In the plane.

Brother Liang: "Professor Xiao, what are you doing?"

Stewardess: "Xiao Jun, are you crazy?"

Xiao Jun: "don't talk nonsense, just sit down

Outside the plane.

Fighter pilot Bluebird: "mission complete, Firebird, let's go!"

Firebird: "OK, we I wipe. What's that man doing! Be careful, Bluebird. He's flying over your head

Helicopter pilot Dong Yaoyao: "command center, we will hover at low altitude, stand by at any time!"

Two holes: "Dong Yaoyao, get out of the way, that guy is off course!"

In the airport.

Director Wan: "get ready for rescue. Everyone will go down with me to pick up the plane immediately!"

Airport staff: "ah, leaders, you see, they flew away again."

Outside the airport.

All reporters: "audience friends, we are now fully sure that TH113, the hijacked plane, has successfully returned and is now under the guidance of the rescue plane Ah? How did they fly away again? "

All the people who pay attention to this event are dumbfounded at this moment.

The lost airliner, which came back safely, had already arrived at the airport, but it didn't mean to land at all. It raised its nose and flew directly over the airport.

We all want to ask, you TM are back, what's the matter?

To tell you the truth, Xiao Jun doesn't want to do it, but he can't help it.

If you can't open the landing gear and let the plane land normally, what's the difference between pushing a person down from the 20th floor and poking his head on the ground first?

If you don't want to break your head and blood, you can't land on the runway. At least you should find a soft place.

Xiao Jun let the plane slightly lift, is to fight for time, to find a suitable landing site.

Others don't know Xiao Jun's situation, they just feel that he is crazy.

The four pilots who had been flying around Xiao Jun were so flustered at that time that they scattered around like dogs, trying to distance themselves from Xiao Jun.

"Ma Dan, what does this man want to do?"

"I wipe, they don't land, we this task still calculate finish?"

"Get in touch with the headquarters and ask for instructions."

"Be careful, Bluebird, you're turning around!"

Xiao Jungang just lifted the nose and flew over the head of the bluebird. Then the power plant was destroyed. When the plane lost its gravity, he lowered the altitude and returned to the same level as other planes.

Xiao Jun is looking for a place to land. He certainly doesn't drive the plane away directly. He must be hovering over the airport.

So, Xiao Jun turned around and flew back. In other people's eyes, it was like he turned around and hit the fighter.

The fighter pilot Bluebird's face at that time was almost the same as his code name, blue and purple.

Even curse words are too late to say, Bluebird quickly is a fierce pressure on their head, to avoid.

Fortunately, the speed of both sides was not fast at this time, and the bluebird could avoid it, but then the helicopter on the other side was forced.

Without the stop of Bluebird, Dong Yaoyao saw a huge airliner coming towards him.

"I wipe, you are crazy!"

While scolding, Dong Yaoyao also quickly lowers the head of the aircraft to avoid.

Next, Firebird.

When the Firebird also lowered his height to avoid Xiao Jun, it was just before he was shaken. A shout made the whole body of the Firebird explode.

"Fighter man, he's turning from behind your ass again. Get out of the way!"

I don't know whether it was Dong Yaoyao or Dong Liangliang. Anyway, the Firebird knew that the friendly troops would not harm itself and decided to lower the flight altitude again.

A moment later, a giant flew over his head.

Firebird was stunned and yelled at the communicator: "helicopter, brother, and Bluebird, get out of the way, he's heading for you!"

Xiao Jun completed his first circling over the airport, and then began the second round.

The other four planes kept lowering their altitude to avoid giving way while yelling at each other. They really hated Xiao Jun.

People on the ground saw a very dramatic scene.

An airliner circled back and forth in the sky and kept pressing down again and again, pressing the other four planes lower and lower. It felt like an eagle was teasing four birds.

After three laps, Firebird was the first one who couldn't stand it.

"Ma Dan, Bluebird, this height is not enough, I want to land!"

"Firebird, I need an emergency landing, too. You go to runway 1 and I'll go to runway 3!"

"OK, get off the plane, let's go and kill the pilot!"

All the words and deeds of these fighter pilots are monitored by the headquarters. Firebird's reckless utterance of such words shows how angry he is.Two fighters no longer care so much, directly choose the runway to land quickly. The pilot on the helicopter, too, did the same and landed quickly.

Before the airport is not easy to empty the runway, was suddenly occupied again.

Director Wan in the tower, no matter how experienced, was confused by the scene.

Nimana landing pad is for the airliner. How did you rescue people occupy it?

No, what's the matter with the airliner? There are people who don't leave a way for themselves?

When director Wan was confused, he suddenly heard countless exclamations burst out behind him.

Director Wan raised his eyes and almost sat on the ground.

The airliner flew towards the tower.

Are you crazy? You can't hit a plane. You hit a tower instead?

The people inside the tower watched as the huge nose of the aircraft approached. They were so scared that they ran outside. It was a terrible thing. Only a fool would stick to his job!

Just before they really ran out, they heard a huge roar over their heads. The plane didn't hit it at all, but flew over the tower.

The height of the airliner is getting lower and lower, and the speed is also getting slower and slower.

But the slower the speed, the greater the psychological pressure on people on the ground.

Those reporters outside the airport, as early as they saw the airliner circling after other planes, lost their language ability, and all of them stared at the whereabouts of the airliner.

As a result, the reporters felt that something was wrong.

"Ah, run, the plane is coming at us!"

"Mom, help

"Car, get in."

"What kind of car do you get on? The driver is running away. SA Ya Zi is jumping up!"

A group of reporters and cameramen ran for their lives, and all the audience just saw all kinds of TV scenes shaking wantonly.

It's too much to affect the impression. It's really too much to affect Ah? Why is the picture of Xiaolong video network normal?

That's right. At such a terrible time, the photographer of Xiaolong video network did not move.

If you look at other people, this is the real warrior. Xiaolong video network is worthy of being a big company. A photographer's staff has such super psychological quality. You must praise it.

The photographer has won numerous praises, but only he knows it. He didn't want to run. He was so scared that his legs were weak that he couldn't do any extra movements.

Before the shooting, the photographer had already narrowed the lens. Now the plane is flying low in front of everyone. It's like a frontal impact.

The huge nose from far to near occupies the whole picture in a moment.

Everyone clearly saw that in the cockpit of the plane, a handsome face was serious, and his eyes were looking straight ahead, with an indescribable seriousness.

The next moment, the plane across the low altitude, the whole fuselage from the camera slowly over.

It lasted eight seconds.

This is the best shot of the year in Huaxia.

Countless people really go to watch it over and over again. After watching it every time, they are full of shock and can't be calm for a long time.

Someone once commented, "this is the closest time in history between disaster and human contact. This is not any movie special effects, but a real thing. Because of reality, so fear, overcome fear, we can be fearless! "

Well, no matter how much people talk about this scene in the future.

In short, the current situation is that there is no danger.

After flying over the heads of the reporters, the speed of the plane finally dropped to a level that Xiao Jun thought could be tolerated.

He took a deep breath and yelled, "everyone, sit down. This is the first time the plane has made a forced landing. I hope we can make a successful landing."

While speaking, Xiao Jun gently pushes the control lever, and the nose of the plane finally makes contact with the green grass outside the airport.

"Dong" a loud noise, all the people in the plane were scared out of their wits.

The whole cabin was jolted violently, as if it was about to fall apart and explode.

Xiao Jun widened his eyes and felt the bumpiness of the plane.

No problem, this kind of turbulence can be tolerated!

Xiao Jun raised his eyes and looked straight ahead, quickly calculating the impact speed of the plane and the distance from the highway ahead.

No problem. You can stop before you get to the road.

After confirming all the information, Xiao Jun smiles and releases the control lever of the plane. The whole person lies down on the seat.

It's like sitting in a massage chair. It feels good.

However, it's better to do less massage in the future. Maybe it will kill people.


"Ding, during the flight, the host fought bravely against the robbers and saved all the lives on the plane. The system judges that it is the right choice, and gives a special reward of 2 rebirth points. "The system's prompt sound is in the ear, Xiao Jun can only reply with a smile.

I'm so tired. It's only two points of rebirth. Well, forget it. It's all right.

At this moment, the whole plane has been surrounded by countless people.

The cabin door opens and all the stewardesses direct the passengers to get off the plane.

The wounded were immediately sent to the ambulance. The robbers were handcuffed by the police and taken away directly. The firemen dutifully cooled the temperature at the bottom of the plane.

The scene was chaotic and the atmosphere was jubilant.

But in such a jubilant atmosphere, four people in pilot's clothes rushed into the crowd with angry faces. They opened their mouths and asked loudly, "who is the pilot of your airliner?"

A stewardess next to him was stunned and said softly, "our captain and co pilot were seriously injured. We just left in an ambulance."

"You can fly even if you're seriously injured. You're kidding."

"No, just now the plane wasn't driven by the captain. It was driven by Xiao Jun."

The voice of the stewardess was not big, but the reporters who had just gathered around heard it clearly.

The reporter of Hangzhou TV station pulled another stewardess: "excuse me, who was flying the plane just now?"

"Xiao Jun, the one who wrote many songs."

A reporter from South China Provincial Radio pulled a passenger: "excuse me, who was flying the plane just now?"

"Xiao Jun is the one who writes poems very well."

Xiaolong video network reporter: "excuse me, who was flying the plane just now?"

"Xiao Jun, the one who plays football very well."

Xiao Jun is very good at couplets.

Xiao Jun is a great movie maker.

Xiao Jun, who is very abusive.

The reporters, pilots and the onlookers at the scene and in front of the TV and computer were stunned.

No matter what kind of Xiao Jun, he should not be a Xiao Jun who can fly a plane, OK!

Just at this time, Xiao Jun's figure appeared in the engine room exit.