"Professor Xiao, it's not convenient for me to show you my ID card now, but you know Xue Rong, she can prove it for me.

Just now, when you were outside the door, I had already asked for instructions from the superior. This task has a little connection with Professor Xiao. The superior instructed us to ask you for joint action when necessary.

I hope you can focus on the overall situation and provide us with some help.

The specific content of this task will be explained by Xue Rong.

Thank you

The instructor of Lian Chenghu spoke at a very fast speed and lowered his voice. Without waiting for Xiao Jun to answer, he turned to Wu Liang and yelled, "go back to your post immediately!"

"Tiger brother, he..."

"He's what he is! Distinguished guests are also what you can point out. Hurry up! And who else, take care of our guests! "

Lian Chenghu roared and almost pushed Wu Liang out of the compartment.

Many people who like to watch the excitement just let their eyes go with Lian Chenghu. Xiao Jun's side once again becomes a secluded corner.

"Hey, team Xue, what's going on. How many policemen have you got? What's the matter? Why does that man still say it has something to do with me? "

Xiao Jun's heart is full of question marks.

Xue, who wanted to get out of Xiao Jun's clutches as soon as possible, had no choice but to stay because of the company instructor's words and explain the details.

It still starts from a month ago. At the beginning of September, there was a vicious murder case of a strong girl in Xucheng, Jiangdong province. The case was immediately transferred to the provincial department and led by Xue.

However, more than half a month later, the case made no progress, and team Xue and his subordinates were depressed. Then they worked overtime all night on the Mid Autumn Festival, took over the task of escorting Xiao Jun, and arrived in Xucheng, where the accident of "one dragon playing with two women" happened.

After the accident, Xue returned to the police, only to learn that the murderer of the vicious case had been arrested in Jiangnan province.

It turned out that on the night of August 15, the police in Jiangnan province launched a "special action to control drunk driving" to strictly investigate the behavior of drunk driving, and happened to catch a drunk driving.

The drunkard didn't know how much he had drunk. He became drunk at the police station and threatened to shoot the police comrades.

The police uncle thought that the other party was talking nonsense, but when the drunk really took out his pistol and smashed the light bulb, the police uncle was stunned.

The drunk was subdued at that time and quickly handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangnan provincial department.

After he was forced to sober up, the drunk quickly confessed all his crimes with the police's surprise interrogation.

The drunk said that he was a killer. He took a mission on the world-famous killer website to kill two people in Xucheng.

But after several days in Xucheng, he didn't see the target. Instead, he happened to meet a beautiful woman who was walking alone at night. Suddenly, he was confused and committed a shameless crime.

When he calms down and knows that this kind of thing can't be concealed, he must quickly get the task bonus and run away.

But who knows, looking back on the Internet, I don't know when the killer task of the target Xu Cheng was cancelled.

In a rage, the killer paid someone to find out the IP address of the task publisher and wanted to find the employer.

Who knows, when he comes to the city of Hangzhou, Jiangnan Province, which is shown on the IP address, he finds that the location of the IP is a small broken Internet bar. Where can NIMA go to find someone.

Poor killer, if you don't get back the deposit for the task, the money for the equipment will be wasted, and you won't make a cent, so you will lose a lot.

What's more, if he can't find the task target and the person who sent the task, he feels like he's been fooled.

Depressed, I went to the bar and got drunk. After I left the bar, I turned around and saw a luxury car parked nearby.

Thinking that he couldn't come here in vain, the killer snatched the luxury car at that time. He just wanted to find a place to sell the car so as to collect enough money for running.

Unfortunately, he was caught by the police uncle in an accident when he met with the severe crackdown on drunk driving in Jiangnan province.

Tianwanghui is careless but not leaking. It will be the legal sanction waiting for this killer.

Just waiting for the police uncle to use the killer's personal account to log on to the killer website and prepare to investigate his criminal evidence, he happened to find an employment assignment for Huaxia on the so-called "internationally famous killer website".

Some people pay idle people to do business in a place in Jiangnan province.

If the police comrades in Jiangnan province find that international criminals are going to mess around on their territory, can they still be calm.

Just as team Xue brought people from Jiangdong province to handle the handover of the case, the criminal investigation departments of the two provinces immediately joined together to conduct a joint investigation of the case.

The content of the task on the website is vague, but since it is an international website, many foreigners will definitely participate in it.

Therefore, the police officers strictly investigated the foreigners who recently appeared in Jiangnan province.

With such an investigation, two "idle people" were really found out.The first one was caught as soon as he got off the plane. The poor boy didn't even know what he was doing, so he went to the prison.

And the second one is to use the first person's design to lure him out and capture him a few days later. He knows a little more information than the first poor guy.

The people who hire them on the Internet have already said that the target of the task is Nangong manor, the largest heavy industry group company in South China, the home of the helmsman of Nangong group.

As for the specific tasks, targets and time, they will discuss them after they get together.

The comrades of the police arranged their troops in advance at the assembly point predetermined by these people, intending to capture the mob at one stroke.

Who knows, there are smart people in the mob. The task publisher temporarily changed the assembly point and cut off the contact with the two guys who were captured.

The police uncle threw himself in the air and completely lost the clue.

As soon as they saw that the early arrest operation could not be carried out, the police immediately changed their strategy and directly targeted Nangong manor.

The instructor Lian Chenghu was the on-the-spot commander of the police operation. After communicating with the owner of Nangong manor, a large number of police came in disguised.

Wu Liang, a criminal investigation team member from Jiangnan Province, who just appeared suddenly, graduated from the police academy at the same time as team Xue, and has long admired team Xue.

This is the scene when Wu Liang saw Xiao Jun harassing Xue team and was furious at everything. Finally, he was driven away by the company's instructor.

After listening to Xue's narration, Xiao Jun really wants to swear that nowadays all criminals are stupid.

If you want to do something bad, you can send it to the Internet. You are not afraid of what the world knows.

The killer who takes over the task is also a fool. Don't you know the rule of "drink the car, don't drive the wine, drive the wine, don't drink the car" in China.

What's more infuriating is that the person who announced the task of doing things in Nangong manor definitely had a hole in his head. From the Internet to spend 80 yuan, please a group of "idle people", this is not ostensibly to give the head of the Chinese police uncle?

The more Xiao Jun thought about it, the more he felt that these guys, like the robbers he met on the plane, were either insane or insane.

"Well? No, team Xue. What do you have to do with me? I don't know these things. Why did the instructor ask me to cooperate with my work for no reason? "

"Well, it had nothing to do with you. But you caught a gang of robbers on the plane this morning. They are a small part of the participants in this vicious crime. "

"I'll go. Are those robbers the idle people you just mentioned? Well, that's no wonder. It's really a brain pit. "

"Shut up and hear me out. The leader of the robbers on the plane is Cao Hui. You caught this person by yourself. You must be familiar with it. And there is a big brother behind Cao Hui. You will be more familiar with that man. "

"No, how can I be familiar with the robber's elder brother?"

"You are not familiar with Chen Bei, one of the four brothers of Chen family, a famous international robbery Gang? Chen Bei's three brothers died because of you


After hearing Chen Bei's name in Xue's mouth, Xiao Jun no longer has any idea of joking. He only feels cold on his back and cold sweat on his head.

Chen Bei and Xiao Jun really don't know each other, but Chen Xi, the second brother of Chen Bei's quadruplets, and Xiao Jun will never forget them.

It was a madman who put the bomb into Xiao Jun's arms and nearly killed thousands or even tens of thousands of people with a homemade special lead bomb.

Xiao Jun's survival from Chen Xi is definitely due to the rebirth of the selection system. If someone else comes, he will become a handful of loess.

I still remember that in the robbery of xuchengcheng commercial bank, Chen Xi kept saying that among their four brothers, Chen Bei was the youngest, but no matter what they did, Chen Bei was the first to give advice.

If Chen Bei is the mastermind behind the Nangong manor, then all the idle people in his hands may play a lot of energy!

The more Xiao Jun thinks about it, the more startled he is. What Xue said behind him is that he is completely paralyzed on the sofa.

"Xiao Jun, our people conducted an emergency interrogation on the plane robbers you captured today, and got a lot of news from Cao Hui.

First, their hijacking was planned by Chen Bei, and the main purpose of the hijacking was to exchange the hostages on the plane for spicy chicken.

Second, the main purpose of the hijacking is to attract the attention of the Chinese police and distract us, so as to make his operation in Nangong manor more smooth.

Third, as Chen Bei's close younger brother, Cao Hui accidentally revealed that Chen Bei hated Xiao Jun, who killed his three brothers. It's said that Xiao Jun will appear at the engagement banquet of Nangong manor, so even if their action has been watched by the police, Chen Bei will come without hesitation.

Now, do you know why brother tiger said that this matter has something to do with you? "

While Xue said, his hands were still kneading on Xiao Jun's shoulders.But Xiao Jun didn't feel like enjoying the massage at all. His whole face turned purple, and he shivered for a long time to say a word.

"That Chen Bei, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no