Chapter 18 - Samantha Julie.

"Mr. Davis... Mr. Davis." Samantha called Johnson.

"Um... Yeah." Johnson said.

"You still want to talk about anything?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... No," Johnson said and Samantha gave a small smile.

"I will leave you alone now. See you at the party." Johnson said.

"Yes," Samantha said and Johnson walked towards Samantha and forwarded his hand.

"It's nice meeting you, Samantha," Johnson said and Samantha looked at him with her beautiful eyes, and Johnson got lost in those beautiful eyes of Samantha.

Samantha's heart felt heavy when Johnson called Samantha without Ms.

Samantha felt something that she doesn't have any idea about either. This is the first time that she feels free and smiles genuinely with a guy other than Noah, Andrew, Liam, and Damon. Samantha was confused,why is this happening?

Samantha gave her hand in,and they both shook hands.Samantha's small and delicate hands fit perfectly in Johnson's big and strong hands.

Johnson looked at her beautiful face and fell in deeply for her beautiful brown eyes he just wished in his heart that he wants her to be his.Forever.

There are so many girls, who are more beautiful than her but there is something that is bringing him to look at her beautiful and innocent face.

But, that innocent face is called a devil in the Hotel Industry Business ,but for Johnson, it's hard to believe that this beautiful girl can be a devil.

Samantha took out her hand harshly as she realized, her hand was still in his hand.

"It's nice meeting you too, Mr. Davis," Samantha said with a professional voice.

Johnson was shocked to see how harshly she took away her hand from him and saw how uncomfortable she was feeling.

Johnson looked into Samantha's eyes and saw water foaming her eyes and it pained his heart. He wanted to take her in his arms and keep her away from everyone in this world.Johnson saw how hard it is for her eyes not to spill the tear that was forming,but she is just keeping it in.

Johnson doesn't know why the tears are forming in her eyes but he just wants to do only one thing,and that is to hug her. Hug her tightly and want to give her the world.

Samantha tried hard to let the tears fall from her eyes but at last, she couldn't. She turned around to the big glass window and let her tears fall. She wiped it and stood there looking at the people who are looking so tiny from her 50-floors Hotel.

"See you at the party, Mr. Davis," Samantha said with her broken voice. Johnson's heart broke into pieces as he heard her broken voice but he couldn't do anything and just nodded his head even though she couldn't see him.

"Yes, Ms. Samantha," Johnson said and stepped back his foot steps echoed through the place where Samantha was standing as he left,and more tears spilled from Samantha's beautiful brown eyes.

Johnson turned around and walked towards the door and opened it but not before looking at Samantha.He opened the door and Samantha sensed that he was gone,and more tears fell from her eyes.

She clutched the curtains for support but her legs couldn't give any support and she fell on her knees. She kept her hands on her head and yelled...

"WHYYYYYY... WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE THIS?" Samantha yelled as her tears fell from her eyes.

"Why... Why can't you make me live my life?" Samantha yelled again with tears.

"Why do you always come into my mind?" Samantha yelled again with tears.

"Whyyy... Why can't I live happily like everyone else?" Samantha yelled again.

"Why did you make my life a living hell?" Samantha said as she kept her head to the glass window for support.

"Why can't I just wipe you off from my life just like a bad dream?" Samantha said as more tears fell from her eyes.

"What did I do to deserve this punishment?" Samantha said as she sat down on the floor taking the support of the glass window.

Samantha slowly got up on her feet and took the support of the couch and walked towards her desk and took out her medicine box which is in the cupboard with shaking hands.

She looked at the medicines for a whole minute and threw them away...

"I WILL NOT TAKE THEM. THIS MEDICINE IS ALSO REMINDING ME OF YOU..." Samantha yelled again with tears and threw everything which was on her desk and yelled loudly.

"JUST GET OUT FROM MY LIFE NOW," Samantha yelled with more tears.

"Samantha," Quency said as she opened the door of Samantha's office and looked around the office and the things, which she threw away.

Quency ran towards Samantha and hugged her and she hugged her tightly but her feet gave up on her and she fell on her knees again with Quency's support.

"Cry as much as you want, Samantha. Let it out." Quency said and Samantha cried her heart out.

"Why, Quency? Why only me? What did I do to deserve this punishment?" Samantha asked and Quency hugged her more tightly as her tears fell too from her eyes as she can't see Samantha crying.

"You didn't do anything, Samantha. It's not your fault." Quency said as her tears fell too from her eyes.

"Yes, I did Quency." Samantha said with tears.

"No, Samantha. You didn't do anything. It's not your fault. You just trusted someone, who you shouldn't." Quency said and hugged Samantha more tightly and slowly made her stand on her feet and made her sit on the couch.

Quency gave a glass of water to Samantha and she gulped down in one go and closed her eyes for a few minutes.

"You feel good now or I will call Aunt Lucy to check on you," Quency said.

"No, it's okay. I'm good." Samantha said.

"You sure? Because she is just a call away." Quency said.

"Yes, I'm sure," Samantha said and Quency nodded.

"I need to go to the party," Samantha said.

"If you don't want to. Then don't go. I will say sorry to Mr. Davis." Quency said and Samantha shook her head.

"I promised him. I will just go for a few minutes and my mind will relax as well." Samantha said with a small smile.

"Okay, it's your wish," Quency said as she picked up the files from the floor.

"I'm sorry. I messed everything again for you." Samantha said with her best puppy eyes and Quency chuckled.

"Don't be. I'm already used to this." Quency said.

"I will try to control myself next time," Samantha said and Quency shook her head.

"It's okay, you don't have too. If you feel good after making this office messy then don't stop doing it." Quency said and Samantha chuckled.

"Thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry. I feel good now." Samantha said to Quency.

"No problem, Samantha. If I don't take care of you then your sister will take my job away from me and make me penniless and make me beg on the New York streets." Quency said with a chuckle and Samantha laughed.

"Come on, she wouldn't do that," Samantha said.

"Of course, she can. She is a freaking A-lister of Hollywood. She can do anything." Quency said and Samantha laughed again.

"Okay, now. I will go and get ready for the party." Samantha said and Quency nodded.

"And Come to the penthouse after setting the desk. You are coming with me to the party." Samantha said.

"Why me?" Quency asked.

"Of course, I don't want to go alone," Samantha said and Quency rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes in front of your Chairman, Young lady," Samantha said with a fake strict voice.

"Yeah, Yeah," Quency said and again rolled her eyes.

"You..." Samantha said.

"Sorry, sorry..." Quency said and they both laughed.

"Okay, now. I'm going, Come soon." Samantha said and Quency nodded her head and Samantha walked out of the office and got into the private elevator and reached the penthouse and directly went to her room to get ready for the party.