At this time, only listening to the light curtain, Lengyue's eyes suddenly became very sad.

"When Shifu arranged the established Taoist partners for the elder martial brother, I already knew that the leader of Daoyuan Xianzong would be the elder martial brother Li yunzong..."

Speaking of this, Lengyue's pale face suddenly showed a bitter smile, "for me, elder martial brother is just a brother. He only hates that he was young and didn't know love. He mistakenly confused the two. Now it's funny..."

"When I understand, I have made an irreparable mistake."

Speaking of this, Leng Yue looked at the bright moonlight outside the window and revealed a touch of memory, "I went to Fuguang City alone and saw her, the woman called fairy."

"She is really beautiful, so beautiful that when I stand in front of her, I feel ashamed. She is gentle, kind to people, every move, every frown and smile, giving people a feeling of spring breeze."

"In the face of this perfect woman, I can't pick her out. No matter how difficult, capricious and mischievous I am, she can be gentle."

"However, just when I was about to be convinced by this perfect woman, I saw something with my own eyes, but I found that she was not as perfect as she seemed..."

Speaking of this, Leng Yue's eyes became cold.

At the same time, hearing this, Su Chun's eyes coagulated slightly. He knew that what Lengyue would say next was why she decided to seal the floating light fairy!

"Just when I decided to return to Daoyuan Xianzong and decided not to interfere in the affairs between senior brother and Fuguang, I found that there were a large number of ghosts in the depths of Fuguang mountains dozens of miles away from Fuguang city. They seemed to be preparing something."

"The leader of these ghost cultivation is the floating light. I can't forget that day, the indifference in her eyes and her indifferent eyes are different from the gentle and kind floating light in her usual impression!"


In the room on the second floor of shop 7, Su Chun sat by the bed, looked at the transparent Pendant in her hand, and sighed slightly in her heart.

After listening to Leng Yue's story, Su Chun finally understood why she wanted to seal the floating light fairy.

"Double spirit yuan Shen..."

As the name suggests, it has two souls, two primordial gods, and even two completely different people, using a common body.

Just like the opposite of yin and Yang, there must be darkness when there is light. The kind side of floating light represents light, and the indifferent side represents light.

However, what Su Chun didn't expect most was that Lengyue directly sealed the floating light fairy by such extreme means.

Over the years, she has been using her original divine power to provide strength for the wind sleep forbidden world in order to deepen the seal of floating light.

At the same time, Su Chun finally understood what the legend of ghost soldiers attacking the city detected by the system at that time meant.

It must have been that time that the ghost soldiers attacked the floating light city. Lengyue found the opportunity to seal the floating light fairy, who was behind the ghost soldiers attacking the city.

Because the floating light fairy was sealed in front of all unknown people, Lengyue was expelled from the school by Yaonan later.

Because of this, Fuguang city has no contact with Daoyuan Xianzong's old death. It can even be said that it is not too much to forge hatred!

"In this way, there is a reasonable explanation for the relationship between Lengyue, Fuguang city and Daoyuan Xianzong, but..."

Thinking of this, Su Chun had a new doubt in her heart.

"What is there in the depths of the floating light mountains, where do the ghost soldiers composed of ghost practitioners come from, why do they obey the floating light fairy, and what are their purposes..."

Thinking of this, Su Chun rubbed the center of her eyebrows and then looked at the light curtain of the live broadcast.

"Now, you Taoist friends must have seen that in this small town full of demon families, even Lengyue, who has reached the distracted period of cultivation, is seriously injured. If he is careless, he will die."

"Now the only way to live is to get in touch with the Lord of the light curtain through live broadcasting. Only he can find a way for me."

"So, you Taoist friends, please take a wave of gifts and spirit stones on your hands and help me boost my popularity!"

When they heard Su Chun's words, they realized why Su Chun had been asking for gifts and Lingshi from everyone. It turned out that it was to get in touch with the Lord of the light curtain and find a way to survive.

At the thought of this, they were not stingy, and the gifts in their hands floated across the curtain of light.

Fairyland first pass, give the anchor ten underpants!

Senior brother jiuyangzong, give the anchor ten coats!

Lingxiaozong junior sister, kiss 1000 from the anchor!

The elder of Brokeback sect, fifty from the anchor's toes!


Looking at the small gifts passing on the light screen, Su Chun smiled, "thank you for your small gifts, thank you!"

With that, Su Chun looked at Lengyue who had not awakened. "The system and antidote have been used. Why hasn't Lengyue awakened yet?"

"Because the host buys the cheapest antidote, it is naturally impossible to achieve immediate results like those of the most expensive drugs. According to the systematic analysis of the drugs, it will take three hours before she fully wakes up!"

After listening to the explanation of the system, Su Chun nodded slightly, and then said to the crowd, "well, you guys, before I came, I had an appointment with three other companions to meet at the back of the town. Now I'm going to start!"

With that, Su Chun put Lengyue on his back and went out of shop No. 7.

However, shortly after su Chun left Shop No. 7, he suddenly felt a strange fluctuation in the space in front of him.


"I finally found you!"

When Su Chun was stunned, the next moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable weight in his arms. Then he saw a girl in black hanging around his neck.

When she looked at the visitor's face carefully, Su Chun's pupils immediately shrunk. At the same time, she couldn't help saying, "Lan Kou? Why are you here?!"

"Oh, I went out with senior brother Tianding. When I arrived in Qingzhou, I suddenly felt your breath, so I followed."

With that, Lancome raised her head slightly, blinked a pair of big gem like eyes, wrinkled the corners of her mouth and said.

"I heard from Mo Ling that your name is Su Chun, you bad guy. When you left last time, you didn't tell me your name and left me alone. You can't sneak away this time!"

While talking, LAN Kou's two slender and smooth arms tightened Su Chun's neck.

Looking at LAN Kou with his head raised in front of him, Su Chun was helpless. But he followed closely, and his face sank.

"What's your senior brother Tianding?"

Su Chun looked at LAN Kou and asked seriously.

"Woo? Senior brother Tianding, he..."

When Su Chun asked about the zenith, LAN Kou was stunned and turned his head to look around.

But at this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded around, "younger martial sister, you forgot to wear your shoes again..."

Hearing the sound, Su Chun frowned and looked down. He saw a man in blue squatting in front of him.

At this time, I saw the man squatting on the ground, saying, holding a black printed shoe in his hand, and putting it on LAN Kou's tender, white and smooth feet.

"Le Xian, a new comer in the fairy world, is also LAN Kou's life-saving benefactor. However, no matter what relationship you have with LAN Kou, now I announce that you are over!"

Speaking of this, the man suddenly raised his head, with exquisite and handsome facial features and wise and deep eyes, staring at Su Chun's eyes.

Although he is squatting and looking at Su Chun, at this time, his aggressive momentum gives people a great pressure!