The reborn has a new trend. Do you want to check it?"

When Su Chun hesitated to establish a spatiotemporal projection in which state, the prompt of the system sounded.

My heart moved slightly, and a light curtain appeared in front of me. At this time, such a picture was playing on the light curtain.

The land of Youzhou is a mountain full of aura.

"Xiao Lin, this is the place where you said the spirit pulse is located?" Xingyun asked Xiao Lin, who looked happy around him.

"Yes, there is a spiritual pulse underground. Three hundred years later, the most outstanding genius of the yin-yang God sect in thousands of years, Qingnan immortal, soared to the upper world with the spiritual pulse tank to resist 999 heavenly thunder!"

Looking at the energetic mountains in front of him, Xiao Lin's eyes were full of excitement.

"Even if there is a spirit vessel under the ground, so what? Don't tell me you also want a spirit vessel tank." Xingyun obviously has a big opinion on Xiao Lin.

"Hehe, naturally I wouldn't do that. Do you know why immortal Qingnan dared to pour such a huge spiritual pulse into his body without worrying about exploding and dying?"

Xiao Lin doesn't care about the attitude of astrology towards himself. Anyway, they just use each other. There's no need to see whether each other likes it or not.

Hearing Xiao Lin's words, the star couldn't help saying, "why?"

"Because under this spirit vein, there is a fairy palace. Note that I'm talking about a real fairy palace!"

"What!" when Xiao Lin said that there was a real fairy palace under the spirit pulse, the star power was not calm at once.

"So you mean that Qingnan immortal has been inherited by the fairy palace, so he can lead the spirit pulse into the body to fight against Tianlei?"

"Yes, it's also wrong. I don't know if I have heard of the legend about Qingnan with the information of Tianji building?" Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes and looked at the upper pulse in front of him.

Looking at a pair of unfathomable Xiao Lin, Xingyun's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but soon she seemed to think of something. Her mouth opened slightly and exclaimed, "you mean the reincarnation of relegated immortals!"

"Oh, yes, that fairy palace is his own!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Lin suddenly burst out two lights in his eyes, "Qingnan, who has not entered the fairy palace, can't awaken his memory at all, and what we have to do now is to get everything in the fairy palace in advance!"

"It's less than a month before the fairy palace is opened. Qingnan at this time is not enough to pose a threat to us..."

Looking at what happened on the light curtain, Su Chun's mouth couldn't help raising slightly.

"System, since there is such an interesting thing happening in Youzhou, let's build the space-time projection in Youzhou. After all, we have to pay 50 million explosive points this time, and we have to make some income!"

"Spirit pulse, fairy palace, reincarnation of relegated immortals... Interesting..."