Chapter 566 - You Are Mine!

Alexi smiled brightly as she got up from her chair and walked around the table towards Martin. 

He raised his eyebrows at her making her smile at him.

She sat beside of him and interwined their hands making Martin smile. 

She kept her head on his shoulder while she closed her eyes.

"Thank you for understanding me, Martin... Thank you so much." Alexi said making Martin smile.

"Of course, my love..." Martin replied as he looked at her making her look at him into his eyes.

"You are one of the precious person in my life. I love you, Alexi. It's my responsibility to understand the girl I love." Martin said making Alexi smile brightly.

"I just hope you keep loving me like this... Knowing me well enough..." Alexi replied making Martin frown.

"Well... I don't understand what you mean... But I know... It's just we started dating... A few months back... And I already proposed you... I know, I rushed things between us. But, I don't want to lose you. That is why, I did that. I want you to know that you are mine... And always will be mine. I know, there are few things that you can't open up to me this early... Well, eveyone has their own things which they can't open up to someone this early... So, if you have something like that... I will wait for you to let me know someday. I know you will... And until then, I will wait for you without forcing you for anything. So, don't worry. Okay?" Martin asked as he took her hand in his hands and kissed her knuckles making her hug him tightly by his neck. 

"Why are you just so good to me?" Alexi asked as she Buried her face in his neck making Martin smile.

"Because I love you, Alexi." Martin answered as he hugged her back and caressed her hair as he kissed her hairs making her took a deep breath in his neck.

"I love you too, Martin. I really do love you... Please don't ever leave me... I can't able to handle myself anymore... Your love is the only thing that making me hold on to things... If you leave me... Ever... I won't able to get through this... I can't be alive... Whatever I went is already enough for me... I don't at all have any more strength to keep up with any hurtness." Alexi said as she looked into his eyes making Martin smile at her.

"I won't leave you. Trust me... I will always love you until my death. You are the only one who makes me happy, Alexi. I would never think to leave... I will only die rather than leaving you." Martin replied as he kissed her nose making her giggle. 

"Let's have our dinner now!" Martin said and Alexi nodded her head.

Martin feeds her making her the happiest girl ever in this World who takes care of her as his baby! 

A smile isn't at all leaving from Alexi's face... Seeing Martin and his love in his eyes for her making her heart full. 

And she thinks why things are happening this good for her? 

And why do she feel like this is the calm before stroam? 

She just prays nothing more happens and just let them keep happy. 

But she is not sure about how life goes... And this is something that they have been went through... Because life was never easy for them... They have always been accepted the life but this time, they have no strength left... How many days, how many month, how many years should they go through this? 

This is just something that they accept anymore... They only want happiness now... And they wish they get it! 

Alexi took a deep breath as she just wanted Happiness from now on...

She looked at Martin and saw him smiling at her. And that smile is something that makes her heart full. She only wish that Martin can be only hers and only hers. 

But she is not sure if he only wants her... Yes, right now... He only wants her... But what about the future? If even Martin doesn't want anyone else other than Alexi... There are still people around who hates their pair and they will do anything to make them apart. 

That is something that they should be taken care off! They shouldn't ever think to give preference to the third person in their relationship. But except for themselves. 

"Are you already full? You just eat only some." Martin asked as Alexi shook her head in no as Martin was about to feed her again.

"Yes... I am full... And no, I can't eat more." Alexi answered as she shook her head at him in no.

"No... Eat some more..." Martin said making Alexi shake her head in no.

"No please..." Alexi replied making Martin sigh.

"Fine... Do you want desert?" Martin asked.

"Nah... I just want that ice cream we have in our home. It's so tasty." Alexi answered making Martin chuckle.

"Fine... Let's pay the bill and and get out of here?" Martin asked and Alexi nodded her head in yes. 

The waiter walked towards them with a check and Martin paid the bill.

Alexi and Martin got up from their chair and walked out of the restaurent with their hands interwined making everyone drool over their cuteness. 

They got inside their car. Martin started the engine and drove off from there. 

Alexi was looking outside the window while Martin driving calmly. Martin saw that something is really bothering Alexi but he knows whatever she is thinking is only about their future. 

So, he thought to bring her out of those thoughts that are trying to make her go crazy!

"Alexi..." Martin called making Her turn her head towards him.

"Don't you think, you were hard on that girl?" Martin asked making Alexi frown at him.

"Hard on who?" Alexi asked. 

"Alice... Alice Lewis." Martin answered making Alexi raise her eyebrows at him.

"I am hard on that girl?" Alexi asked and Martin nodded his head in yes.