"According to you, it's not easy for them to break up?" Although Luo Yusheng was a bit surprised, he didn't know how.

"It's easy to say, it's not easy to say. Carol and Mattis have been in love for seven years, but Mattis has a secret relationship with a model named Emily. Carol's relationship with Mattis is not hidden. Their friends know each other. However, between matthies and Emily, it is more hidden. After all, we should keep it from Carol. So the only people who know about this are probably a few of Mattis's better friends and Emily's side Mo Siyuan said as she thought.

Luo Yusheng can't help but frown when he hears that Mattis is cheating. No matter what nationality, cheating is always unpleasant.

"Then how do you know?" Luo Yusheng asked.

"Don't forget, I have a lot of friends. One of Emily's best friends knows me. She told me that." Mo Siyuan said with a smile.

In fact, at the beginning, it's not that Mo Siyuan's nose is sharp enough to smell something wrong. If she wants to say something, it can only be said that it's the harvest of her boring gossip.

Mo Siyuan is also a member of yingyu. She knows many artists in yingyu, especially some models. The homosexual relationship between Carol and Mattis is not the only one in the circle. Naturally, Mo Siyuan has heard about it, but she doesn't care much about it.

This time I heard that they broke up, Mo Siyuan was bored and began to gossip with others. At the beginning, the gossip was all familiar things, and Mo Siyuan was also diving to kill time.

Until later, she found that what Emily's best friend model said seemed to be a bit interesting. When she was very bored, she asked her partner to chat and learn more gossip.

Mo Siyuan's current status is higher than before. Most people in the circle know that when Mo Siyuan takes the initiative to chat with her, Emily's best friend knows everything.

Xu thinks that what he knows is not a secret, so he tells the news that Emily and Mattis are going out with each other, that they are going to get married again, and that Emily is pregnant.

Anyway, now that Mattis and Carol have broken up, Emily will be in the top position soon, and she is not afraid of the news.

"That's what happened. I didn't expect that. I just asked and she said everything." Mo Siyuan also has some helplessness. It's really not that she wants to ask, but that people speak too smoothly.

"Not only cheating, but also making a big girl's stomach ready to marry each other. Mattis really dares to break up at this time. Isn't he afraid of getting into trouble?" Luo Yusheng can't figure out this. If Mattis doesn't have other backers, his behavior is too risky.

It can even be said that his behavior will affect his survival in Diem. Because everyone knows the importance of Carroll to Diem. If Carroll doesn't renew his contract because of breaking up, Mattis will be in big trouble.

"Are you really that stupid as Mattis? I've heard that he's already prepared. " Mo Siyuan said.

"What is he going to do?" Luo Yusheng asked.

"I don't know." Mo Siyuan opened her hand.

“…… I don't know? " Luo Yusheng didn't drink tea. She thought Mo Siyuan knew it. Who knew that she would give her such a sentence.

Putting the teacup aside, Mo Siyuan raised her hand across the screen and pointed on the camera twice. "I know a lot, don't you think I've told you enough?"

"More is better." Luo Yusheng lips hook, smile.

"Well, it's almost enough. It's no fun knowing too much. It's like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time Mo Siyuan said with a smile.

Smell speech, Luo Yu Sheng murmurs, "hot eye pour is true."

"I don't care. Anyway, I've told you the news. Remember to ask Qi Jingshu for a gong." Mo Siyuan said and added, "by the way, remember all your plans as soon as possible. It's said that Mattis is going to find Carol tonight."

"OK, I'll go to find Jingshu later." Luo Yusheng secretly calculated the time. There is a time difference between China and Britain. Now Britain is still in the morning, and there is still an afternoon before evening.

After chatting with Mo Siyuan for a while and telling her to bring xiaojinyan back to play, Luo Yusheng hung up the video.

When Qi Jingshu receives Luo Yusheng's call, she is in her office and hears Mo Siyuan's words relayed by Luo Yusheng. Qi Jingshu thinks a lot.

It's an opportunity, no doubt, but it's not sure if we can seize it.

And this matter is not a simple call to Carol, if matthies really have other backers, they against matthies, there is no chance of winning.

We have to guard against Mattis, so we have to find someone Carol trusts, or even a friend of his.

Qi Jingshu can't figure out who to look for for for a moment, but Luo Yusheng thinks of a person.

Carol was so dazed on the bed that she didn't even hear someone open the door.

Until the man came to the bed and nudged him on the bed, "Carol, Carol?"Carol managed to get out of her lethargy and saw the man standing by the bed, "Anita?"

Anita is known as the "fairy girl", while Carol's song is known as the "voice of the elves". There are few interactions between them, but the only few interactions also make them friends.

But Carol doesn't know how Anita got into her home.

Anita frowned at carol on the bed, went to the bathroom, took a towel, wet it with hot water and threw it to carol on the bed, "wipe your face, you are in a bad state now."

Wiping her face with a hot towel, Carol looked at Anita and asked, "what are you doing here?"

"Because of you, of course." Anita took it for granted, and then said, "I heard about you. Anyway, as a friend, I'm very glad you broke up."

Carol is still sad because of the breakup of Mattis. At the moment, when she heard Anita's words, she was a little sour and a little angry with her. "Anita, I'm very sad, you know?"

"Yes, but I think it's better to wake up quickly after knowing something than to be kept in the dark. There's a saying in China called "cutting the mess with a knife". I think it's very suitable for you now. " Anita said, nodding in self affirmation.

From Luo Yusheng's mouth, Anita is very angry for Carol when she learns about Mattis's cheating. Fortunately, he knows now, and it's not too late.

Anita and Luo Yusheng just shot hesher's quarterly advertisement together some time ago. During this time, they just had a rest here. Luo Yusheng asked her to come to Carol to tell him about it, but she didn't think much about it.

And Carol doesn't know as much as Anita. He is a lovelorn person at the moment, so Anita's words make him a little unhappy, "Anita, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now. By the way, how did you get in my house? "

"Your agent brought me in." Anita said directly.

The agent has his own home key, so Carol is not surprised to hear, "what can I do for you? I'm not in a lot of mood right now. "

"Carol, are you still sad about breaking up with Mattis?" Anita couldn't help asking.

"Well." Carol answered in a low voice, looking decadent and sad.

Anita looks at Carol in front of her and puts her hand around her long braid. "Why are you sad? Mattie falls in love with Emily. Emily is pregnant with Mattie's child and they have to get married. They have already imagined the future. Don't you want to break up, do you want to stay with him? "

"What did you say?" Carol was stunned for a moment, but soon thought of the conversation she heard in the sanatorium, "Anita, you don't know, Mattis used Emily to cheat his mother."

Anita looked at Carol inexplicably. "Who told you that? Emily's pregnant. It can't be fake. What's more, many of Matthes's friends know that he's in two boats, only you don't know. "

"But I've been with Mattis for seven years, and I believe in him." Carol said positively.

Some look at Carol speechless. Anita shakes her head. "Why are you so stupid? He's with you just for you to renew your contract with Diem. I asked my friends and they all said, "Mattis has decided where the wedding will be."

"All right, Anita, stop it." Carol interrupts Anita.

After turning her lips, Anita said, "whatever you want, I just tell you what I know. I don't want you to continue to be cheated by him."

Anita said no more advice, but really no more advice.

Knowing that Carol hasn't eaten since the morning, Anita went to talk to his agent. The agent just learned about Mattis's infidelity, and her mood was also a little complicated.

At this time, I heard Anita's words and went to the kitchen to make two pieces of spaghetti without saying a word. Whenever I saw Carol, he was a little hesitant.

He knew that Carol was stubborn, and that Anita's words might not be heard by him.

After the meal, Anita had no reason to stay here, so she had to leave Carol alone. Maybe when he calms down and thinks things, his brain will be more intelligent?

It wasn't until the evening when Mattis opened the door that Carol realized that it was dark outside the window.

Mattis's image is a bit bad, with a blue beard under his chin and blood under his eyes. He is a bit decadent.

Seeing Carol, Mattis had a lot of emotions in his eyes, as if he had a lot to say, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Carol looked at him all the time. His mind recalled what Anita said. He regretted that he didn't go to someone to prove it.

"I'm sorry, Carol..." Matthies looked at Carol with pain.

Looking into his eyes, Carol heard his voice a little dull. "Mattis, why are you breaking up with me? I want the real reason. "Carroll's problem is in Mattis's expectation, so he hesitates again and again according to his plan, and then he looks like he's beating and scolding but doesn't explain.

It was not until Carroll asked again and again that he "finally" couldn't help saying the reason, "I grew up with my mother. Someone told my mother about our relationship. She couldn't accept it, almost She is in poor health. I dare not stimulate her. The doctor said that if she was stimulated again, she would not be rescued. "

"So you choose to sacrifice me?" Asked Carol.

Matthies turned his head and did not speak, leaving Carol with a slightly trembling figure.

"Is Emily's child yours?" Carol asked suddenly.

Mattis was really shocked by Carol's words, but he quickly responded with a calm face, "no, I didn't betray you."

Carol got up from the bed and walked step by step under the bed to Mattis. Carol is a little lower than matthies. When she looks at him, she looks up as before. "Matthies, you know I love you very much."

"I know, me too..." Said Mattis bitterly.

"So, since we broke up, I can't work with you, diem, and I won't work with them anymore." Carol's words rang out slowly.

Now, he was scared by Mattis, which was different from what he expected. According to his conjecture and Carroll's temperament, Mingming feels guilty and remorseful when he knows that he has hurt his mother. In addition, she knows that Emily is only used to cheat her mother, so she doesn't care.

In conclusion, Carol will not be angry, but will not give up because of himself. In the final analysis, Mattis knows how much Carol loves himself.

However, after a moment of panic, Mattis immediately thought of something else and didn't say, "Carol, if you are because of me, you don't need to give up Diem. I can give up this job for you."

Then, Mattis seemed to have some hesitating words. After a long time, he said, "do you remember Qi Jingshu we met? You can't sign a contract with her. I found that the person who called my mother and told her our relationship was Qi Jingshu. I know what she wants to do, just to let you break up with me, so that you can leave Diem. She's really terrible. I'm really afraid that you will be hurt by her. "

Mattis's eyes are full of deep feeling. If it was Carol in the past, he would have said what he said. But now, he seems to be sober.

He slowly hooked the corner of his mouth and heard himself say in a relaxed tone: "Mattis, I'm joking with you. How can I leave Diem?"

Matthies sighed and thought he had given up Carol's dangerous thought. "Carol, you scared the hell out of me."

Next, Mattis told Carol a lot about his plan to pretend to plan a wedding with Emily, mainly for his mother.

He thought Carroll would not be satisfied, but Carroll agreed very understanding. When he saw Carol's trusting eyes, Mattis tried to avoid them several times, but he held back.

When Mattis is sent away, Carol goes back to the house and finds out the agent's number.

Waiting for the phone to get through, Carol's voice was a little tired and cool. "I want Qi Jingshu's number."

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