The Japanese earthquake shakes the world.

On September 10, people all over the world were confused by the news of the Japanese earthquake.

It is rumored that this is a precursor to the end of the world. The coastline of Japan's east coast has retreated for several kilometers. Soon, the whole territory of Japan will be completely submerged by the sea. Then the glaciers in the north and south poles will melt, and the world will become an ocean.

Of course, rumors are rumors after all.

On the afternoon of the 10th, the flooded area of the east coast of Japan was once again exposed to the sun.

As the sea recedes, there are endless ruins and bodies everywhere.

The Japanese self defense forces all dispatched to the disaster stricken areas. The Chinese government requested the US troops stationed in Japan to assist in disaster relief. Asian countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand also sent disaster relief forces to Japan.

At that time, the situation of Japan was turbulent.

In the early morning of September 12, the Japanese self defense forces took more than 40 hours to open a temporary road from the capital of Tokyo to Miyagi Prefecture.

Rescue forces from all over the world, two days after the earthquake, entered the city, which has become a hell on earth.

All kinds of rescue work were carried out in an orderly manner, such as cleaning up the ruins of the earthquake, cleaning up the sea mud, sorting out the bodies of the victims. Only one of the most important post disaster rescue work has never been mentioned, that is, searching for survivors.

Because since entering Miyagi Prefecture, no one has seen a living person in the first ten hours, whether it is the Japanese self defense force or the international rescue force.

"Xinhua News Agency reporter reported: dear audience friends, the current time is 3:00 p.m. local time on September 12 in Japan, and I am standing in Miyagi Prefecture, the worst hit area of the 9.10 earthquake in Japan..."

"BBS on-site report: This is the temporary storage site for the bodies of the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Miyagi Prefecture of Japan. According to the statistics of relevant departments, the earthquake has killed 9100 people, and more than 19000 people are missing. Miyagi Prefecture has disappeared as a whole, and no one has survived..."

"Reuters real time news: rescue forces of all countries have entered the disaster area of Miyagi Prefecture for 12 hours. During this period, all rescue forces have pushed forward the search and rescue line by 5 kilometers, but it is still 30 kilometers away from the coastline. No survivors have been found yet... "

"Global Times: 60 hours have passed since the earthquake, and the atmosphere in Miyagi Prefecture is depressed. In the history of the world, there has never been such a tragic situation as Miyagi Prefecture. At an earlier time, far away from the tsunami, no survivors have been found. Then it is certain that the residents of Miyagi Prefecture have become history with this city... "

After two days, the popularity of the news about the Japanese earthquake began to decline slowly. However, soon, the name of Miyagi Prefecture became a hot topic.

Before the disaster, such a big city claimed to have more than 100000 people. After a tsunami, except for those who had fled long ago, no survivors were found. This is simply incomprehensible.

The official website of China Central Television has opened a special news webpage with information about "Japan's 9.10 earthquake". Here has become a place for the majority of Chinese netizens to comment.

"If you want me to say that, don't waste your time there. It's almost three days since I was killed by the earthquake and tsunami. I'll die of thirst and starvation. Anyway, no one survived. It's better to get a pile of bulldozers to level the whole Miyagi Prefecture. The dead are not buried. "

"Upstairs, are you not afraid of retribution? As an old Chinese saying goes, "live to see people, die to see corpses." Japanese people are also people. Besides, there may still be many Chinese in Miyagi Prefecture. You have to find it, dead or alive. "

"Wipe, is that Miyagi Prefecture really a ghost town? I'm very happy about the earthquake over there, but how could I feel so uncomfortable when I heard that no one in the whole city survived? Madan, fortunately, the earthquake happened in the east of Japan. If it happened in the east of China, the people who grew up by the sea of Laozi would be dead so inexplicably? "

"Hey, I heard that Miyagi Prefecture has aftershocks every day. It seems that sometimes there are four or five earthquakes in an hour, and even the newly opened roads are broken. The earth's crust is unstable. If it happens again, I'm afraid the rescue team will have to break there. "

"Yes, yes, yes. That's Miyagi Prefecture. When the highway was just opened, it seemed that there was another earthquake with a magnitude of 7. Rescue helicopter shot, there is a three or four meter high tsunami, flooded the place again. The navy of the United States and Japan did not dare to pass by the sea, and the navy of China was not allowed to come near. If the search and rescue had started at sea earlier, maybe one or two of them would have survived. "

"Damn, I don't believe it. I'm looking forward to the death of all the little devils, but this Miyagi Prefecture is too evil. Is human life so worthless that no one lives? I'll bet a hundred dollars that someone will survive "

" rub, I don't believe it. If no one really survived, what earthquake resistance exercises and knowledge should we do. After the earthquake really happened, can't you just lie on the ground and wait to die. I'll bet a thousand dollars that someone will survive! ""Hey, don't make any noise. Hurry to watch the news of Xiaolong video network. There's an accident in Miyagi Prefecture again!"

In fact, the comments of Chinese netizens are only a microcosm of people's attention to the current situation of Miyagi Prefecture.

People all over the world have been shocked since it was reported in the news that no survivors have been found for more than ten hours.

In the face of such natural disasters, nationality and history are not important. We all want to see people survive. Only when we are alive can we have hope. Only when we have hope can we make people full of confidence in the world.

At the same time, many people are always concerned about the situation of the rescue forces in Miyagi Prefecture. They only hope that the rescue workers there can speed up and complete the search of the whole city in the shortest time, even if only one living person is found.

But who knows, at this time of the rescue team, there was a very big problem of work contradictions.

"Hello, everyone. I am Xiaolong video network news reporter motor, my current position, is Japan Miyagi County, earthquake relief temporary command center. We have the honor to interview major Wang Ke, the commander of the Chinese rescue force who participated in the international rescue operation, when we asked Colonel Wang Ke about the progress of the rescue work, an emergency completely disrupted all the rescue work here.

Please watch the pictures taken earlier with the camera

After the great earthquake in Japan, Xiaolong video network created the world's first video website to broadcast news.

Especially with the development of network and the popularity of smart phones, Xiaolong video network mobile phone client has almost become the necessary software of Chinese smart phones.

With the launch of the network news channel, all the people who can't watch the news with TV all the time can also see what they want to know on their mobile phones.

In recent days, the network news channel of Xiaolong video network has maintained nearly a million online views at almost any time. Therefore, the news content just came back from Miyagi County in China was soon seen by countless Chinese people.

"Everybody, the rescue work must stop immediately. The aftershock just happened has seriously injured three excellent Japanese Self Defense soldiers. All rescue workers have not been rested for dozens of hours. We have to stop and put an end to such intense work for the time being. "

"I agree with Mr. Matsushita's suggestion. Our Meidi rescue team has made considerable efforts in the previous road opening work. I just want to get to Miyagi Prefecture as soon as possible to search for survivors. But now it can be determined that no one survived in Miyagi Prefecture. Then the rescue work should be slowed down

"Yes, I haven't closed my eyes for two days in a row. Our Korean Warriors also need a good rest."

Inside a tent, many people in different colors and styles of military uniform kept making their own comments.

Obviously, these guys are the commanders of the rescue forces in Miyagi Prefecture. Everyone seems to agree to suspend the rescue work. But among them, a cold faced Chinese woman soldier was the only one who made a different voice.

"No, everybody. Time is life. Every second we delay, Miyagi survivors are in danger. We must speed up the rescue progress. I firmly believe that someone is alive and waiting for our rescue! You want to rest, no problem, but our Chinese soldiers can still insist, we Chinese soldiers can still continue to fight

"Ms. Wang Ke, this is Japan, not China. We has the final say on how to rescue the work. All the rescue workers come here to save people, but they can't put themselves in danger without saving people. Every SDF soldier is the pride of our empire. I can't let them spend their energy or even their lives on things that are hopeless. I've decided that the rescue work will be suspended for the time being. Everyone will have a night off and the search and rescue operation will start tomorrow! "

"Mr. Matsushita, you are extremely irresponsible. You are giving up to the Japanese people and the surviving people in Miyagi Prefecture."

"The Japanese people will understand me, and the people of Miyagi Prefecture will understand me in another world!"


There was a quarrel in the temporary headquarters, and the news pictures were switched to the reporters at the scene.

"Dear audience, rescue work has been suspended. Whether this decision is correct or not, we can now be sure that the chances of survival in Miyagi Prefecture are even more remote. I just want to ask, what's wrong with Miyagi Prefecture? Are there any survivors? Where are those survivors now? The reporter will continue to wait at the rescue site and report the latest progress of the rescue work for you all the time. "

That's the end of the news.

The suspension of rescue work casts a shadow on everyone's mind. It seems that at this moment, the whole world has to admit the fact that "no one in Miyagi Prefecture is alive.".

But no one would have thought that there were still people living well in an underground air raid shelter in the center of Miyagi Prefecture.

Sitting on a blanket, Xiao Jun kept beating the satellite phone in his hand."Wipe, can you do it or not! You can call me at any time, so tell me what to do when there is no electricity? Can he generate electricity by himself? Damn, where's the battery of this shit? "